The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 129

Suddenly, I thought of cultural works that were trapped in unmanned space. The supervisor didn't drink, and he hurriedly found some of the files on the table, trying to find some help from it - then, really find it. .

That helped clearly and white floating in half, have been emitting slight light, but they have been very panicked before the supervisor, not noticed.

That help is also very simple, there is only one sentence.

'Do you return to the work failure? whether'

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PS: Thanks to Newton Coffen Board's nail 588 rewards ~

165. Opposition again ... How do I grasp?

The supervisor is silent to watch the line floating in front of the air. I haven't spoken for a long time. It is better to say that this thing is too abrupt, so that he doesn't know what to say.

Why haven't I found it before? Is this what the company's latest technology? Still that Christina suddenly changed, intend to give him another chance?

There are a lot of ideas, but the supervisor is not easy to move. He stretches to the option.

Well, very good, there is no inexplicable glasses touch, even in addition to touching a bit greasy, there is no special texture, which means that the supervisor is not dreaming, this option does have just emerged.

I used to sit on the chair and looked at the options in front of my eyes. I finally discovered that it was almost transparent, and now there is an unavailable text.

Although it looks fit, I work hard, the supervisor is still in the back of the black chair, and it will be clear.

'Do you returned to all work begins? Yes / No (not available) '.

, did not have an urgent to touch these words, he sat back to the chair, adjust the back of the chair to let himself lying slightly, then he didn't hesitate to sleep.

He only felt that he was tired enough. Since everything around, he stopped, and didn't feel uncomfortable. He quickly slept and resumed the spirit. When there is anything ... There will always be something you wake, unless I can't wake up again.

However, what did he didn't think of, this time I slept very stable, when I slept until my headache was inexplicable, the supervisor opened his eyes again, and the big character was still displayed in front of the eyes, there was no change.

The same is true for the surrounding environment, everything is so quiet, the supervisor can even see that in the light of the huge detected light, those fine, flying in the air maintain a state of stagnation.

"Chris, you are watching, you can explain a little, this so-called ... Is it a mechanism? It doesn't mean that there is not enough energy to use restart equipment?"

The supervisor has no long history, and complex underground institutions absorb all the sounds. However, the supervisor is not yelling at the air, he stared at the computer monitor and saw that this display did not start, shake his head.

It is better to do it directly to do it, so the supervisor keeps lying on the chair, reach out and touching the obvious special light effect, and starting with his actions and starting the golden rays 'Yes'.

Time, as if the whole world has become dark, people are dizzy, as if all the vision is distorted, and there is a mistake of people.

This illusion only lasted for a few seconds, when the supervisor swayed his eyes, the deep environment surrounded him.

Incomprehensible business office, computer monitor and screen walls are silent, this feeling seems to have met, like ... work preparation stage?



As if the familiar equipment, the familiar equipment collapsed with the screen wall, which is like the screen of the previous century developing tube, misplaced, everything is the same as the last job.

The image of Christina Some distortions came out from the right side of the screen wall, she stood there, peaceful: "You will start again this day, hope this time, you can reach your mind, then you maybe Uncomfortable goals. I am Ai, so I don't have much expectation to this. "

Exquisite talking content, supervisor Zhang Zhang mouth, will swallow the things you want to ask in your stomach, then look at the tear and weird screen wall, where the project is ready to arrange, there is no change.

I found this situation, the supervisor hesitated half, suddenly asked: "Chris, if I have not collected enough energy, or the failure of the failure caused the energy loss, then I will ..."

"You will not prove your value, thus left, enjoy a sufficiently long holiday. Once the work is selected, you will not be returned. You have selected the restart, meaning you may have a unique idea."

This AI mouth is still so poison, it can't ask questions ..., it seems that before this, the supervisor wants to apply for a miniature printer, and I don't know if I have been approved.

If the mind is not adjusting, the supervisor has not stopped in his hand. He quickly adjusted the employee's armed adjustment, and then waited for the screen wall to restore the original.

Then, did not hesitate to start today's work.

The wall wall slowly bleged again, when the supervisor had written the paper, and quickly organized it, ready to work, but before that, he suddenly returned to the screen, brushing and curled up in control The wisdom of the department is directly looking for the keyboard, which seems to have never stopped double leaves.

"Hey, double leaves ... I want to ask a little, this is what I started today? Including the moment it is normal."

Continuous keyboard tap sound stop, double-leaf sound and text synchronization appear on the left side of the screen wall: "Ye, I have a look ... The third time, the third time. Don't worry, today our work It will be like it to be like this, perfect, complete. "

She suddenly said: "Hey, no, it should be said, that, will be more perfect than last time. Supervisor, come on."

Has been accustomed to this somewhat strange speech, the supervisor hooks, and then quickly exchanged the note in the hands, and dispatched the employee to start from [Big Dado], execute 'correct' work.

Until now, the supervisor gradually understood his situation, before the failure of his work failed, it was not an illusion, it was sent to the company's best-in-law, nor too distressed illusion.

He rolled up the sleeves, on the arm, obviously two wounds pulled out of the sharp things, it was picker, very real.

This is when the heart is stopped, the supervisor presses the confirmation key while caught the knife to the knife to give himself, and some blood is seep.

It has now stopped and even wounds have a trace of scarring.

Although it is unclear, it means that he has a chance to have more, if you don't have a good grasp, if you fail, you will know that you will give another chance.

Miracle this kind of thing is because it is not very often, it is called a miracle.

Author message:

PS: Thanks to Huayao's reward ~ Thanks to Jia name to do 588 rewards from others ~

PS4: ...... ,, 4!

PSN: ... then, continue to ask for a ticket recommended ...

166. This feeling ... it seems to know

Has been the age of confidence that the miracle will happen at any time, the competent assignment of employees, and found that they have gradually released courage to have the same type of work with 'own experience.

Without the use of thinking, purely the language and ordinary visual assignment method, the supervisor quickly passed the first murder, during which there was no one to hesitate.

This kind of work assignment method is as if the employee is invisible, and occasionally asked one or two, such as why it feels a bit different from today ...

Christina was awkward on the computer display, she opened her eyes slightly: "Your work today is very smooth, but please remember, before work, no more pressing the button to work today, there will be unexpected."

"Ah ... Of course, it is better to say, I fully understand this."

When the supervisor said this, he strongly held the behavior of pulling the mouse down and continued to click on Christina's forehead. At the same time, he spacked to change the order of the work on the table, greeted the murder.

Work is unparalleled to meet this round of melting, when the five contained rooms simultaneously lit red light, and there are some familiar equipment that have been collapsed in the distance, the supervisor even suspended work.

Instead, five employees are sent directly, and enter the housing room at the same time, there is no meaning of the wrong instructions at all, because in front of him, the correct working order is already close, ready to check.

All employees have quickly launched work, and each work should be correctly responding to that abnormality, while the employees are smooth, surveillance wrecks around the wisdom, are constantly reduced.

This abnormality naturally causing Christina's attention, and even Keni is also accessing communication in advance, she is slightly biased: "The competent, the company's potential crisis index is declining, your work is smooth to the past all the supervisors Going down ... Is it, the leader of the control department has recovered? "

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