"Uncle and aunt, you should take the money, which is also the settlement fee given to you by our company. Although Wu Dong is not here, we will not forget him." Hand over the check ye Wutian said.

Wu Fu didn't dare to accept the check. He had already given three million Wang XianMei, which made him nervous.

"Uncle, you can go on. It's the young master's wish." Chen Le comforted.

Chen Le had been to Wu Dong's house before, so the two old men were most familiar with Chen le. Seeing that he said the same thing, Wu Fu took the check with shaking hands.

Wang XianMei, standing next to her, was envious in her heart! I wish I could take that check for myself.

Several times, I want to look at the amount on the check and think about the amount on the check. Is it three million?

Wang XianMei knew that she had come to the right place today. If she did not come, she would certainly not get the three million yuan. Now that she has the three million yuan, her anger in her heart will be relieved. Even if her daughter has a loss, it is enough to have the three million yuan as compensation.

After listening to Chen Le's advice, Wu's father took the check, but Wu's mother said, "two million? It's too much. We can't take it. "

"What two million? It's 20 million. " Wu Fu reminded.

Wu's father's words startled Wu's mother and quickly counted the zeros at the back of the check again. Sure enough, when she finished counting the strings of zeros at the back, she knew that she was really wrong. It was 20 million yuan.

Twenty million, a thin check, but Wu's father and two old men almost couldn't catch it. They felt as heavy as ten thousand catties.

When she heard that it was 20 million yuan, Wang XianMei was suddenly excited. She rushed to Wu's father and grabbed the check. She looked at it carefully and looked at it for a long time. Shocked, she finally confirmed that she had heard it correctly. The check was indeed 20 million yuan.

At this moment, Wang XianMei couldn't even tell herself what kind of mood she was. What she wanted most was not to take the check as her own, but to slap herself to wake up why she had been able to get more, but she didn't dare to speak.

Three million, three million without any reason, is too much, but compared with the two thousand, there is no way to compare the two.

Wang XianMei's anger and resentment disappeared when she just got three million yuan. She realized that her daughter's loss was inevitable. However, with the compensation of three million yuan, the loss was worth the loss. However, ye Wutian was so generous with the Wu family that she began to feel unbalanced again. Why? Why is it so unfair? Her daughter lost so much for the Wu family. Why can't ye Wutian level two bowls of water?

It is only fair to give 20 million to the Wu family and at least 18 million to the Liu family.

Wang XianMei was sour in her heart, and reluctantly returned the check to Wu Fu. She said by the way, "take care of it. Don't disappear. This is 20 million yuan."

"We can't take the money." Wu Fu said that he would return the check to ye Wutian. Such a large amount of money frightened them. They had never seen so much money in their life, and even had not written such a large number.

"Uncle, you must take this money. You deserve it. You have worked hard all your life. Take this money and enjoy your life. Don't save it. You don't have to worry about the future of your child. All his expenses are paid by the company. We will give him the best education and train him to become a useful man." In order to reduce the guilt in his heart, ye Wutian can do so much, at this time he can only use money to make up.

"But we can't spend so much money." Given such a large sum of money, they may not be able to sleep because they are worried about this and that.

"Uncle, take it." Chen Le also advised that with the 20 million yuan, the two old people would not have to worry about their future life.

"Chen Le, I'll leave it to you. Take them to cash the check."

Chen Le nodded: "yes, young master, I know."

"Teng Feng, you don't have any psychological burden. You can give birth to the child at ease." Ye Wutian is most afraid that Liu Tengfeng is too sad to move the fetal gas.

"Thank you, brother Ye." To say that she was still angry with ye Wutian just now, she has disappeared completely and can't get angry any more. "The child has no father. I can't let him not even have a mother. I know that you are worried about Wu Dong's restlessness. He has done so many things for him. It is his blessing that he can know you brothers and follow such a boss. Today, I say in front of everyone that before the child is 18, I will no longer consider my own affairs. I will not marry or have a boyfriend, but concentrate on raising him Children. "

Ye wudian nodded happily, as if pleased with Liu Tengfeng's decision.

Cheng Kexin and several other women were deeply moved. In this era, it is not easy for Liu Tengfeng to make such a decision. Even if she is selfish, it is not easy. How many 18 years does a woman have?

Wang XianMei was anxious on the spot and was about to scold her daughter. However, when the words came to her mouth, she suddenly got a flash of light, and she swallowed the words back. This is good. As long as the daughter does this, ye Wutian can't ignore her daughter. In other words, the Liu family will also benefit from it. If you don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, the Liu family will surely gain a lot in the future, which is precisely because of this To let her swallow all the words to her mouth."You don't have to decide in a hurry. You still have to give birth to the baby. As for your business, you can think about it. Eighteen years is not short." Ye wudian does not dare to ask too much for such a thing. No matter what kind of choice Liu Tengfeng finally makes, he will respect her choice.

"I've decided." Liu Tengfeng said.

"Girl, mother supports you." Wang XianMei, who broke the wasteland, didn't object. She was quite different. She should be the one who opposes the most fiercely. Now, instead of opposing, she supports it.

Liu Shimin wanted to speak several times. However, he received a warning from his wife's eyes. He did not speak, which was tantamount to acquiescence.

"In law, Tengfeng has paid a lot for your son. I hope you can love her a little and treat her as your own daughter."

Wu Dong's parents were so stupid that they didn't know how to answer. Wang XianMei called them stupid.

Wang XianMei's wishful thinking is very good. She not only wants to make the 20 million yuan idea, but also hopes ye Wutian can give her another sum. Therefore, she has deliberately exaggerated her daughter's suffering and loss, hoping to get more.

However, ye Wutian didn't make any statement, as if he didn't hear, even Wu Fu didn't hear. He just folded the check carefully and put it in his pocket. Wang XianMei was almost mad by this move. Do you want to say something?

"This boss, my daughter needs a lot of money in terms of child care and nutrition..." Wang Xian eyebrow heart a horizontal, since all don't say, then let her to do ugly person, directly make clear the words.

Ye Wutian looked at each other coldly: "do you still want money?"

"Mom, you go back first." After discovering ye Wutian's unhappiness, Liu Tengfeng conjectured that he would take his parents away.

"Boss, I don't mean that. I just want to say it. It takes a lot of money to train a child. Three million is not enough."

How can ye Wutian know Wang XianMei's wishful thinking? Obviously, everyone in the room knew what the woman wanted to do, talking about it, or for money.

"You don't have to worry about it. It won't cost you a cent." Ye Wutian replied coldly: "Chen Le, according to row uncle, they rest." After leaving this sentence, ye Wu Tian turns around and leaves. If it wasn't for Liu Tengfeng's sake, he would really like to slap it. Such a greedy woman is the most disgusting. She is not satisfied with the amount of RMB 3 million from RMB 50 million.

According to the law, the three million leaves of heaven do not need to give Wang XianMei. To give it to her is just to stop her mouth and let her stop harassing Liu Tengfeng. However, he underestimated Wang XianMei's greed.

"Why are you here?" On the bus, ye Wutian finally has a chance to ask Ouyang Xingyue's second daughter.

Two women are involuntarily a red face, both subconsciously avoid Ye Wu Tian's eyes.

Ye Wutian is not stupid. Naturally, he knows why the second daughter will come. At ordinary times, this guy may flirt with each other, but he doesn't really have that idea now.

"I'm gone." Ouyang Xingyue took the lead to get off the bus and went away in his sports car without giving any explanation to ye Wutian.

"What are you looking at me for? People are already your people. Naturally, they will come and let you kiss and touch them. Do you still want to deny it? " Ouyang Xingyue's departure also makes situ Wei bold.

Ye Wutian almost didn't settle down. How could this woman look like a hooligan? Say all the lines that should have been said by a man. What should he say?

"Good brother, my sister has gone too. Before leaving, give my sister a kiss."

Ye Wutian didn't move for half a day, but looked at each other speechless, the goblin!

Situ Wei did not give up, muttered to herself: "stand on you such a man, sister can only admit that bad luck, there are beautiful women to send to you will not take advantage." The coquettish situ Wei said that both hands held ye Wutian's head, and then fiercely kissed.

After the kiss, the female hooligan happily stretched out her pink tongue and licked the sexy red lips. She twisted her waist and left, until her figure disappeared, and no one could respond to her.

For three days in a row, ye Wutian's memorial hall for Wu Dong finally ended. Wu Dong had said goodbye to the world. Wu Dong's parents also sent people back to their hometown. According to ye Wutian's meaning, he wanted to buy a house directly in Dongcheng for them to enjoy their old age. However, they were reluctant to give up their two acres of farmland, so they refused ye Wutian's proposal.

Liu Tengfeng also went back with Wu's father and two old men. Wu Dong was no longer there. She needed to take care of the two old people for her fiance.

After all this, ye wudian sat on his balcony all night. The next morning, after taking a bath, he went to the company with Cheng Kexin. He needed to talk to Chen le and them about some things.

Many people think ye Wutian is cruel and cruel, but he knows that he is not cruel enough, decisive and open-minded. In his heart, he is a kind man.

Next, it's time to avenge Wu Dong!

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