Chapter 6: Su Ze pulls the mountain (please customize)

Chapter 6: Su Ze pulls the mountain (please customize)

“China Sword Immortal?”

“Are you a Chinese Sword Immortal?”

Wei Ziyue was so frightened that his guts were about to break. Two years ago, when he was hugging that group of big tui in Yanjing City, he saw the video of “China Sword Immortal” circulating on the Internet, and knew that “China Sword Fairy” The existence of fairy”.

Later, the U.S. imperialists sent troops to China South Blue, and Indonesia repeatedly violated the China border

“China Sword Immortal” was born again, one person and one sword, destroying the strategic plan of the US emperor and pulling the US emperor down from the altar of the world’s “first super empire.”

He also had 400 warriors who were not afraid of guns and guns. He was known as the “Dragon Warrior”. He pushed Indonesia horizontally and killed all the rectification elements of the main station in Indonesia.

After all, she is the “wife” of Yanjing City, well-informed, and there are even sayings such as “Su Ze, Jincheng people” in the circle.

“Mr. Su, please spare my life.”

“I have no eyeballs, so I can’t see your noble identity, Mr. Su.”

He directly grabbed his big mouth and used it on his face.

When Wei Ziyue knelt down, the sales lady immediately reacted.

She stared at Su Ze’s face for three seconds and screamed, “It’s you who really is you!”

She was very excited and said, “China Sword Immortal, I have seen the video!”

“Suburban Jincheng, Magneto… I was on the 813 bus, and you saved us!”

She seemed incoherent.

However, Su Ze understood what she meant.

hum hum…

At this time, armed helicopters flew from the sky, and soldiers fell from the armed helicopters.

Li Tianlong, commander-in-chief of the Jincheng Military Region, bore the brunt and stepped forward and said, “Mr. Su, are you back?”

“Mr. Su, here are all the materials you want about the overseas Hongmen.” Li Tianlong took a stack of materials from his subordinates, respectfully, and gave them to Su Ze.

After doing all this, Li Tianlong gave a military salute to Xiao Zhanshen.

Obviously, he placed Su Ze’s status higher than Man of War.

The God of War opened his mouth and said, “General Li, immediately ask your people to send all the tourists on Chaoxia Mountain and the Taoist priests in the gymnasium down the mountain, Mr. Su… to move Chaoxia Mountain.


Li Tianlong lost his voice: “Move the mountain?”

Although Chaoxia Mountain is not high, it is a mountain after all.

He has cultivated to the realm of the gods, but with a full blow, he can only shatter a mountain at most.

Move a mountain?

(cabc) something that is simply impossible.

“Moving mountains and reclaiming the sea… But it’s only in myths and legends. Could it be that Mr. Su has become so powerful?” Li Tianlong discovered his gaffe, Su Ze..

A legend in itself.

With him, anything is possible.

He quickly ordered his soldiers to disperse the tourists on Chaoxia Mountain and the Taoist priests in the Taoist temple.

Now is not the tourist season. There are not many tourists on the mountain. A group of soldiers with guns and live ammunition fight wherever they want, without even opening their mouths, they are so scared that they run down the mountain.

In just ten minutes…

A soldier trotted over and saluted: “Report to the commander, all tourists and Taoist priests in Chaoxia Mountain have been forcibly sent down the mountain, what should I do?”

“When you return to the military region, I will contact the senior officials of the Jincheng Municipal Committee to resolve this matter.” Li Tianlong, after giving the order, paused, and then changed his tone: “By the way, the move of the mountain must be huge, you bring all Soldiers, blocked roads, all media and the public are not allowed to film.”

On the other side, the female sales lady was also taken away by the soldiers.

As for Wei Ziyue?

With a big slap in the face, he fanned himself in a daze, and when he heard that Su Ze was going to “move the mountain”, he was so frightened that he fainted.

The Man God of War took Wei Ziyue with one hand and flew up.

Li Tianlong has become a god, and naturally he can fly.

Su Ze’s mouth twitched.


what are you doing?

He had planned to directly let the system move Chaoxia Mountain into the farm…

But now, it seems, it can only display the real ability.

Fortunately, with the current changes in the earth’s rules, the cultivation of the realm of the peak of the Vientiane Realm can already erupt. Su Ze’s Purple Mansion Sea of ​​Qi has expanded, reaching 12,800 times that of the monks in the same realm. In addition, the Master’s is an emperor-level “Cultivation Technique”. , Move away a mountain with ease.

He reached out and held Chen Xueyao in his arms, suddenly rose into the sky, and said with a smile, “General Xiao, General Li, you step back a little, otherwise, once my aura erupts, I’m afraid it will shock you.

Xiao Zhanshen and Li Tianlong’s eyes jumped.

Explosive momentum?

really hurt us?

They suddenly discovered that their spiritual cultivation was too weak.


Suddenly, an invincible force erupted from Su Ze’s body.

His breath skyrocketed wildly.

The whole earth seemed to tremble.

Li Tianlong, who had already flown into the distance, lost his voice: “So strong, doesn’t it mean that on Earth, all cultivation realms will be suppressed at the peak of the Vientiane Realm? The Vientiane Realm Peak is so powerful?”

Xiao Zhanshen’s face was solemn, and he said solemnly: “Mr. Su’s cultivation realm has indeed been suppressed to the peak of the Vientiane Realm… But his power is too strong.”

“Although it is the peak of the Vientiane Realm, Mr. Su’s cultivation base is probably dozens of times more than the ordinary Vientiane Realm.”

In Su Ze’s arms, Chen Xueyao leaned on the solid chest, only to feel a heart pounding like a deer, banging bang bang bang.

She could almost feel the power of Su Ze’s moving mountains and reclaiming seas.

“Mountain Chaoxia is ordinary, and I use one ten thousandth of my strength to pull up the mountain.”

Su Ze only used one ten thousandth of his power.

He followed Chen Xueyao with his left hand, and gently probed with his right hand.

A big hand, covering the sky and the sun, descended from the sky.

This big hand is several kilometers in size, as if pinching an ant, gently squeeze it and lift it up!


The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the entire Chaoxia Mountain was lifted up.

A mountain, flying into the sky, what a spectacular and incredible thing?

Moreover, this kind of thing, if you want to hide it, you can’t hide it.

After all, the goal is too big…

Too much movement!

Within a radius of dozens of kilometers, as long as the line of sight is within sight, everyone can see this scene.

Suddenly, Su Ze’s face changed drastically.

He looked down.

Chaoxia Mountain was uprooted.

In the ground, left a huge deep hole.

In the deep pit, one after another demonic energy emerged.

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