The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 121

' ... well, it seems that it is not very painful ...'

With Griffine's head of the last shot of [O-01-74], the two-digit black injury jumped out, and the abnormality suddenly stopped all the actions.

She issued a slightly unacceptable sigh, and the sword blade hily around this time is in the direction, and the body is aligned, and then there is no thorns.

Numerous Western swords fierce her body. Subsequently, this abnormally slowly closed the paint black, but there was a black tears, and after half of it, there was no interest.

It has been quiet and continuously said that this is quiet, but the causes caused are unacceptable.

The Ministry of Security is close to the whole, the control department is half-loss, the hall clerk is completely lowered. The intelligence department looks the best, because the two transfer of exceptions did not enter its hall.

The supervisor is sad, reaching out on the table, and accidentally drinking the bottle, a part of the drink, the liquid swarming, but the supervisor does not care.

He grabs the beverage bottle and drinks the remaining parts of the remaining parts. High-intensity assignment employees for activities, their loss, more terrible than imagination.

Even if this is only this, it is enough to let the supervisor relieve headache, and about it.

He didn't have a drink that was contaminated, reached out and grabbed the table to stand up and shake a few times: "Cough and cough ... report loss result, how much energy is collected ..."

"Your abnormal breakthrough management measures are slightly higher than expected. Although this sentence is meaningless, you only need to make excellent work for PEH levels, you can spend this day. "

Christina's figure appears on the screen wall, in the background, the two sectors of the hall, the destroyed facilities, the murdered staff all scattered on the floor, there is no convergence measure.

Many times, life is so cheap, even cheap to a few minutes, just in the department of life, now I have died.

The supervisor is sitting on the desk, the light of the screen wall is on his face, after half of it, he issued a command: "Eva, go to [Happy Teddy] to communicate."

There is no communication with anyone, even if Kenai has begun to command the remaining clerks to restart, even if you walk through several clerks around you, replace damaged monitoring equipment, and she has a long time to sit on the ground, there is no action.

The competent visities Eva enters the accommodation room, according to the work of the practice, she is full of blood to let [Happy Teddy] first lift the head, then swaying to the front of Eva.

I don't know how to communicate with her, [Happy Teddy] uses themselves most skilled, or the most ordinary response method, it reaches the Eva, and then hugs the employee to start the circle as usual.

Looking at the collection of energy, the supervisor sighed: "I can only choose to start today, right after completing today's work."

"It is true. Only when you work, you can prove your own value, have the opportunity to change your work. The energy consumed by the startup equipment is much more than you think."

"If you can't complete today's work, although it is a pity, we have to replace one, more excellent supervisor."

Christina looked did not change, although said that the executive could not be happy - good, Eva quickly completed the work, and today's energy is also collected.

Above the work end button above the screen wall, the supervisor quickly pressed the button, let the settlement interface drove - not expected, the settlement is very bad, and even the extent that you can't see.

Hurry and look at the "Re-starting today" This project, the supervisor is not hesitant, the entire room, including the screen wall, the room outside the room seems to stop, extinguish and quiet.

In the dark, he joked back to the chair and sat down, just a madness, it would be difficult to bear the headache, dizziness, and the weapon traces of the body disappeared.

However, this time, the darkness lasted for a long time, and the commander I thought about the company, or I plan to throw him here.

Until the distant embarrassment, it seems to have a sound of the crash.

Author message:

PS: Thank you Huaxi's reward ~

154. Error continues to add, eventually form complex failure

Dramatic vibrations and even the supervisor's room can feel that he is a little panic, pressing the table, pressing the signed pen on the table to do a body weapon.

"what happened?!"

The screen on the screen wall distorted, it seems like the monochrome display of the 1990s, also with the intermediate bumps of the image tube, but very fast, this screen wall returns to normal level.

The numbers, words, and even previous regular ui become messy, even the images are misplaced, it is like ... is disaster?

Just because of the failure of a job, this kind of thing is not there ...

Soon, Christina came in from the outer edge of the screen wall, she looked some misplaced, even a lot of things to cover the noise of people.

"When you choose to start working, we will usually arrange today's work. But today, there is an expected incident, but some unexpected events."

The supervisor looked at the unhappy computer monitor, and some questions: "Yes ... What an event? It's hard to returns, what is it bombed? I just seem to hear anything to have any trouble -"

"Many times, your intuition and thinking ability, the ability to infect the departmental supervisor is much smaller than most of the supervisors. This is not a praise, or say, this is the rebuker for you."

When Christina was talking, her body was gradually returning to normal, including projects on the screen wall, as if the system is regular, as if the system is self-test, handling errors, and then feedback to the screen.

"Under your efforts, a department is out of control, do you understand?"

Not understanding, or saying, who is out of control, what is the result of out-of control, and how to make the uncontrolled department leader back before?

It is found that there seems to have many problems, but Christina did not continue, she slowly walked a few steps, let the supervisor see the project on the screen wall.

The employees have come back, their thumbnails are placed on each department's employee project, the third abnormality of the Ministry of Security ... That is, [O-01-74] keeps the image question mark.

In addition to the supervisor, I still remember my own work. Everything returned to this day, that is, he has to rearrange the work, and then safely spent this day.

However, reality will not always be asked, for example, the department is out of control, which is quite nervous.

Arrange the employee, confirm the abnormal problem, allocate abnormal armed, and choose not to hesitate to start today's work, although not known is very terrible, but fear is not known, more terrible.



When you enter this idea, the supervisor understands that he is wrong.

In the hall of the control department, it usually has always maintained bright, anyone else to more, manage the hall, and the various departments on both sides, now almost all stop, the clerks are not flattened, they look quite Nervous, because those equipment, it is completely unused.

This effect is caused ... The supervisor enlarges the picture, in the center of the control department, Zhi is low, and the handsome hands are hugged there. In her, it is a bunch of can't use it, it seems Want to be a monitoring of a barrier.

She stared at a damage monitor, even if the supervisor calls did not respond, as if they had to be closed, even ignored everything around the week.

"When you take office on the first day, I said. Your department is not stable. However, you have no consideration, and some meaningless emotions are sent to them."

Christina appeared in the screen display, she seems to be so unspeakable. "Now, it is time when you witness the results, she became unstable, resistant to work, no longer willing to bear the responsibility of employee death."

'Why continue to work ... Continue, will only let everyone die ...'

Such text is not displayed on the top of the wisdom, but is directly like a long string of text stickers, which will appear on the screen wall.

eye, the supervisor found that this is not an illusion.

"To continue working, you must work hard to complete today's energy collection indicators, when you collect completion, the company will use these energy to complete the supervisor to ensure that work will continue."

"... suppressed? Don't say anything, even if it is successful, then, if I accidentally causing a lot of casualties?"

"Your doubts are meaningless, the out-of-control of the departmental supervisor is foreseen, and there is a complete set of measures, when you successfully press the department supervisor, and after successful synchronization, she will never lose control again ... you understand Yet?"

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