Ye Wutian stands in front of Chen le and others. Up to now, the membership of Ye's family army has grown to 40. There were 41 members in addition to Wudong, but now there are only 40.

At present, some of these people were brought out of the army, and some were veterans. Each of them was good at dealing with ordinary people. However, ye Wutian was not satisfied. What he wanted was not only to deal with ordinary people. If he could, he hoped that everyone here would be able to become a top expert like Chen Yang.

"Today, I'm calling you here. I want to ask you again. After Wu Dong's business, you must know the danger of engaging in your business. I'm calling you here to ask you again. Do you want to change your mind? If you don't want to do this business, you can raise your hand. I agree that you can quit. As compensation, everyone who quits can get 500000 yuan. Of course, if you don't want to leave the company and do not want to do this business, then I can arrange other jobs for you. After all, you are not a soldier now. You should have your own choice. "

After saying the words, ye Wutian looks at everyone quietly, he needs an answer.

No one answered. All the 40 people were silent. Undoubtedly, they could get 500000 yuan if they quit. This money is very attractive.

Ye Wutian saw this and then said, "you don't have to answer me in a hurry. I'll give you three days to think about it."

"Young master, I will not leave." Chen le was the first to say that such a boss would be hard to find a second one. 500000 sounds like a lot, but a man should have a long way to go, and he should not only earn 500000 yuan? To say the least, even if you die, you don't have to worry. Wu Dong is a good example.

Follow ye wudian for a period of time, Chen Le is almost aware of the boss's character, as long as you work for him, he will never treat you badly.

To the enemy, the young master is absolutely cruel, but to treat his own people, that is nothing to say.

"I'm not going either."

With the first one, there will be a second one. As soon as Chen Le's voice falls, someone immediately agrees with him. 500000 yuan, no more or less. With their current salary, they will soon be able to earn it back and leave now? Unless it's stuck in the door.

Putting aside money, ye wudian's behavior also makes these people deeply convinced. Such a good boss is hard to find with a lantern. Who would give up this job for a mere 500000 yuan?

Soon, all 40 people said they would not leave, saying they would be loyal to ye Wutian and Tianxin Hongyan group.

Ye Wutian's heart is a bit excited, and the answers of these people are in his expectation, but also beyond his expectation. According to his imagination, there should be several people leaving.

"Have you thought about it Ye Wutian asked aloud. "It's too late to quit now. I don't want you to regret it."

"Something has to be done, young master. We will not regret it." Chen Le's words represent the voice of everyone.

Ye wudian nodded with satisfaction: "very good, I'm here to show my attitude. As long as you work hard, I won't treat you badly."

Then, ye wudian threw an explosive question, "do you think you are strong enough?"

Dozens of people, including Chen Le, were all asked by Ye Wutian. They didn't quite understand what this question really wanted to ask.

"Answer me, do you think you are strong enough?" Ye Wutian is another sentence.

"Not enough." Chen Le can guess some of them. Why does the young master ask.

Ye Wutian said: "of course, you are not strong enough, and you are far from my imagination."

"We're trying." Forty Ye Jiajun all answered.

"It's no use just relying on your efforts. Next, you have to have a mental preparation. I'll invite some experts back to train you. Wu Dong's story tells us that it's not strong enough. You'll be killed."

"Young master, we are not afraid to bear hardships."

"Does anyone want to quit? If you can stand up now, I can tell you responsibly that the next pain will be hard for you to imagine and bear

"No, we are not soft eggs. We can eat even the most bitter things."

"Very good. I like to hear that. You are all soldiers, and you are all excellent soldiers. I believe you can bear hardships. Remember, it is better to suffer hardships at ordinary times than to lose your life and lose your life. How do you spend your money? How to make a beauty? Do you think so? "


"Wu Dong is our brother and will always be. Although others are not there, his spirit will always be there. We are all sad when this happens. But we can't live in the past forever, believe in Wu Dong's spirit in heaven, and don't want to see us like this. He hopes that we can live better and complete the unfinished things for him."

When Wu Dong was mentioned, the atmosphere suddenly changed, and their faces were sad.

"Young master, when shall we avenge Wu Dong?" Chen Le asked, this question is also what we want to know. If Wu Dong's revenge is not revenged, we can't really let it go."Do you have a clue?"

Chen le and others shake their heads. If they have a clue and tell it in the morning, how can they wait until now?

"Do you have any good comrades in arms who are good at gathering intelligence?" Ye Wutian thought about it and said.

Chen Le's eyes brightened: "young master, do you want to establish an intelligence agency?"

"Well, I have the idea."

Just saying, the phone rang, took out the phone and found that Ouyang Xingyue called, the woman usually had nothing to call him.

"Wu Dong's death is a shadow of the Yang family." On the phone, Ouyang Xingyue said faintly.

Ye Wutian is stunned, Yang family? "Is there any substantial evidence?"

"I found a man."

"I'll be right there." Ye Wutian hastily closed the line, Ouyang Xingyue arrested that person must be a key figure.

"Chen Le, bring some brothers with you." Ye Wu Tian rate goes out first, and behind Chen Le also hastily takes several brothers to follow out.

The car drove very fast, and the Humvee didn't arrive long ago, but his 12 points were probably deducted. This guy was so crazy that he didn't care whether the red light or the green light. He ran straight. It's estimated that in this guy's mind, there is no concept of red light at all.

"Where is the man?" When he saw Ouyang Xingyue, ye Wutian didn't talk nonsense. Wu Dong's death made him suffocate. Now he urgently needed to vent his evil spirit and revenge for Wu Dong.

No wonder the Shankou gang can find Xueying so quickly. No matter how powerful the Shankou Gang is, it is impossible to find Xueying so quickly. Of course, if someone helps, it is not the same.

"Here comes Guoan." Ouyang Xingyue looks at the conference room.

Ye Wutian frowns: Guoan? They are Kwai in hand.

Pushing open the door, as expected, Zheng Zhongren and the deputy director Liu were sitting together. In addition, several young people were standing behind them. Opposite Zheng Zhongren, a middle-aged man was squatting with his hands tied back.

"How many are waiting for me?" Ye wudian glances at the middle-aged man squatting on the ground, reaches out and pulls out a chair to sit down. Zheng Zhongren and they arrive first, but they don't take them away. This shows the problem. They must be waiting for him.

"We need to talk to you, brother." Zheng Zhongren said, "you can rest assured that we have no malice."

"Director Zheng, can you tell me, who told you?"

Zheng Zhongren was stunned, and immediately understood the meaning of Ye Wutian's words: "don't forget my identity."

"Ha ha, yes, you have a strong intelligence network. However, you are not omnipotent." Ye Wutian's expression is disdainful.

"In this case, we hope you will calm down." Zheng Zhongren talks about the topic.

Ye Wutian a smile: "I have been very calm, to be honest, I am here for him today."

Zheng Zhongren glanced at the middle-aged man squatting on the ground: "we want to take this man away."

"Whose man is he?"

"You know?" Zheng Zhongren asked.

"Ye Wutian, this is for you. We will try our best to check the affairs of your subordinates, and we will tell you the results as soon as possible." Liu qiusong's special trip to Dongcheng is just for this. He feels nervous about ye Wutian's abnormality. In other words, he doesn't want ye Wutian to have an accident, and he doesn't want him to cause trouble.

Ye wutianxin sneers, a standard official saying, "director Liu, can your national security be strong enough to know that we have found this person so soon, then, can you be strong enough to catch the murderer immediately?"

"We have told you in advance that you are playing with fire to help that ninja. Yamaguchi is not easy to get into."

"Shankou Gang is not easy to be provoked? Did anyone tell you? I don't want to be offended by Ye Wutian. " Ye Wutian looked at Liu qiusong at ease: "director Liu, please go back and tell those who give you the news. Don't think they are superior. Don't think that it's great for them to set up a gangster. As long as I'm willing, within a month, I can make his gang disappear in this world. Do you believe it?"

Liu qiusong has always disagreed with the above practice. Even if ye Wunai's country is of great use, he can't indulge his freedom like this. Like a spoiled child, such a person will bring disaster to the country sooner or later.

"You should know, brother, that we have no malice." Zheng Zhongren has already found out ye Wutian's temperament, "where is that female ninja?"

"Do you want to catch her

"We need her to help with the investigation."

Ye Wutian shook his head and sighed: "it seems that director Zheng's memory is not very good. I have been there for a long time. She is my friend."

"It's good for you."

Zheng Zhongren is still trying to persuade ye Wutian, but he is mercilessly interrupted.

Ye Wutian pointed to the middle-aged man squatting on the ground and asked Zheng Zhongren, "can I have this man?"


Ye Wutian, who shrugged his shoulders, seems to be expecting such a reply: "I can let you take people away. So, can you let me ask some questions now?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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