The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the chapter 122

The supervisor is concerned, she seems to be completely unsatisfactory, closing the outside world, but occasionally speaking self ... I really need to suppress it?

Hesitating Joseph to enter the housing room of [loneliness], choose communication, but the next change allows the supervisor to have some mementers - the housing outdoor, immediately erected a steel wall, block the entire picture.

However, in the right side of the storage room, the center of the gear is rotated, and it is indeed the logo of communication ... But what does this look, is it compressed? !

'Why don't you die ... this is meaningless, no matter how, I can't find a perfect directive ...'

No accident, Joseph's work results are 'general'. After all, the supervisor has completed the "loneliness]" final observation '. Regardless of how smooth work is, it will definitely not be a very poor work result.

But the core problem is still, why is the work instruction not listening?

The supervisor pulls the picture a little slightly, those Ming Yellow big characters are intertwined in the screen, but they don't affect the field of view.

In the Department of Security, the nature of the northern, the nature of the nature, and she suddenly looked up, looking at the screen wall: "The Control Department, as the name, is the command to assign the supervisor to each employee, or even all instructions It is necessary to convey to everyone, control the company's operations. "

"The control department is out of control, which means that the control of the control is no longer clear, all assignments will be disordered, but not completely eloquent ... This requires your own judgment, because from now, even us, even us Unable to help you assign a working sequence. "

... this is the difficulty.

Author message:

PS: Thank you Huaxi's reward ~

PS4: ... so ask for a ticket to ask for a monthly ticket ...

155. Difficulties will be increasing, you have to do it immediately

It is the most obvious that I entered the self-closing mode, and she refused to communicate with the outside world, just sitting there quietly looking at the bunch of broken screens.

For the work of the supervisor, work mode is chaos, must re-find rules, is the most headache, and is quite dangerous.

After all, some abnormalities are extremely disgusting to some working methods. If you accidentally assign mistakes, our employees will encounter unknown dangers ... For example, they die in the house.

But thanks to the mainstay of the company's safest, and the best, but also the best thing to speak, at least, now the 'communication' work, has been stressed into [oppression] work.

As for another ... Continue to find a way to investigate.

'No one can guarantee that you don't encounter danger ... Where is it full of danger ... Stop work is not good ... No one will die ...'

The supervisor boldly assigned Luo Mum to the housing room of [Bird], looked at the text of the whole department, he opened his mouth, and he was hesitant to say: "But stop working, there is no change, that, no Is it meaningful ... "

In the wall wall, Zhi is slightly lifted up, and then continue to look at those damaged screens, there is no feedback on the discourse of the supervisor.

It will not communicate with her for a while, perhaps ... only after successful completion, and let Christina make it to talk to her after what is suppressed.

So thinking, the supervisor looked at Romano's work, but in the picture, Roman was taken out with a hatquinth, with fresh fruit and vegetables, the other is a plant seed.

However, [Bird] I didn't catch a cold, and even slammed Luoman, under the pain, he quickly put the basin, and then wanted to touch [Bird] -

Continue to be caught, there is no accident.

The oppression work is replaced with instinctive work, communication work is replaced with oppression, in theory, it takes three clear work three times to determine what is replaced.

In order to rapidly improve energy collection efficiency, the competent staff who did not hesitate to enter [small helper] and [Denfin Butterfly Meter], the 'Communication' work.

The two containements are quickly blocked by the steel wall, then pick it up, which exception should be tested to test the replaced type of work ...

[Small seal] Of course, it is not good, because it is rare, very special, and is very positive for four work. In addition to testing oppression, there is no significance.

Because employees go in, they have never changed.

It is good to test the abnormality of the working method, not only [small seals]. Even the tools can be used smoothly, and it will not be able to make employees to eat because of abnormal instructions.

The oppression and instinct have been tested, and the remaining only insights and communication - this is simpler, because these two work, how much is the company feedback from the company.

Assign Aloft's housing room to enter [Big Dad] to work, he pulled the huge drill bit in the handle, from the lobby, and then did not hesitate to enter the accommodation room.

Then after the helmet hangs behind, from the wall module of the housing room, take out an inflatable ball, easily cause the attention of [Big Dabo], and then starts the ball game with it.

Although this is not [big old] feedback the most active work item, but at least 'is still possible. So even if the results of the work are not excellent enough, they will not be dangerous.

The supervisor just thought of this, the work of the [Dewing Butterfly Funeral] was completed with excellent results, and the employee just came out was attacked by the 'little girl' attacked in the nearby round.

It seems that it is very painful ... but basically will not have a danger of life. After all, the employees who have been able to complete their work with excellent results, whether life or spiritual values ​​are above the baseline, and they have been steadped with about 5% of the health, and there is no hurt.

'Little girl' extracts a certain kind of extract, quickly escaped, and the employee also stood up, as if nothing would go back to the department hall to stand.

The first level ends that the alarm is coming soon, very unfortunately ... [O-01-73] The housing room, brightly unknown red light.

For this abnormality, the supervisor has also had a probably blurred judgment, and she will give a special buff that works with excellent results, a special BUFF.

This buff will lead employees to not work anything, but also improve the resistance to black red and white damage, which means manual manufacturing of a super hand - but, weakness is also here.

I can't die, otherwise the exception will quickly break through the shelter, causing a series of uncomfortable losses ... Zhi, perhaps because they see their department, and fall into chaotic.

'Everyone should live ... even forced yourself not so happy, but must live ...'

A new text shows the screen wall, which seems to emphasize his own feelings, there is no trend that disappears at all.

The supervisor looked at the eyes, she still curled up in that heap monitor ... Maybe, these texts are her voice? And it seems that only the supervisor can be seen.

[O-01-73] The megadownload countdown, the supervisor biting his teeth, dispatched Carlov into the accommodation room, and communicating the correct communication.

That's right, in order to prevent yourself from making a wrong type, the supervisor specially found the different colors of the casual paper, and the red top is written with the current display work type, and the same text is written on the green, but all according to the correct order in red. The signed paper is below.

The effect is very good until the second level is over, there is no problem before the arrival is coming.

In the accommodation room, Karlov once again received a good communication result, which was blessed from [O-01-73] ... or cursed?

This is the first time to him, but for the supervisor, it is already the second time. In case, he quickly pulled Carlov to the Hall of the Ministry of Security, so as not to kill again, leading to abnormal breakthrough.

Next, after completing a few correct management, the second level will destroy as scheduled, but the supervisor has felt the strange atmosphere, and the company has flowed in the company.

The various department displays of the control unit suddenly flicked, and they were unregulated, and this situation allowed to work hard, and they were suddenly stopped before the competent is found.

Then, outside the room, a distant place, once again transmitted a large device overload, and then collapsed.

Author message:

PS: Thank you Huaxi's reward ~

PS4: ... then, continue to seek tickets, recently written headache ...

156. Things will not be unchanged, the ability of random strain is very important

The supervisor stopped the work assignment, and the migraine of the doubt was half. Where is the location of this executive office? He is not clear until now, but it is clear that it is a bit far away from the company to accommodate it.

Because this roar is a general bursting ... Not too like what is blown, more like a predetermined, high pressure discharge feeling. However, it is very far away, which is completely unable to locate.

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