"Uncle and aunt, I'm sorry." Facing two old people, ye Wutian doesn't know what to do and how to comfort him. He feels very guilty in his heart. Can he use a few words to comfort him? I'm afraid it's no use comforting at this time.

"Boy, it's not your fault. You don't want it to happen." Wu Dong's mother held ye Wutian's hand tightly, and she was full of tears.

In fact, ye wudian hopes that the two old people can scold him a few words, so that he will not be so miserable. Now, instead of scolding him, the two old people turn their heads to comfort him. What's the matter?

"We often hear Xiao Dong talk about you and say that you are a good boss who treats them well and gives them a high salary." Wu Fu said.

Ye wudian even dare not look at the two old people. He turns to Chen le and asks with his eyes, are these two really Wu Dong's family members?

Chen Le nodded slightly.

"Uncle and aunt, from now on, I will be your son." Chen Le stepped forward and said to the two old men.

The two old men were sobbing and looking forward to their son's growing up. However, they could not accept such a result.

"Husband, I will certainly give birth to the baby, you can rest assured, I will certainly bring up the baby, tell him, he has a great father." Wu Dong's fiancee, Liu Tengfeng, is Wu Dong's junior high school classmate. They had to go through hardships to get together, but now they are separated by Yin and Yang.

"When the child is born, I will be his godfather." Ye Wutian looks at Liu Tengfeng.

Chen Le beside him was overjoyed, "sister, this is good for children."

Liu Tengfeng is not stupid. Naturally, he knows that this is good for his children. As a godfather, he must not worry about his children's future.

"Thank you." Liu Tengfeng is very grateful to ye Wutian. She can't tell what kind of mood it is. She is grateful, complaining and contradictory. On the one hand, Wu Dong can get such a high salary because of Ye Wutian. On the other hand, Wu Dong died because of Ye Wutian. Therefore, she doesn't know how to comment on it I don't even know how to face this man.

Hearing that Liu Tengfeng was going to give birth to the baby, the two old men both breathed a sigh of relief. At least that would keep Wu Dong's pulse.

"Dead girl, you are here. Go back with me immediately." At this time, several people came to this side, among which the most advanced middle-aged women were not there, and they were very fierce.

Scolding let Liu Tengfeng turn around. When she found someone coming, her face changed. "Mom and Dad, what are you doing here?"

"In laws." Wu's mother exclaimed, almost flattering. His son was no longer there, and did not dare to do anything to each other.

"Stop, who is your in law? We are not your own family, who admitted it? " The middle-aged woman is Liu Tengfeng's mother, Wang XianMei. "We were not in laws before, and it will be even more impossible in the future. Now that your son has died, it means that we have no predestination to be in laws."

Ye Wutian and others all frowned tightly at hearing Wang XianMei's words.

Wu's mother was refuted and speechless. She could not blame anyone else for it. She could only stand by and wipe her tears.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Liu Tengfeng hastened to pull her mother apart and didn't want her to talk again.

"You dead girl, am I wrong? I've been against it from the beginning. Where is that poor boy worthy of you? Now it's better to be poor. He's still dead. Don't you wake up? " Wang XianMei continued to play her acerbity.

Chen le and others couldn't listen and wanted to retort, but they were stopped by Ye Wu Tian with her eyes. This woman is Liu Tengfeng's mother no matter how bad she is. If she doesn't look at the Buddhist face, ye wudian doesn't want to make a big deal of things. Otherwise, Liu Tengfeng is the most miserable.

Wu Fu's second elder brother couldn't help shaking. In their hearts, their son is always the best. No one can say that about their son.

"Xiaofeng, you can go back with us. Your mother is also for you." On this matter, Liu Shimin is on the side of his wife, even before, but now Wu Dong is no longer there, he naturally does not want his daughter to be silly.

Liu Tengfeng shook her head firmly: "Dad, I will not change my mind. I am a member of the Wu family in my life and my death is the ghost of the Wu family."

Liu Shimin is surprised. His daughter's attitude makes him a little surprised.

"People are dead, what else do you expect? Are you trying to piss me off with your dad Wang XianMei said and reached out to pull her daughter: "I'll take you to the hospital and leave the child behind."

"No Wu's mother was in a hurry and stopped Wang XianMei. "You can't do this in law."

Wang XianMei asked coldly, "why can't I do this? You tell me why I can't do this. Your son is dead. Do you want my daughter to be single for your son all his life? She's young. You can't do that. "

Wu's mother and his wife were silent. Yes, they had no right to do so. Liu Tengfeng was still young.

"Mom, it's about to give birth. Can we still induce labor now? You're a woman, too. " Liu Tengfeng said.

Wu's mother was the first to react. As long as the child was born, she could only take one step at a time."Auntie, if you have something to say, anger can't solve the problem, and it's not suitable to say these things at this time of day. Do you think we can discuss these problems in two days?" Cheng Kexin asked.

"What's wrong with it?" Wang XianMei asked: "nothing is not suitable. This kind of thing must be cut off quickly. In this way, the child can be born. However, after the child is born, it has nothing to do with my daughter and must be raised by you. In addition, you Wu family must take a sum of money to give my daughter as spiritual loss fee. I don't want more than 500000 yuan."

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Liu Tengfeng was impatient and greedy. She turned to Wu's father and said, "parents, don't worry about it. I won't ask for money. I won't ask for any money."

Wang XianMei was so angry that she slapped her hands. The disobedient daughter was always angry with her, "you dead girl, what am I doing this for? Not for you? "

Cheng Kexin quickly helped Liu Tengfeng, for fear that the other side would suddenly fall.

"We don't have that much money." Wu Fu is a real man. His son's salary was quite a lot, but most of it was used to improve the situation of his family. He also bought a car for Liu Tengfeng. His son worked hard, but he didn't want the Liu family to look down on him.

"No money? It can't be true? Will your family have no money? Who believes you'll have no money when you change houses and buy cars

Hearing this, ye wudian couldn't listen any more. He didn't want to embarrass the two old people. Originally, ye wudian thought that this was just their family affair. He didn't show up very well. He could even understand Wang XianMei's anger. His parents wanted her to vent his anger and let her scold a few words. It's nothing. He thought that she would be restrained after scolding, but the more he scolded, the more excessive he was It's also very offensive.

"Teng Feng, what do you think?" Ye Wutian asked. He only cared about Liu Tengfeng's ideas. As for her family, she directly regarded it as transparent.

"I have to give birth to my child, and the child's only family name is Wu."

Ye wudian nodded happily, and Liu Tengfeng's ability to do this was very remarkable and great.

After getting Liu Tengfeng's answer, ye Wutian looks at Liu Shimin and his wife again, "uncle and aunt, Wu Dong is my brother. Now he is not here. I can decide his affairs. What do you want?"

Before Liu Shimin had time to speak, Wang XianMei could not wait to say: "500000, spiritual loss."

"Yes." Ye Wutian agreed.

Wang XianMei was stunned by Ye Wutian's frankness, and agreed so soon? Isn't it a lie? Or do you want to talk less? If she had known that, she would have asked for a million, no, three million.

"It's cheap. You've done so much harm to my daughter. If you want her to be an unmarried mother, my daughter is not wanted by nobody. Tell you, some big man wants my daughter to be his daughter-in-law. What do you say if this happens?"

Ye Wutian couldn't listen to it, and asked faintly, "are there any other requirements?"

Wang XianMei was dumb again, thinking whether she should increase the price and directly put forward three million compensation.

Ye Wutian didn't speak, just looked at each other quietly.

"Three Three million. " After the battle between heaven and man, Wang XianMei finally made a request.

"No way." Wu Fu took a cool breath, three million? He couldn't even make up the money when he sold the house.

“…… That minus It's OK to reduce it a little. 2.9 million. This is the bottom line. You may not know that the childe of a senior official in the county likes my daughter. Now that you make me like this, my daughter's future is all gone. More than two million yuan is a bargain for you. "

"Yes, it doesn't have to be reduced. It's three million." Ye Wutian is another sentence.

Now, Wang XianMei thought she had heard the wrong thing. According to her intention, she offered a price of 3 million yuan. Even if both sides negotiated, there would still be 2 million yuan. However, ye Wutian agreed so happily.

"You You're not lying to me, are you? " Wang XianMei couldn't believe it, nor could Liu Shimin.

Ye Wutian extends his hand to Cheng Kexin. Cheng Kexin, who is extremely clever, immediately understands it and immediately issues a check of three million yuan. Ye Wutian takes the check and hands it to Wang XianMei.

When she saw the large string of zeros on the check, Wang XianMei's heart almost stopped. If it was three million, these were rich people. Now, with this three million check in her hand, Wang XianMei was happy, but she regretted it. She had known that she had just written five million yuan. If the opposite side had so much money, she would have given it?

Now she wants to go back on her regret and increase her price. No matter how thick she is, she can't muster the courage.

"You've got the check. I hope you don't bother the Wu family about it in the future." Ye Wutian's voice is as cold as ice. Today, he is in a bad mood, but he has been pressing his anger in his heart.

"After the baby was born, my daughter was free again, and she would not be in charge of the child's affairs."

Ye Wutian thought for a while and said, "then we will respect Tengfeng's decision."

"Brother, we don't have that much money." Wu Fu said to ye Wutian, how can he do with so much money?

At this time, Cheng Kexin issued another check and handed it to ye Wutian. Ye wudian looked at the amount on the check and handed it to Wu Fu.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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