The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the body of Chapter 109

Just finished, Joseph was a feet next to people. He is busy, hahaha, laughing and laughing. However, the supervisor is obviously not placed on the heart.

The electronic synthetic tone said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't care. Now it is the rest time after work, no worry."

So everyone came up with peace of mind, the coffee drink coffee, the Lianshun set, in addition to occasionally watching the flight screen, returned to the flat state again.

The Zhi Nai is a tray, and the hot air-moving coffee is placed. She guides the supervisor to a nobody table, put the coffee on the table. After seeing it disappears, she said with the tray: "supervisor You have worked hard ... that, the words of Miss Kenai, I am giving my heart to my heart, check the psychological situation ... "

The main point of the screen is adjusted to the coffee: "In addition to the health of your health, Kenzai actually parties and psychologists ... she is hard."

"Yeah ... However, it is because of Miss Kenai, everyone can keep it ... that, healthy look. Yes, right, supervisor today, what is it?"

Then I saw that the supervisor was sorry to grasp the head: "What, um ... is actually thinking, because management is negligent leads to employee casualties, you look very sad, but yesterday, today, today Just come over and see. "

"Don't care about me ... supervisor, it is a gentle person ..."

The intelligence is slightly smiling, and there is no discovery, where the table is there, almost all employees have eared, quietly listen to her and supervisor exchange.

Joseph made an eye on Aloft, the latter nodded, and then looked at Croed, the silent exchange between several people, some kind of an atmosphere is being agglomerated.

This atmosphere continued until the door behind the coffee shop was opened, and the bellixin came out from the inside. He followed the two quite a bit of heart, and the family of Zhi Nai was.

After seeing the leader, the ring is slightly stopped, and the pen is straight, put the data sheet in the hand on the table: "You still have to follow the time, then, is it now today's exercise plan?"

"Hey, take a break again, work, there are some people who have not finished, I am planning to write new content into the new content while drinking coffee ..."

Kai Xian nodded and suddenly sat in the opposite side of the supervisor: "This is good, you don't have to be desperate, put the working time together, and appropriate rest also help work smoothly."

Zhi is gently blinking, suddenly picked up the tray: "Ah, that, Miss Kenai ... Do you want to taste my special coffee, I am very confident, I am very confident ..."

"Is it really ok? In fact, the family who just gangs, also show off, saying that your coffee conditioning technology is very great."

The two men's dialogue is completely unlike departmental director, just like ordinary, a little polite friend. Therefore, Zhi is quickly running to modulate coffee, and the bellixment is sitting down and carefully licking the information on his hand ... Honestly, it is a bit cold.

The head of the head is a coffee, smashed the right hand: "Ah, after graduating from high school, I will never write something with hand, if I can use the computer to enter, then print it."

: "In fact, you can apply it at any time, just apply to Chris, a portable small printing equipment, and it is no problem."

The poisonous tongue Ai has never said this, and he has always made him hand.

Author message:

PS: Thanks to the bubble tribe, the bubble tribe, the tribe, if the wind, this stroke X5 reward ~

PS4: ...... The end of the Dragon Boat Festival, continue to restore normal codewords ... So, ask for a monthly ticket ... I still want to live on the list -

Final observation. [Behavior correction device]

[Behavioral correction device]

Abnormal number: O-09-96

Hazard Level: Kaph


This exception is an exception of tools.


Terms and Conditions:

I. After the employee carries the 'behavioral correction meter', the ability to be related to justice will greatly improve. At the same time, the employee's spiritual value will have some slight decline. (Observing record after continuous carrying 10 minutes)

II. If the employee is required to return to the 'behavioral calibrator', he will express a strong dismissal and execute the command after receiving the command. After returning, the employee is reduced and enhanced, and will return to the change. (Continuously carry 60 minutes after observation record)

III. When the merchant's spiritual value is returned, the employee will quickly die in a non-understanding nonsense. (According to this abnormality, unlock)

IV. According to the agreement, the exception will issue an alert when the holder is coming from zeroing, and the anomaly is temporarily 'abnormal invalidation'. The protocol is automatically terminated after returning.


Tool capability:

Refers to the employee to carry behavior correction instrument. This behavior will enhance the 'justice' of the employee, while reducing 'cautious' attributes, once the initiative or passive is panic, the employee will immediately die.

The behavioral calibration instrument can be returned at any time.


Research Log:

1. This exception is a circular, has a standard size playing screen.

2. It is extremely effective to help people improve work efficiency, not because some kind of mandatory force, but triggering the desire of things in the hearts, let them constantly increase efficiency, and get more 'empty time'.

3. However, the user will gradually depend on the device and exhibit greatly, and the attitude of reality.

4. In the end, they will become a mentally disable, even life can't take care.


Abnormal story:

No matter whether you believe in or not, 'she' thinks that he is a natural idol.

Exquisite face, perfect ratio, in line with this old girl's appearance, slightly smaller, but enough to remember the clothes, and the very distinctive voice.

Even after the screen is lived, you can only pass the people in a white space, there is no relationship.

Because in the end of the picture, there are countless people who have the most natural smile because of their own active.

Failure, success, performance, showing the challenge to challenge the programs that you will not be embarrassed, 'She' is skilled with the performance skills that yourself decorate, so that the fans will never be disappointed.

However, with the new day of technology, people are no longer satisfied with only viewing, they have more choices. More than dazzling, lose goals.

But 'her' didn't really know. On the contrary, there is such a batch of clustered, will 'her' as treasures, and even gradually away from the mainstream.

However, 'her' has gradually discovered a horror fact. 'She' can't refuse the request of the audience, after a long time, when I returned, no one was "her '."

Where is the audience going? They also abandon themselves? Still, you are finally airs, and return to the world that is not known?

"Well? This is ... It turned out to be you, it seems that this machine is also a little problem ..."

Outside the small window of 'her', I passed into the voice. In the joy, 'her' is not so curious, ask the other person, but I have not got an answer.

"Your existence is a collection of the virtual idol 'in this world, so you can make people calamity, I want to continue to see you, then gradually giving you myself, I am going to watch your performance, I finally died "

"However, peace of mind, our company's employees are not so fragile. From today, you can add fans who have no concern, don't worry, everyone is meaningful."

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