Receive ye Wutian's call, Zheng Zhongren is full of fog. When is this boy so good to talk? Invite him to dinner? It's not normal in any way.

Although he was puzzled, Zheng Zhongren decided to answer the appointment. He wanted to see what the boy was playing.

Invite him to dinner? This is the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair.

When Zheng Zhongren came to the designated private room, he saw ye Wutian already sitting there, and there was no one else. He was alone. The more so, the more Zheng Zhongren thought ye Wutian had something to ask him, but he racked his brains and couldn't figure out what ye Wutian would ask him. This little boy is a prick. How can he be willing to ask for help?

"Director Zheng, what kind of eyes are you looking at? Yes? Doubt me Ye Wutian stands up with a smile, and then under Zheng Zhongren's doubt, he personally pours a cup of tea for Zheng Zhongren.

The more so, the more wrong Zheng Zhongren felt.

"What's the wind today?" Some flattered Zheng Zhongren sat down nervously. What did he say? It is not a good thing to pay attention to nothing. He is clear about ye Wutian's character, but he is a master who doesn't get up early without profit.

leaves a long face, and naturally knows what Zheng Zhongren means. But no wonder his purpose is too obvious today.

"There is no wind at all. I just want to invite director Zheng to have a meal. It's nothing else."

"Really?" Zheng Zhongren didn't believe it.

"If it's fake, it will be changed."

Zheng Zhongren ha ha ha a smile: "have your elder brother this sentence I am at ease."

"In fact, there are some small things that need to be bothered by director Zheng." Ye Wutian suddenly changes the topic.

Zheng Zhongren, who had just picked up chopsticks, was stunned and asked, "brother, are you not authentic?"

"Don't worry, director Zheng. It's not too late to make a decision after listening to my words."

Zheng Zhongren thought for a moment, "OK, you say it first. Anyway, I've already ordered this meal. It's not delicious."

"You must be familiar with Shankou Gang, director Zheng?" After clear thinking, ye Wutian said.

"Shankou Gang?" Zheng Zhongren's face coagulated: "do you have anything to do with them?"

"How could it be? I don't care about gangs. If I want to mix up, I will never put Shankou gang in the eye. "

Ye Wutian's words let Zheng Zhongren feel relieved for no reason. If he doesn't doubt ye Wutian, if he really wants to start a gang, he can really make a super big gang.

"Which one are you singing today, brother? Don't scare me. I can't stand it. "

Ye Wutian couldn't help crying and laughing: "well, you're also national security, right? How can you be so timid? "

Zheng Zhongren's old face is red. "It depends on who else. I'm not afraid of it, but you are different, my brother. I'm afraid." Finally, Zheng Zhongren added in his heart that this guy is a disaster no matter where he goes. He can't afford to be a disaster star.

"Let's get down to business. As far as I'm concerned, the Shankou gang has come to Dongcheng."

"Sure?" Zheng Zhongren is shocked. Ye wudian's words really frighten him. People from Shankou sect come to Dongcheng, but he doesn't know.

"Do I make fun of such things?"

Zheng Zhongren looked very serious: "I will investigate this matter."

"Then I'll wait for the good news from director Zheng."

After surprise, Zheng Zhongren suddenly thought, how can ye Wutian care about this kind of thing? Did he have a problem with Shankou Gang?

"I don't have a festival with the Shankou Gang, but my friend has a little bit of a festival with the Shankou gang."

Zheng Zhongren finally understood why ye Wutian invited him to dinner. Is that the real reason? However, he really wants to know who ye Wutian's friend is, which is worth his doing.

"Ha ha, brother, this is your fault. It is clearly your problem, but I want us to help you clean up the mess." After finding out the reason, Zheng Zhongren was in a good mood.

Ye Wutian said with a smile: "what? Are you not responsible for national security? Even if I don't say anything about it, it's also your responsibility. You should know what kind of organization Shankou Gang is. I'm telling you now, so that you can prevent it in advance. In case something happens to them, you can bear the responsibility in the end? "

Zheng Zhongren is speechless. Obviously, he wants ye Wutian to help Guoan. But when he says that, how can it look like Guoan's wrong?

In general, he doesn't know what kind of trouble he organizes in Shankou.

"OK, I've said that. As for how to do it, it's up to Director Zheng."

Zheng Zhongren was so angry that he wanted to slap himself. He was stupid. He wanted to take this opportunity to strike ye wudian. At least, he had to let the boy come out to support national security.

"Don't you worry, brother?" Zheng Zhongren, a reluctant man, asked.

Ye Wutian asked: "why should I be anxious? What should be anxious is your national security. Why should I be anxious? "

"Your friend's safety."

"Of course, I'm worried about my friend's safety, but if I want to hide her, I promise you won't find her for a while. I don't worry about anything else. The only worry is that if Shankou gang can't find my friend, they will vent on the people of Dongcheng. Director Zheng, what will happen when you say that?"Zheng Zhongren heard that his forehead was sweating, which he had never thought of.

"You should know that I have a military background, and I have a good relationship with the Ning family. If I send my friend to the barracks, the Shankou gang will drag them again and dare not break into the barracks?"

Zheng Zhongren was about to cry. At this moment, he finally understood that he had been eaten to death by Ye Wutian and had no resistance.

This is a very happy thing, rare ye Wutian invited him to dinner, but now it is like chewing wax!

Ye Wutian smiles in his heart. Zheng Zhongren's wishful thinking makes him guess some. Unfortunately, the opponent he meets is not ordinary people.

After a hasty meal, Zheng Zhongren left in a hurry.

Ye Wutian returns to the villa with a suit of clothes and lunch box.

As soon as she entered the basement, Xueying's samurai sword stabbed at her, which made ye Wutian very helpless. This woman still wanted to kill him all day long. I'm afraid the most heartless person in the world belongs to her.

Ye Wutian avoids the blade, "next time you want to kill me, be more ruthless."

Blood cherry didn't attack again, just staring at ye Wutian: "why help me?"

"I want to impress you." Said, leaf Wu Tian will pass the bag in the past, "put it on."

Xueying hesitated for a while and took the bag coldly: "Ninja will not have friends."

"Hehe, your words may be reasonable, but from the moment you know me, you are no longer a qualified ninja."

"Put it on. Don't let my nose bleed."

Xueying opens one of the bags, takes out her clothes and finds that there are even underwear in it. But when she sees the underwear, she can't help being stunned because the size of the underwear is too large for her.

"You'll use it." Ye Wutian finished and stopped looking at Xueying. He was afraid that he would not be able to control her on the ground. He didn't do less things like animals and animals, and he felt good.

Xueying didn't think much about it. She saw another set of underwear with small size in the bag, so she put on her clothes in front of Ye Wutian, and didn't treat ye Wutian as a man at all.

"You can stay here for a few days. I have arranged someone to deal with the Shankou gang."

Xueying didn't speak. She opened the lunch box and ate with her head bowed. However, she could not be calm on the surface. She didn't know when it had become like this. There was a wave in her calm and cold heart.

This man is right. Maybe she is not a qualified ninja!

Ye Wutian didn't stay much, and didn't wait for Xueying to finish his meal, so he turned to leave. It was not the time to flirt.

Just out of the villa door, Zheng Zhongren's phone came, his tone was not good, and he asked, "brother, you are really not authentic enough. Is that Ninja your friend?"

Ye Wutian smiles and estimates that Zheng Zhongren already knows the whole thing.

"Not before, but now."

Zheng Zhongren's heart sank: "so you are going to help her?"

"Yes, I will help her."

"Brother, you are playing with fire." Zheng Zhongren hoped ye Wutian would change his mind. When he learned that ye Wutian was trying to help a ninja, and he was extremely tolerant, his scalp began to tingle. He was an absolute master.

"Playing with fire? Maybe, anyway, I won't change my mind. Director Zheng, do you want to take my friend away? "

Zheng Zhongren on the other side of the phone didn't speak. He hung up the phone directly. He was so angry that he didn't care about his demeanor. What demeanor did he talk about at this time?

Ye Wutian doesn't care about Zheng Zhongren hanging up on his phone. Since Guoan knows about this, he will certainly not sit back and ignore it. After all, Shankou Gang is not a vegetarian. It will be a disaster to let those people stay in Dongcheng sooner or later.

Put up the phone ye Wutian once again realized that his strength is not strong enough, he still lacks a master to help him, this time, he thought of Chen Yang.

He has money and status, but he still lacks strength. The strength of Ye Jiajun is far from strong enough. Otherwise, how can we seek national security? You can fix it by yourself.

When this matter is over, we have to talk to the top. We must get Chen Yang here. Even if he suffers from some losses, he must do it.

The phone in his pocket rang again, but this time it was Chen Le who called. As soon as the phone was connected, Chen Le said in a hurry: "young master, the news is leaking. Someone has attacked us."

Ye Wutian listened to the scalp are hard up, the most worried thing finally happened, "how is the situation?"

"I've been hurt a little. Wu Dong is seriously injured. Your friend is missing." Chen Le reports as fast as possible.

"You guys are going to the hospital right now. I'll be right there."

Chen Le Liansheng should be. Then he took Chen le and them to the fastest hospital. Ye Wutian was not idle. He drove to meet Chen Le at the fastest speed. Chen Le's serious injury indicated that Wu Dong and his wife must have been seriously injured. This is what he was worried about.

For the blood cherry's whereabouts, ye Wutian has not taken care of so much for the time being. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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