Chen Le's panic expression let ye Wutian not from the heart a tight, should not be what happened?

"The whole Shankou Gang is looking for the young master's friend." Chen Le said very vaguely that Xueying was ye Wutian's friend.

Ye Wutian did not have the heart to care for so many, "what reason?"

"It is said that the second leader of Shankou sect died in the hands of your friend."

Ye Wutian pours a breath of cool air, darling, this strange is hurt so heavily, so it is.

Ye Wutian is very clear about what kind of gang Shankou Gang is, and I'm afraid very few people don't know the existence of this gang. It's definitely an old sect at the palace level, which can't be ignored.

After hanging up the phone, ye Wutian suddenly realizes that he saved an explosive, which may explode at any time.

Looking at the blood cherry's eyes a bit more complex look, now pour out a problem for him, how should he do? With the strength of Shankou Gang, sooner or later, they will come to our door.

Ye wudian doesn't want to provoke such a gang. It's no exaggeration to say that it's more troublesome and paralytic to provoke such a gang than to provoke the whole state of H. how could this happen?

They are gangsters, but ye Wutian dares to provoke the Tenglong Gang, and he doesn't want to provoke any Shankou gang. Yang langzi's Tenglong Gang is also a powerful Gang, but he still has a lot of scruples. After all, the Yang family still has to survive, but the Shankou Gang is not the same. They all rely on the underworld to achieve their goals by all means. As long as there is a need, they even dare to nuclear or bomb them.

In a short time, ye wudian thought a lot. With his own strength, he was not afraid of being revenged. But he was afraid that Cheng Kexin had something to do with them. Shankou Gang's style of doing things was beyond defense. Ye wudian didn't want to cause trouble. He just wanted to make a big fortune in a dull voice. He only wanted to make a little money and live a happy life with several confidants.

"Are you hurt by the people of Shankou Gang?" Ye Wutian stares at the blood cherry, thinking whether he should hand over this woman? As long as you hand her over, nothing will happen.

Blood cherry one hand to block the chest, one hand to block the mysterious place between the legs, "are you afraid?"

This sentence let ye Wuwu fight all over the weather, "afraid? Of course I'm afraid. Shouldn't I be afraid of such a gang? "

"It's not your style."

Ye wutianle: "what style do you think I am? In your heart, should I be the kind of Lord who is not afraid of heaven and earth? "

Blood cherry did not speak, seems to default ye Wutian's words.

"Even if you guess right, I don't always do that. Not everyone is worth my life. Do you understand what I mean?"

Blood cherry and silence again, so take an eye to look at ye Wutian.

Ye wudian is not surprised by the woman's character. He puts out two fingers and shakes in front of Xueying: "you have two ways to go now. One is to refuse my help, and then you go out from here. The other is that you accept my help, but after this, you have to be my bodyguard and always be loyal to me."

No matter when, ye Wutian does not forget his wish and wants Xueying to be his bodyguard.

Blood cherry seems to have some ridicule and sneer, perhaps she thinks ye Wutian is in the lion's mouth.

"Don't blame me for being unreasonable. I can give you a minute to think about it."

After saying the words, ye Wutian stops and looks at Xueying quietly, and Xueying also looks at ye Wutian. They both stare at each other with big eyes and little eyes, and no one has the meaning to speak.

"Ten seconds to go." Ye wudian, who has been paying attention to time, reminds us. "I owe you the last time, but today, I saved your life, so we're clear. We don't owe each other. Don't think I owe you."

"Clothes." Blood cherry finally open her mouth, but not to the leaf Wutian yield, just want a suit of clothes.

Ye Wutian is crazy, "what clothes? Do I owe you? Just now I said, I don't owe you anything. Don't think of yourself as a creditor. If you want clothes, you can get them yourself

"Eight squares." Blood Ying Nu scolds a way, look like angry not light.

Wu Tian classmate Old God sat there and muttered to himself, "don't blame me for not reminding you. If you go out in your present situation, you will die."

Can the blood cherry wound like this, the other side certainly is not weak.

Xueying gritted her teeth and stood up. Her cold eyes shot out a trace of determination. No matter how strong and hard she was, she couldn't deny that she was seriously injured and almost stood unsteadily. In her current state, let alone dealing with experts, I'm afraid even an ordinary person can't cope with it.

After a few falter, blood cherry finally can't help but fall.

Ye Wutian still sits still, and doesn't intend to help Xueying get up. In this guy's words, it's a pleasant thing to watch a naked beauty perform in front of his eyes.

"Hehe, Xueying, you have such a big figure." Ye Wutian can see that his saliva is about to flow out. Xueying's fall naturally makes his hands unable to take into account the important parts, which makes Wu Tian's classmates feast their eyes.

The chest of blood cherry is not big, but it is very round, especially the two small cherry and peach on the top of jade peak.Feeling ye Wutian's aggressive eyes, Xueying turns her head slightly. When she subconsciously wants to grab the sword, she just remembers that the samurai sword is in ye Wutian's hand.

Ye wudian is still looking at Xueying's wonderful figure with no scruples. For a while, he looks up and down. Among them, he pays more attention to Xueying, the mysterious place with only a few wisps of fragrant grass. The sensual stimulation can't be described by words. One word, cool!

The last time I had her, I was totally in a state of confusion. If I could be with her when I was awake, I would dream and laugh in the middle of the night.

Of course, on the blood Sakura now this appearance, he really can't under the hand, the whole body is injured, which man can under the hand? At most, I can only appreciate it closely.

While appreciating the blood cherry, ye wudian finds that he is getting worse, becoming more and more evil, becoming more and more shameless. How can this happen?

After thinking for a long time, ye wudian suddenly thought that maybe he was still a dandy in his own bones.

Fall of the blood cherry also want to struggle up, it seems not intended to ask ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian casually threw the samurai knife toward the blood cherry, "go, go now."

Suddenly, the samurai clenched the sword, and the samurai grabbed the sword, and then he stood up.

The leaf Wu Tian on the sofa is very scared. Fortunately, he has been on guard for a long time. Without waiting for the blood cherry to kill him, he successfully avoids it and grabs the sword. "Are you crazy?"

Xueying falls on the sofa and stares at ye Wutian.

"Stare at me again, and be careful that my overlord will bend his bow." I don't understand why I can't be a bodyguard? Why refuse? You can't find a good boss like me with a lantern on. "

Xueying gets up and wants to go.

Looking at Xueying's sexy, pink and tender buttocks, as well as the small waist that Yingying holds, ye Wutian suddenly asks: "there is a question I always want to know, is Ninja not afraid of death? Why did you run? As far as I know, as a ninja, I've never been a deserter. "

Blood cherry suddenly stopped, but did not look back: "I can die, but not now."

Ye Wutian listens to a Leng, don't quite understand the meaning of this word of blood cherry.

Xueying doesn't care whether ye Wutian can understand it or not, and is ready to leave again. She doesn't even want a samurai sword.

Leaf Wu weather is very bad, toward the blood cherry's back roar: "you would rather die than be my bodyguard?"

When Xueying didn't hear, she continued to bite her teeth and walk away.

Ye Wutian is more and more angry. In broad daylight, does she want to go out naked like this? She's not afraid to be naked? Not afraid to make jokes?

Blood cherry from the basement door closer and closer, but she still did not mean to stop, and has reached out to leave, let ye Wutian uncertain.

"You will die if you go out like this." Ye Wutian is another sentence, until now he has not given up, hope Xueying can change his mind.

Unfortunately, ye Wutian is wrong, and the mistake is outrageous. Xueying doesn't mean to change her mind at all. She has reached out to pull the door handle.

Wu Tian's classmate is completely disappointed. In this second, he finally knows that his tactics are useless.

Seeing that Xueying is about to leave the basement, ye wudian, who wants to be more angry, can't calm down any more. He rushes up and grabs Xueying's hand and pulls it hard.

Unprepared blood cherry, the whole person bumps into ye Wutian's arms.

"Stinky woman, rotten woman, bad woman." Ye Wutian scolded, even if it was like this, he still did not vent his anger, he scolded at the same time, he also used his hand to beat the pink buttocks of blood cherry.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

The angry Wu Tian classmate took more than ten times to stop.

Unable to play the blood cherry can only let ye Wutian hit her pink buttocks, at this moment, Xueying all over the body shot a murderous gas, no doubt, she wanted to kill ye Wutian.

"You've been beaten red by me." After beating the pink buttocks of Xueying, a certain sex wolf touched with his hand again, "does it hurt? Will you die if you bow to me? How about being my bodyguard? Will you lose a piece of meat? "

Ye Wutian scolded and thought, really slippery! What a fuckin 'skate! He couldn't even let go.

Obviously, she is a killer. How does she maintain it? a born beauty! After thinking about it, ye Wutian only wants to do so.

Although I don't want to put down the blood cherry, but I have to put it down again. If I touch it like this, the essence of the sex wolf is too obvious.

Put down the blood cherry, ye Wutian dare not look, he already felt the nose began to heat, know that is about to shed nosebleed prelude, "stay well, you are now like this, want to go out to die?"

"I won't be your bodyguard." Blood cherry coldly returned a sentence.

This will leave no weather half dead, this woman, is to eat him?

If two people did not have a relationship before, ye Wutian will certainly let Xueying leave, but now, he really can't do it. The most important thing is that he feels that Xueying has changed. Although he is still cold, he is no longer the former Xueying. This is the reason why ye Wutian makes up his mind.Gnashing teeth of the stare blood cherry one eye: "remember, you owe me a life."

Xueying did not speak, but turned her head to one side.

Ye Wutian is too lazy to pay attention to this rotten woman. He takes out the phone and calls Zheng Zhongren, "director Zheng, do you have time today? I'd like to invite you to dinner. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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