Chen Le finally knows why the young master is so calm. He has a long-standing plan. Since he can't get the suspects from Guo'an, he can't let Guoan take people away. This move is a beautiful move. The young master does this to tell the murderers behind the scenes that they don't think it can be useful to find Guo'an, so he doesn't give face.

At this time, Chen Lecai found that it was really cool to work with such a boss.

Looking at the CD that had been prepared for them on the table, Liu qiusong and Liu qiusong couldn't say a word. They were supposed to set up a school to make a crime. However, ye Wutian took an army in turn. There is no doubt that the contents of the CD can not find any trace that can prove ye wutianxia's hand. If we can find it, how can ye Wutian take it out?

"Come with us." The iron faced Liu qiusong insists on bringing ye Wutian back to Guoan. Since ye Wutian doesn't give him face, he doesn't need to give him face.

Ouyang Xingyue beautiful eyes more and more cold: "don't think you are national security can come nonsense."

"Miss Ouyang, you have misunderstood. We are not just asking him to go back to assist in the investigation. We did not regard him as a prisoner." Zheng Zhongren explained.

Ouyang Xingyue turned to the Secretary and said, "inform the lawyer and the media and let them follow up in the whole process."

The Secretary nodded and immediately took out his mobile phone in front of the public, ready to contact the lawyer.

"I'm sorry, it involves state secrets. No irrelevant personnel can be present." Liu qiusong sneers in his heart that Guoan is not a police station, so people can enter at will.

"Ha ha, forget it. If we go on, they can tell us more about their crimes." Ye Wutian interrupted with a smile: "I went with them. The taste of Guoan coffee is still good."

Ouyang Xingyue no longer retorts, "I will follow up this matter."

Zheng Zhongren laughs bitterly. This matter is more and more serious. Ouyang Xingyue is not an ordinary person. Which family has no connections? The matter is too big, I'm afraid it will not end well. Guoan did not find any evidence against ye Wutian. Instead, ye Wutian can prove his innocence.

This is a trap! A trap waiting for them to jump in.

Ye Wutian returns to Guoan with Liu qiusong. This is not the first time he has come here.

"Deputy director Liu, let's start. How do you want to review it? My time is very precious. Every minute is more than ten million. I'm afraid you can't afford this loss. "

Liu qiusong opened his chair and sat down. "OK, let's hurry up and be honest."

Ye Wutian asked, "what do I tell you? What do you want me to tell you? "

"Tell me about your murder."

Ye wudian didn't answer for a long time. After a while, when Liu qiusong was impatient and wanted to get angry, ye wudian suddenly burst out laughing, which was very exaggerated, and made Liu qiusong and Liu qiusong laugh inexplicably.

"It's killing me. Which one of you saw me kill? Or are you so incompetent that you can't find the murderer, so you can take one person out of your anger? "

Liu qiusong's face was livid: "ye Wutian, don't say those useless. Do you think you can prove anything by saying so?"

"Nothing else can be proved, but one thing I can prove is that I am not guilty. I can prove that I am not guilty. Is that not enough?"

"No sin, no sin? It's not what you're talking about

"You said that?" Ye wudian sneered: "Liu qiusong, you may not like to listen to the words, just like you, I really don't like you, even look down on you, a person who can only take us as ordinary people to pinch, do you deserve to be deputy director? Director Zheng is much better than you. He is more suitable for your seat. "

Zheng Zhongren, sitting next to Liu qiusong, is terrified. He dares to say this. Can he say it casually?

"Bang!" Furious Liu qiusong slapped the table fiercely, which made all the articles on the table jump up. You can imagine how powerful his palm is.

Ye Wutian was not frightened, and even didn't mean to shut up. He continued: "isn't it? At the beginning, you were bullied by Yang Longzi. What happened? Don't even dare to fart. I'll help them in the end, but what about me? What do you do to me? I'm not guilty, but I'll be invited here by you, softie. "

"Ye Wutian, if you believe it or not, I can kill you." Liu qiusong is another slap on the table, people also stand up, angry, a pair of eyes stare like dead fish eyes.

"I don't believe it." Ye Wutian is not tight is slow to say: "you really dare to kill me? Can you take it if you kill me? "

Liu qiusong was speechless. He did not dare to kill ye Wutian. It was just a moment of anger.

The last time I was bullied by Yang Lang Zi, it has become a pain in Liu qiusong's heart, and his face was lost by Yang Lang Zi. Although the Yang family came to apologize later, and Yang Longzi poured tea to apologize in person, it was totally different. It was like that you were slapped by others, and then others said sorry to you. Can you get rid of that tone?

Most afraid not to mention this matter, but ye Wutian does not know the phase, without a reason to mention it, but also to call him a soft egg.In the face of such sarcasm, how can Liu qiusong, who is of high position and power, bear it?

Zheng Zhongren couldn't laugh or cry. He repeatedly handed his eyes to ye Wutian to let him relax.

At this time, a member of the national security guard came in and whispered a few words in Zheng Zhongren's ear. Ye Wutian, who had heard a lot of people, could hear it clearly. They had already checked the CD and found no evidence against ye wudian. Moreover, there was no sign that the CD was passive.

After waving his hand to his subordinates, Zheng Zhongren reported the situation to Liu qiusong. However, Liu qiusong became more and more nervous when he listened. Obviously, this result was not what he wanted. Before that, he was still holding a bit of luck, hoping to find the evidence of Ye Wutian's crime.

Ye wudian almost laughs, fool, can find out the evidence, he will also hand in the evidence?

"As I said, I am innocent. People were taken away by you and then died in your hands. No matter what you think, this case has nothing to do with me. I don't understand. How can you suspect me? Where does the evidence come from? What are the reasons for doubt? "

"Ye Wutian, we know that you have some excellent skills. Many times, you don't admit your account until you are honest. This is good for everyone."

Ye Wutian asked, "what do I tell you? What do you want me to tell you? Do you want me to recognize that I am a murderer before you can rest? Do you think I'll admit it? "

"Ye Wutian, I advise you not to be too proud." Liu qiusong's expression some ferocious: "take out the poison on your body."

Ye Wutian is stunned. Liu qiusong's words make him disgusted and dislike this guy more and more.

"What poison?"

"You want us to do it?" Liu qiusong did not answer the question.

"You want this?" Ye Wutian laughs and pulls up his clothes and unties the numerous small bags he tied on his waist.

Liu qiusong's heart is ecstatic, this is the evidence, with these evidence, he is not afraid that ye Wutian will not admit.

"Isn't that enough? This is the best evidence. "

Shrugging his shoulders, ye Wutian said with a smile: "it seems that you have been looking forward to it for a long time. Have you always wanted to take the opportunity to fix me? Today finally gives you a chance. "

Liu Qiusong's old face is red. He really wanted to borrow this thing to deal with Ye Wutian for a long time, but he has been reluctant to start. It's not that he dares not, but that he is afraid of the consequences of the matter, whether he can bear it or not, and finally let him down at last, and finally let him find the opportunity. Even if he asked, he had good reasons.

Ye Wutian raised the corners of his mouth and seemed to know what Liu qiusong was thinking.

After putting the small bag on the table, ye Wutian looked up at Liu qiusong and said, "which is poison?"

"We'll know by laboratory tests." Under Liu qiusong's order, soon some laboratory workers came in and took the bag. Ye wudian did not stop this, but he said, "the total value of my bags is 280 million. You should be careful. I'm afraid you can't afford to pay."

But Liu qiuyin doesn't have a good sense of deception?

After those small bags were taken away, ye wudian sat a little tired and went straight to the sofa to take a nap, without putting Liu qiusong in his eyes at all.

The waiting time is always long. After waiting for nearly an hour, Liu qiusong's people who arranged to go to the laboratory finally came back, but they were all depressed and reported the results to Liu qiusong, who was speechless after hearing the report.

"What happened?" Ye Wutian stretched out comfortably. He had a slight squint just now.

Liu qiusong is very uncomfortable. He feels as if there is something blocking up his throat. He is very uncomfortable. He knows the strangeness of Ye Wutian, but he does not know that ye Wutian is so strange.

"Who can tell me the result?" Ye Wutian and Dao.

Liu qiusong twitched several corners of the mouth: "even if the ingredients can not be tested for the time being, it does not mean that you are not guilty."

"Where are my things?" Ye Wutian answers.

Liu qiusong hesitated for a moment, then aimed his eyes at his subordinates, motioned to give things back to ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian opens the bag to check in public. When he finds the Qingcheng pill, he suddenly looks heavy: "two Qingcheng pills."

Zheng Zhongren finally knew what had happened and immediately asked, "are you sure you have lost two pills?"

"Liu qiusong, you'd better let them hand in those two Qingcheng pills. My patience is very limited." Compared with just now, at this time ye Wutian has more murderous spirit.

"You're bullshit. We didn't take it." Those two laboratory tests were very scared, who did not expect ye Wunai would count in public.

"Did you take it?" Liu qiusong's face was cold and roared.

"No No

"Yes or no?"


Liu qiusong did not ask, but looked back at ye Wutian: "I believe in my people."

Ye Wutian made some black powder foam from one of the bags. "I don't believe it. I believe my treasures more." With that, ye Wutian suddenly opens his mouth and blows to those powder foams, blowing Liu qiusong's two subordinates all over his , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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