"Nothing!" Su Yang smiled lightly: "Brother Lu, this is my number. When I hide it, the phone will not turn on. If there is any important news outside, you send me a message and I will come out from time to time. Just a look."

"This is no problem!" Lu Donglin said, "Anyway, you just hide it. Don't be discovered by anyone."

Su Yang smiled lightly and hung up the phone. He did not return to the Rongshi furnace, but after shrinking the Rongshi furnace, he left the museum with the Rongshi furnace.

Of course, when Su Yang left, he also put the furnace tripod back to this position.

In this case, no one would find that Su Yang had hidden here. At the same time, those outside who were looking for Su Yang could not expect Su Yang to hide like this, and Su Yang could continue to hide like this in the future.

Out of the museum, Su Yang rushed directly to the edge of the Yangtze River.

In order to prevent being discovered, Su Yang found a car by himself and drove to the edge of the Yangtze River.

If he is flying, it is easy to be spotted, which is actually more dangerous. On the contrary, if you drive like this, no one will notice such an ordinary car at all, and it is naturally impossible to notice him.

When he arrived in a city on the edge of the Yangtze River, Su Yang first observed the terrain around the city. After that, Su Yang only entered the city at night. After walking around the city, Su Yang inquired about the situation in the city by the way.

This city originally belonged to an ordinary city on the edge of the Yangtze River. There are also some big families in the city, but these big families are very disciplined.

However, some time ago, after the family powers of the four major goalkeepers here were brought under their command, these family powers became more and more excessive.

With the support of the four major sects, the people of these families didn't talk about any rules and began to search everywhere. The good name is to help the four major sects to collect strategic materials. In fact, most of them are in their pockets, and only a part is sent to the four major sects.

The four major sects will be sent to guard each city, and because of the city’s riverside, the four major sects even sent someone with a higher status. The one who came here was an outstanding disciple of the Lingxiao Palace named Fan Lin.

This Fan Lin's position in the High Heaven Palace is considered good, but there are too many big figures in the sect, and he is actually not very conspicuous in it.

However, after arriving in this city, he directly became the first person in this city. All the big family powers here surrendered to his feet, allowing him to taste the sweetness of sitting on the side, and it can be described as happy to live here.

In order to please Fan Lin, the people of the big family and powerful forces sent all kinds of good things to him. Money, beauties, and all kinds of scarce materials were continuously sent over, which made Fan Lin very satisfied. Naturally, he took more care of these big clans.

In this way, these big families and big powers are even more unscrupulous.

During this period of time, the city was messed up by these people. Those big clan forces that were still abiding by the rules are now completely disobeying any rules. People of those family powers often kill people on the street. Ordinary people in this city have become like slaves of these big family powers. They have been miserable one by one, but they dare not say anything. .

In fact, the same situation is happening in many parts of the country. This city is just a microcosm of major cities.

After Su Yang went around the city a few times, he heard too much grievance and grief. Those big clans and big powers here make the people here really make a living.

After walking for a while, Su Yang originally planned to leave the city and find a place to hide temporarily.

However, when passing a small alley, Su Yang clearly heard the sound of a child crying inside.

Su Yang was surprised, and immediately walked into this alley, and finally found an abandoned baby in a trash can not far away. Several garbage bags are stacked on the baby's body, pressing him underneath.

This child is only three or four months old and looks very cute. It’s just that, maybe it’s been a little longer in this trash can, so it looks very weak and even crying is very quiet.

If it weren't for Su Yang to pass by here, and to be an ordinary person, it is estimated that he would not hear the cry of the child. This baby must be starving to death in this trash can.

Su Yang frowned. Whose child is this? Why are the parents so irresponsible that they throw the child here?

Seeing this weak crying child, Su Yang didn't know how to feed the child. He thought about it, and took out a small bottle from the storage ring.

The bottle was filled with the spiritual liquid that Su Yang found in the furnace for refining medicine. A mortal can be reborn after drinking it, which is a very magical thing.

Su Yang had nothing else now, so he could only slowly pour these spiritual liquids into the child's mouth. The effect of this spirit liquid is definitely much stronger than that of milk powder, and it can even give this child a chance.

Not to mention, the child was happily drinking, and soon drank half a bottle of spiritual liquid.

After drinking, the child was obviously more energetic, and his big eyes flickered. Not only the previous weakness was wiped out, but even the body became too strong.

Su Yang looked at the child's cuteness and was also full of joy. He teased the child, thinking about whether to take him out and hand it over to the police to find his parents.

However, when he was about to leave, Su Yang suddenly discovered that there was a women's mobile phone under the garbage dump.

Su Yang was surprised, took out the phone, turned on the phone, and found a long list of missed calls on it.

Su Yang tentatively called back, and quickly picked it up. A man's nervous voice came over: "Yueyue, where are you? Why didn't you answer the phone? Where did you go?"

After a moment of silence, Su Yang whispered: "I am not Yueyue..."

"Ah? Who are you? You...Why are you holding Yueyue's cell phone? You...you speak!" The man over there was obviously anxious, and his voice was raised a lot.

"I'm a passerby!" Su Yang said solemnly: "I found this phone in the garbage dump, and there is a child..."

"Child?" The man over there was anxious: "What child? Was it my son? Yueyue took the child out! You...Where are you? Is Yueyue there?"

Su Yang looked at the garbage dump, there were obviously no Tibetans here, and shook his head: "No one here, only this phone and a child!"

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