The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1643: Missing woman

The man was a little confused, and nervously asked Su Yang's location, then he didn't dare to hang up and hurried over here.

Looking at the sleeping child in his arms, Su Yang did not leave. The child looked very cute. If Su Yang threw him here, he still didn't know what would happen to him. This kind of garbage dump is easy to have wild dogs, but you can't let this kid take such a risk.

Besides, this place is far away from the capital, and when Su Yang was here, he had almost inquired about the situation nearby. There are no land gods in the surrounding cities. It can be said that Su Yang is here now, there is no danger at all, so he does not need to be particularly careful.

Ten minutes later, a car roared to the alley, and a man about 30 years old jumped from the car.

The man looked anxious, holding the mobile phone in his hand and looking around, he suddenly found Su Yang standing in the alley. His eyes lit up and he rushed in.

"Brother, was it your call just now?" The man asked quickly, and at the same time he looked at the child in Su Yang's arms and was even more excited: "Baby, baby, it's my baby!"

After taking a look with the soul search technique, Su Yang could tell that this man was indeed the child's father. Therefore, Su Yang had no doubts, handed the child back, and recounted what he had just discovered about the child.

After listening to Su Yang's words, the man suddenly became confused. He looked at the garbage dump, handed the child to Su Yang, and said tremblingly: "Brother, please help me hold the child..."

Su Yang did not refuse, and took the child. The man went mad, rushing into the garbage dump, tumbling wildly, as if looking for something.

"I just looked for it, there is no one inside." Su Yang said.

The man was a little discouraged, but soon he found a black women's bag from the trash. Looking at the bag, the man was stunned, and said in a trembled voice: "This...this is my wife's bag..."

Su Yang glanced at it, frowning, could it be that he was robbed?

However, if it is really a robbery, the other party should have taken the bag away. Even if you don't take away the bag, at least take the money inside. However, this bag looks like it hasn't even been opened, and it doesn't look like it's been robbed. What's going on?

Could it be that you encountered a robbery? However, if you really want to rob people, wouldn’t it be easier to rob this child than to rob a big living person?

The man was panicked. When he saw the bag, he knew that something was wrong. He hurriedly opened the bag and found that everything was there, even the two thousand dollars in the bag were there, and there was no loss. It was clear that it was indeed not a robbery.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?" The man turned around in a hurry, and saw Su Yang standing at the entrance of the alley, as if grasping the life-saving straw, he trembled: "Brother, you... when you just came here. , Did you find any clues?"

Su Yang shook his head and recounted the situation he encountered just now from beginning to end.

The man was dumbfounded and looked at the bag blankly, his whole person was in a state of despair.

Su Yang couldn't bear it, and he reminded: "Could it be your enemy? Or kidnapping or something?"

The man looked at Su Yang and shook his head: "I...I don't have any enemies, kidnapping, shouldn't be, I...I'm busy paying back monthly instalments every month. Money is kidnapped..."

Su Yang frowned. If it weren't for these, then there was only one possibility. This was a catastrophe.

"What did your wife come out for today? Why did she come here?" Su Yang asked.

"She...she went out shopping with one of her girlfriends today, but the two of them got separated. That best friend went back for dinner at six or seven o'clock, but I... my wife hasn't gone back till now..." The man trembled.

"You didn't ask her girlfriend?" Su Yang said.

"I asked, but...but she doesn't know..." the man said: "The two of them got separated at the mall, and then she went back first..."

Su Yang's heart moved. Hearing this, he vaguely felt that there was a problem with this so-called girlfriend.

"Where is the mall they visited?" Su Yang asked.

"In Beihua Street..." the man said.

"How far is it from here?" Su Yang asked.

"It's about six or seven kilometers..." the man said.

"Six or seven kilometers?" Su Yang nodded slowly: "Did her best friend, and your daughter-in-law, walked away on Beihua Street?"

"Yes!" The man nodded.

Su Yang: "Why didn't she call your wife after she left?"

"She called, but my daughter-in-law stopped answering the phone..." The man looked sad: "It is estimated that my daughter-in-law was in trouble at the time, so she couldn't answer the phone. But her girlfriend didn't think so much. So I went straight back..."

"Really?" Su Yang sneered: "I think if you really want to know the whereabouts of your wife, you'd better go to her girlfriend and ask!"

"Huh?" The man was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

"If your daughter-in-law was really kidnapped in Beihua Street, and your child was thrown away, they would have to go so far and walked around seven or eight kilometers and throw your child here?" Su Yang said: " This kind of kidnapping is nothing but trouble for yourself, isn't it?"

The man scratched his head: "That's true, but, this...what does this have to do with her girlfriend!"

"Obviously, her girlfriend is lying!" Su Yang said softly.

The man was stunned, his eyes widened, his face was blank: "She... she is lying? Why is she lying?"

"For this reason, you can only ask her yourself!" Su Yang said.

The man froze for a while, and nodded vigorously: "Yes, I will ask her again! Brother, thank you for this matter."

"You're welcome!" Su Yang smiled and said: "By the way, I just happened to be fine, let's go with you!"

"Then...then trouble you!" The man said with joy: "If you follow, you can testify to me, so I'm not afraid that she won't admit it!"

The man drove Su Yang straight to the house of his wife and girlfriend.

On the way, Su Yang also learned something about the man's situation. The man's name is Wang Yong, and his experience is very ordinary. Ever since I was young, I have belonged to the kind of decent type. Although I didn't drop out of school, I didn't get into a good university. After graduating from Erben, he joined a company when he came back. At the age of 30, he was a small leader in the company, barely a middle-class family.

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