Seeing that they were covered with powder foam, the two people were stunned. They stood there, speechless, and even forgot to avoid. Even Liu qiusong and Zheng Zhongren couldn't get back to God. God knows what kind of powder Ye Wutian just blew? What harm does it have to human body?

"Are you crazy?" Zheng Zhongren scolded.

Ye Wutian ignored Zheng Zhongren's anger and said slowly, "I just want to return my Qingcheng pill."

"No one takes your Qingcheng pills." Zheng Zhongren also does not believe that subordinates will take ye Wutian's Qingcheng pills.

"These powders won't kill you, they'll keep you awake, and then you'll wither away like flowers." Ye Wutian said it slowly, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"No, we can't do this to us." The two men panicked. Their legs were weak and they almost didn't fall to the ground.

"Antidote." Liu qiusong thinks that ye Wutian wants nothing to do.

Ye Wutian casually threw the small bag on the table and said, "I want to take the antidote myself."

Now, Liu qiusong is stupid. Let him take it? How can he know which is the antidote? What if you get poison again? These things can't even be tested by laboratory tests. Who can guarantee which is the antidote?

"Once again, the antidote." Liu qiusong does not know from where to take out a gun, the muzzle of the gun is aimed at ye Wutian's forehead.

"Deputy bureau Liu." Zheng Zhongren was shocked and hastened to dissuade him. Ye wudian could not die, especially in their hands.

If ye wudian died here today, none of them could escape. All of them would be expelled. Even that would be light. Worse still, they might go to prison.

Facing the black muzzle, ye wudian not only did not dodge, but also took a step forward, with his forehead to top Liu qiusong's muzzle: "fight here." Finish saying that, leaf Wu Tian unexpectedly closes an eye, a pair of expression waiting for death.

Now, Liu qiusong is in a dilemma. He doesn't know what to do.

"You're not afraid to die?"

The leaf Wu Tian that opens an eye says: "be afraid, but I assure, you are not brave enough to open this gun."

Liu qiusong is almost mad, ye Wutian is determined that he dare not shoot? At this moment, he really wanted to shoot, a shot will ye Wutian's head into rotten watermelon, but the only trace of reason told him, can't do this, in any case can't shoot.

Zheng Zhongren was about to cry. He almost wanted to call ye Wutian his little ancestor. When is it? He also said these words to stimulate deputy bureau Liu? Not afraid that vice Bureau Liu will lose his mind because of anger?

"Itchy, itchy." At this time, one of the young people who was sprayed with powder foam by Ye Wutian said.

Ye Wutian turned his head and sneered: "Oh, I forgot to tell you that it does itch, but you don't have to worry too much. This itch will only last for about a month, and then it will be fine."

"Give me the antidote. Give me the antidote right now." I want to eat a corpse for five days.

Wu Tian's classmate stretched out his hand, the meaning could not be more obvious.

The other party looked at ye Wutian's hand, and seemed to be hesitating.

"There's another thing I haven't told you about. It can make a normal man abnormal." Ye Wutian is another sentence.

Words are not surprising, vow endlessly, ye Wutian this sentence will each other two people scared pale, two people quickly look at one eye, and then quickly leave.

How can you hand over Liu Qiutian's antidote

Ye Wutian didn't answer. He turned to sit on the sofa and looked at Liu qiusong with a smile.

"Why, brother Zheng Zhongren thinks that ye Wutian is a little too much.

"Both of you, I don't want to talk nonsense. I've said everything I have to say."

Zheng Zhongren is trying to persuade ye Wutian to say two more words, but the two subordinates who just left came back again. When they ran to ye Wutian, they stretched out their palms and said, "give us the antidote."

Liu qiusong and Zheng Zhongren's faces are green. They want to find a place to drill in. Just now, they said that they believed their subordinates didn't take it and hit them in the face.

"Pa pa pa." After losing his mind, Liu qiusong finally found an excuse and quickly rushed to the two subordinates, waving his hand in two palms, "you wait to deal with it."

Ye Wutian takes back two Qingcheng pills. This guy even shakes in front of Liu qiusong and says, "you guys, do you see that? I will not be wronged. "

"What, brother, I'm sorry, a misunderstanding." Zheng Zhongren's old face can't be hung up. Doesn't it mean that his leadership is incompetent?

"Give us the antidote." At this moment, the two can't pay attention to any disposal. They first want to keep themselves as men and are attracted to qingchengwan because they both want to please their girlfriends with Qingcheng pills. They didn't expect that ye Wutian would really count these numbers, not to mention that ye Wutian would remember so clearly and remember how many grains there were.

"Can I give them the antidote?" Liu qiusong has already put down his gun. Now he points his gun at others, which is not the reason.Ye Wutian stood up from the sofa, "remember not to make other people's ideas, greedy for a little bit of cheap, is it worth your doing this?"

"When is the antidote?"

"There is no antidote." Ye Wutian shakes his head: "I didn't poison, what antidote should I give?" Said, this guy picked up the bag Yang Yang: "you should not think these are poison?"

Just when people doubt, but see ye Wutian open one of the bags, action very quickly take out some powder to Liu qiusong.

Liu qiusong, who can't dodge, is stupid. What does Ye want to do?

However, not waiting for Liu qiusong to come back, ye wudian starts again. After opening another bag, he takes out some powder foam and gets it on Zheng Zhongren.

"How do you feel? Are these poisons? " Ye Wutian smiles coldly.

"What have you done to us?" Liu qiusong has an impulse to shoot again.

Ye Wutian said: "I just want to prove to you that I don't have any poison on me. Don't think so bad about me. In order to prove myself, I can only take you to do the experiment. You will be the best witness."

Liu qiusong regards ye Wutian's ancestors for 18 generations, paralyzed, and regards them as mice?

"What? No feeling? Is it poison? If it's poison, can you still stand here? "

Zheng Zhongren and Zheng Zhongren couldn't answer. The powder on his body didn't make them feel any discomfort at present.

"Try these two." Ye wudian said and took out another two kinds of powder to sprinkle on Zheng Zhongren. However, Zheng Zhongren and his wife could learn to master this time. They immediately stepped back a few steps.

Ye Wutian sees the situation, smiles and sprinkles the powder foam on his arm, just like wiping cosmetics, the action is very light, very gentle.

Liu qiusong is not sure. Is it really poison?

A few minutes later, no matter ye Wutian or Zheng Zhongren, or Liu qiusong, nothing happened.

Evil gate!

"There are several others. Let's try them all, so that you don't doubt me. I'm going out of my way to show my innocence."

Ye Wutian's words make Liu qiusong and Liu qiusong step back again. They always have a kind of inexplicable fear for ye Wutian's medicinal powder.

"You two, come here." He said that he had stolen the pills from two days ago.

The other side shakes his head to show that he will not pass.

Ye Wutian joked: "do you still want an antidote? Or do you really want to be a eunuch

No doubt, this is very powerful, the two people after a wry smile, they bravely toward ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian showed a smile, very satisfied with the two people's cooperation, when the other side came to the front, he wiped the Chinese medicine powder toward the other side.

"Well, thank you for your cooperation. In terms of your performance, I won't care about the matter just now." Ye wudian clapped his hands and was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

"Brother, these are not poisonous?" Zheng Zhongren asked.

"Director Zheng, are you still standing here?" Ye Wutian asked.

Zheng Zhongren was speechless, but ye wudian's words also let him breathe a sigh of relief, at least that he would not be in danger of his own life.

"If it's not poison, what is it?" Liu qiusong also began to believe that these are not poisons. He saw the scene just now. If it was poison, he would have died.

"I don't have to answer that, do I? Everyone has their own privacy, and I'm no exception. "

"What about our antidote? Can you give it to us? " The two men had been worried that they would become disabled men.

Now you feel no itching

The other two felt it carefully and didn't feel itchy.

"Of course you didn't feel itching, because you were not poisoned at all, and I didn't poison. I just scared you." Ye wudian burst out laughing.

Another half an hour later, Liu qiusong and several people confirmed that they were not different. Finally, they believed that they were not poisoned, and their inner worries just disappeared completely.

Ye wudian buttoned his small bags back to his waist. "A few people, I'm sorry, I really don't have much time to be wasted by you. If there's nothing else, I'll go first. There are a lot of things waiting for me in the company. I'll provide a batch of Qingcheng pills to the military in two days. I have to go back and arrange."

Ye Wutian turns around and walks, regardless of Liu qiusong's reaction.

When he came to the door, ye Wutian stopped, turned around again and went to the two young people. "Take this to please your girlfriend. I'll give it to you, and it's like making a friend."

After receiving the Qingcheng pill from ye Wutian, the other two were ecstatic.

Going out of Guoan, ye wudian raised his mouth slightly, and his heart almost turned over with laughter. Just now he wanted to frighten Liu qiusong and despise Liu qiusong, thinking that he could find poison from him? If he is caught, he is not worthy of the medicine.

The powder in the bag is not poison, but if the two are used together, it will become poison. Unfortunately, Liu qiusong and they don't know.In addition, each kind of powder is also very particular about the time. After a long time, even if several kinds of powder are used together, it will not have any effect. When making these powder, ye Wutian thought that there would be today, so he left a heart on it.

After teasing Liu qiusong several people hard, ye wudian is in a good mood. Today's business is over. Next, it's time to settle accounts with the Yang family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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