Chapter 5: Half-mountain villa? Lian Shan bought it together

“Wei Ziyue!

Chen Xueyao was angry. She was a martial arts master at the peak of dark strength. In the realm of Jincheng, apart from Xiang Wentian, there were really few people who were stronger than her. In the past, she pretended to be an ordinary person, but Wei Ziyue dared to provoke Su Ze. had to start.

“Xue Yao.”

Su Ze patted Chen Xueyao on the shoulder and said lightly: “It’s okay, since he wants to see it, I’ll show him some insight.

After speaking, he turned back to the sales lady and said, “My car is being repaired in the 4S shop, so send a car from your shop.


The sales center sent a car, carrying Su Ze and Chen Xueyao, towards the suburban “Chaoxia Mountain”. The sales lady held a stack of documents, among which there were a lot of information about the “Chaoxia Mountain” mid-level villa. Photo.

“Mr. Su, this mid-level villa was built in 2015

The sales lady, obviously well prepared, smiled and said, “Our company was the first to build a villa on Chaoxia Mountain. After that, many people saw business opportunities and wanted to buy land in Chaoxia Mountain, but it’s a pity that in 2019 June, which is last year

“Chaoxia Mountain is listed as a national scenic spot, so even in the next ten or twenty years, Chaoxia Mountain will only have that villa.

“You can imagine that when you open the door every day, you can see the most beautiful sunrise in Jincheng.

She gushed.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s beautiful or not, Chaoxia Mountain belongs to the country?” Su Ze said lightly, a thought flashed in his mind.

I bought a villa, and I want to move back anyway.

If a villa in the middle of the mountain is moved directly, it will damage the artistic conception. Su Ze plans to move back directly with Chaoxia Mountain.

And in another car…

Wei Ziyue’s face was hideous.

“Oh shit!”

“Chen Xueyao, this little slut, Laozi pursued her for half a year, but she ignored Laozi, and as soon as she changed hands, she followed someone else.

“Wei Shao, don’t you have me?”

The demon-burning woman said Jiao Angrily.


Wei Ziyue slapped him in the face and said coldly, “You? It’s just a bus, Laozi is almost tired of you.”

He gritted his teeth and said, “Also, who is that kid? I’ve been playing in Yanjing for a few years, and the younger generation in Jincheng has such an awesome character? Are you going to buy a mid-level villa in Chaoxia Mountain?”

Jincheng is a small place.

“Wei’s” is the richest man in Jincheng, and all his assets are only one billion.

Directly take out nearly 90 million to buy a villa?

Wei Ziyue himself does not have such a large amount of energy.

Therefore, he didn’t believe that Su Ze would really buy the villa in the middle of the mountain, and if Su Ze refused a little bit later, he would prepare to sneer and humiliate Chen Xueyao by the way!

He drove a BMW and followed behind the special car of the sales department.


The mid-level villa in Chaoxia Mountain has arrived.

Chaoxia Mountain is indeed very beautiful. Although it is early spring, the mountain is already full of greenery, and there are even some tourists. In addition to a rugged trail for mountaineering, there is a wide asphalt road leading directly to the mid-level of Chaoxia Mountain. villa.


“Just this villa.”

Su Ze looked at Chaoxia Mountain and said with a smile: “This mountain is also quite good. I will buy it together when I go down to Lianshan.”

On the side, Wei Ziyue laughed out loud. He was out of breath. After a while, he stopped laughing and said, “Buying Chaoxia Mountain? This is the biggest joke I’ve heard this year.”

Su Ze didn’t even look at Wei Ziyue, and said directly, “What is your company’s account?”


“You don’t need to fill out the contract, and you don’t dare to go back on your courage.”

Su Ze directly transferred 88.88 million to the company account…  

The sales lady was a little confused.

She has worked for several years and has never met such a client before, she squeezed out a smile and said with a smile: “Sir, stop joking…

In my heart, I was a little disappointed.

Mid-level villas are not so easy to sell.

But the next moment.

Her cell phone rang, and it was her immediate boss who called, and on the other end of the phone, an excited voice screamed: “Sold! Xiaohong, you really sold out!”

“88.88 million, it has been credited!”

“Haha, congratulations, Xiaohong, when you come back, let’s go to the sales department to welcome you!”

Wei Ziyue’s laughter didn’t stop.

The sales lady’s expression solidified.

She was a little unresponsive.

At this moment, Su Ze just had time to look up, look at Wei Ziyue, and said lightly, “Young Master Wei? Jincheng is too small for the Wei’s Group, and it’s too small. If I want, I can erase the Wei’s Group.

“If you put it two years ago, it is very likely that you have been abolished.

Su Ze’s words are true.

His character, after experiencing the “Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations”, did have a great precipitation.

Wei Ziyue’s face turned red.

He was young and vigorous, Su Ze’s words were categorically dissatisfied, he gritted his teeth and said, “Today, I, Wei Ziyue, kicked the iron plate but ruined my Wei Ziyue’s big words, Jincheng, you are the first to dare to say it.. .Hmm? What is that?”

Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed greatly, and he saw a dark shadow, from far to near, flying towards Chaoxia Mountain in the blink of an eye.

It’s a figure!

Someone, flying in the sky.

Wei Ziyue was startled and lost his voice: “…immortal?”

But he saw that figure fall in front of him, walked towards Su Ze in three or two steps, respectfully, lowered his posture very low, bent down, and said, “Mr. Su, please tell me about the Chen family in the northwest. an opportunity to explain.

Su Ze frowned slightly.

The Man of War God said quickly: “The matter of the Chen family in the northwest is indeed the negligence of our National Security Bureau, but in the past two years, the earth has changed, and many masters seem to have appeared out of thin air.”

“The country found something in the Tianshan Mountains, and almost all the masters were recruited.

“The ancestor of the Hongmen went to the northwest in person. I brought people to stop him at the time, but I can’t help it. The ancestor of the Hongmen is already at the peak of the spiritual realm, and I am not his opponent.”

Xiao Zhanshen explained in great detail and said with a wry smile: “Mr. Su, you also know that nuclear bombs and weapons that can damage the peak of the gods are too destructive and cannot be used at all in a population gathering area in China.”

Su Ze’s eyebrows (good money) raised her head.

He had already seen the dark wound on Xiao Zhanshen’s body.

It is indeed to fight with people and stay.

He spoke lightly and said: “Well, overseas Hongmen, I will personally go there… By the way, General Xiao, I bought this villa, and this Chaoxia Mountain is not bad, you say hello and wait. Next, I will directly move out with Chaoxia Mountain.”


The sales lady was in a fog.

Wei Ziyue was so frightened that he knelt on the ground.

Flying in the sky?

God realm?

Hongmen patriarch top?

God realm?

nuclear bomb.

A figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

More than two years ago, [China Sword Immortal], riding a dragon across the sea to the US emperor, one person and one sword, fighting the US emperor, fell from the altar of the world’s first superpower.


Wei Ziyue knelt directly on the ground.

(PS: I just sent 600 red envelopes in the book friend qun, I feel so embarrassed for a moment!).

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