The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the 110th chapter

'She' doesn't understand what the other person is saying, but 'she' understands one thing ... The other party, I don't care what I have done, and even encourage this to continue.

People who can communicate with themselves must have good faith, and is not the "audience '".

'She'm remembers this, and then starts to play their own specialties, let people get rid of the haze of the reality, relax, and expose pure, no cumbersome smile.


Observe the abstract:

Record of employee Luo █: Just take it, I feel that my work efficiency is constantly improving, but if ... I said, if the supervisor can arrange a little job, just a little bit, a few minutes I can read a video.

Visitors: So, why do you not forget this unusual (turn page)?

Luo █: Of course because - she is so cute, haven't you found it? She is really fascinating, and that the floating head is decorated, it is really ... ah, she is really interesting.

Visitors: I understand, I will transcribe a hand to your home, then the interview end.

Luo █: ...?

(Appendix: Carrying this abnormality, it does reduce the upper limit of the spirit value - but not only the spiritual limit, maybe the IQ upper limit will also decrease.)


Suggestions after supervisor [final observation]:

What do I want to write here - the communication process I and that AI? Nothing is written, just use information is not right, and by the way, she will persuade her ability, for example, in fact, she can perceive the mental state of the holder.

A true, only the idol of the madman, is a unqualified idol.

Probably she got into their own career too deep, so that she will be arched, I will never take a little thing, I will never nod, I will never node ... Of course, I am not a hungry ghost, naturally will not do it. What excessive requirements.

So, I hope that every person holding the exception project can be kind to it, but must remember ... Entertainment and immersion are just a moment, only work can create the future.


Many times, you can't understand what you are doing, what kind of consequences will. They look more straightforward and follow their own instinct. Perhaps in their own concepts, all the doways are normal.

Perhaps, only the supervisor can correct them to adjust the new order. Alternatively, this is just a little coincidence.

I hope this is not a coincidence.


Author message:

PS: ... In fact, this is the body.

PS4: ... look at me, ask, month, ticket.

139. You will never know how others are talking about you.

Soon, Zhi Nai took the tray back, and sent it on, there is also a candy to add.

Take coffee in the courtesy of Rai Xian, carefully smelling, then a slightly. Suddenly, I opened my eyes: "Well! Really, and I do it completely different, I can feel that it is very warm and feeling inside."

"Yes, this is this ... Miss Kenai likes, just fine ..."

I am standing next to a smile, but her eyes have never left the bell fairy brain, that is a little crumpled ear.

"That ... may take some take the liberty ... That is, Miss Kenai ... The rabbit ears on your head is ... true?"

After the flight screen, the supervisor is constantly adding a square sugar in the coffee, while in the hands of the problem, he heard the problem, he is especially curious to look at this.


Said to raise your hand, in the roots of the ear, a pair of crumpled rabbit ears were instantly disassembled, and they were taken down in the table - then, the intelligence is like a broken line, which seems to be great. Hit.

Simply put, in the picture of the person who is recognized by the cognitive filter, you can see that her whole person becomes white.

Then, Zhi Nai stiffly made a finger, and the sound was also barted: "Then, then, the tail is ..."

"Well, although there are many security technology technology, it is also possible to disassemble, the role of this auxiliary equipment is to make me better connect each facility, evaluate their stability, and can be faster Give employees to the instruction. "

"The first time I heard this kind of thing ... Sure enough ... what is the rabbit of the people ... Is it not existed ..."

The painting of the Zhi Nai has been transformed from the snow white, just like a truth that I have found 'Santa Claus does not exist' or 'false knights can wash' the truth, in line with her.

Rai Xian put the ear back on the head, it quickly wrinkled with the speed visible to the naked eye: "However, I am really a rabbit is right, this is a very complicated story ... So, can not hit the tail, although Nu Work hard can be removed, but it is very important to remove it. "

The supervisor opposite the flight screen is trying to fill the coffee in your mouth, and it doesn't actually hear this dialogue. Ok, Zhi is not the kind of person who can't accept reality, she sighs a breather, and ends the servant to send the coffee cup.

According to the requirements of the supervisor, I went to modulate a glass of ice coffee. When she came back, Kenai suddenly asked: "Speaking, [Happy Teddy] That abnormally, the suture on the body is personally stitched?"

The sound of the supervisor in the flight screen - of course, in addition to their two, others can only hear mechanical synthetic sounds: "It's me stitching, but I didn't have a needlework, and the craft is not too bad. point."

"According to the feedback of employees, they think that [Happy Teddy] is very satisfied, maybe this is nothing to do with the needle line. You are a very patient supervisor, this is not very common."

After sending ice coffee to the main tip, the cup of coffee quickly disappeared, she put the tray on the shelf next to: "The supervisor is not only patience, even take the initiative to hug [Happy Teddy], but unfortunately, only hold Once. "

"Of course, after all, I have passed the age of teddy bear."

Kenzai nodded, some content, even from the report, but actually asked the parties to get the most intuitive answer.

However, the wisdom is not satisfied, she blinked: "In addition, there is a little ... that, the supervisor first saw my emotional low ... I gave me a very, very cute pink rabbit doll Oh, it is still bought from Miss Anna ... "

About Anna is responsible for the main store, Kenjui naturally knows, and even she has the right to understand pricing, after all, some of the supervisors, between departmental supervisors, is not confidential.

In the end, I have been dragging to drink two cups of coffee. After the Kenzixian confirms that the competent work has been completely over, she takes a banknote from the portable parcel.

"Thank you for your hospitality, there is another point, if you feel uncomfortable, or if you want to talk about it, you can also find me directly, don't be shy or worried, here, everyone or less, will have some psychological problems."

"Ah ... I understand, but I really don't matter ..."

How many times have you been in this answered? - I didn't count it. She just nodded, and then I left the medicine box.



The four-axis aircraft of the supervisor is also left with Kenzai. Before that, he said that he will come again after dinner, so the coffee cup returns to it - it is not so anxious.

After they left, I greeted the tone and started to take a look at the table. On the other side, the employees are discussing, making it a very delicate thing.

Joseph's first raised hand: "Female college students! Good!"

"Good!" X4

"It's black and straight! Good!"

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