The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 130

"There is no, just ... how to say it, say that you may not believe, I may awakening the ability to predict, and surpass ordinary humans."

Kai Xian is silent for a long time, looking down at the work board in his hand: "Your physical condition is very excellent, completely like the supervisor of the three jobs, but at the same time, you are just a general person, even after some intensive training ,is also like this."

She seems to have some doubts, but Christina quickly appeared below the left side of the screen: "When you chat, there is a unstable phenomenon of facilities, I hope you can handle it quickly, otherwise the danger may happen at any time. "

"Received, immediately deal with ... then supervisor, I hope you can go smoothly ..."

After the end of the newsletter, the supervisor returned to the company's work project. At present, it is very smooth - spent the second working conversion, and there is no loss of energy.

In addition to the two abnormalities in the Ministry of security, the counter is slightly declined, and the work is moving forward and forward. So far, don't say that the abnormal breakthrough is honest, even the employee has suffered a lot of injuries, and there is no happening.

Christina quietly looked at the supervisor, in the new round of melting - that is, 'test' is coming, she suddenly asked: "What is, let our new executive, this is so failed to show anything What about the problem? "

"When I started at this time, I saw me, and my emotions had a great fluctuation. At the same time, the heart rate was fluctuated, and the common sense told me, which means that you have it difficult to describe it."

She seems to see the supervisor through the computer monitor, and the half-length image is slightly left to the left, and the clicks of the mouse are left: "But the end of these leafs, can put it again in today's work, I hope Your next work can also be like this, simple, confident. "



Tips flashed a few times: 'Don't get used to death, their lives must be respected. '

This is no previous ... Perhaps this tips have secrets, but this is not a focus. Before the test 'comes, the supervisor has pulled the staff all in advance to the place where they will refresh.

Although it is just a tested in the kaph level of the zone, it is not intended to have a loss, but in order to crack down, he directly selects the employee station, so that they will hurt a little, to ensure that things appear, Can receive the most warm welcome.

Everything is in the expectations of the supervisor, although the energy share collected by the employee has a little bit of energy, but the total weight is much better than the work, causing the energy moment to cut much more.

[Understanding the process] A moment in the corridor, the knife, the sword, plus the drill bit and the circular saw, and they did not even solidify their shape, and they were knocked down - although some employees were accidentally touched The other party has led to some black damage.

But that kind of fur rain is nothing to do.

'Test' is quickly suppressed, and then the supervisor will continue to order the employee to return to his position, while continuing to work, it is prepared to change the third work directive.

Looking up and swept a screen wall, in the control hall, the monitoring equipment around you can almost say that there is nothing, I don't know when these broken devices have disappeared. Does this mean that things are better?

Holding this idea, the supervisor turned to look at [Happy Teddy] Put the employee to constantly turned circle, so in the way, let it know that after the fact that the director is paying attention to the facts, return the picture to the security department.

[Dye Butter Funeral] and [Little Handle] will always be troubles, and they belong to that, even if the work should be correct, there is a chance to reduce the type of counter due to insufficient completion degree.

So trying to look at the tube ... If it is not the energy that they can output belongs to the company's current highest-row area, the supervisor even turned around.

I think so, the murry of the third work transformation begins.

At the same time, there are seven contained rooms to illuminate the red light, very unfortunately, these two contaminements that make the supervisor must worry, and enter the murder countdown.

Quickly press the pause, according to the remaining memory, put the new work sequence, and then efficiently assign seven employees to enter the corresponding storage room, then assign a large number of human hand guards in the passage near the promenade, just waiting for the butterfly The burial instrument is rushing out.

However, you have to prepare for the [little helper] that may break through the accommodation.

Author message:

PS: ... If there is a holiday ... forget, peace of mind, ask for a blade!

167. Even if the Raiders, the random variables will still have an accident.

At the same time, the two abnormalities have been oppressed, and the supervisor has been prepared. If the [Deni Funeral] flee, then immediately let the employees who have just worked to lure [Denfin Funeral] to the elevator, then let it enter the hall of the security department.

There, five hundred knife ax ... Well, it should be said that dozens of montage of the monogador will have been standing, suppress [Deading butterfly] is not here.

Even the competent is for insurance, and will have obtained [Magic Girl] Buff's Carlov, which has been arranged.

The work in the house is gradually entering the end, and does not expect the expectation. These two extraordinary work is uncomfortable, and the energy of red and green is gradually alternating. The final result is that both exceptions only have more than half of the energy. .

Distance 'excellent completion results', even there are even a few energy gaps.

Under the gazing of the supervisor, [Denfin Butterfly] first completed the work, and the employee returned the workpiece to walk out of the accommodation room, the counter quickly dropped from 1 to 0. Kenjui also quickly released a warning to make the competent spirit.

"The supervisor, [Deni Funeral] broke through the accommodation, I hope you can put it immediately, so as not to make more messy."

The head of the head, assigns the employee to deliver quickly, causing the attention of [Dye Butterfly], quickly run to the elevator room, waiting until it keeps up.

Because it comes out in the [Denfin Butter Funeral], the work of [small helper] will enter an end while following employees, this time, if it is also coming, these two employees It is estimated to be reimbursed here.

However, it is not enough, what will be afraid? [Denly Butterfly] When walking into the elevator, the counter of the [small helper] also dropped from 1 to 0.

The supervisor quickly ordered the employee to go down to the security department, which was originally intended to be delayed.

The result didn't expect, [Die Die Funeral] I took the elevator with the employee. On the picture, I can only see the elevator is high-speed, as for what is it, the supervisor is not guess.

Maybe you will open the door, there is an employee's body and the like ...

In this concerns, the [little helper] has also slowly appeared in the housing room, it stretches two mechanical sickles, slightly pauses less than a second, and does not hesitate to go to the employee to work before. go with.

I saw the employee distribution of the entire company, and the upper elevator of the security department opened the elevator between the lobby. After the death butterfare, the died of the butterfly funeral] After changing the posture of the chasing, it was awkward. In addition, all employees have no way to enter the upper layer to accommodate the promenade from the left.

This means that induce tactics will fail because of the lock goals of [small helper], it will walk into the control minister gallery with their goals and then lose their horizons.

This means that it will be filled with randomness. It is entirely nothing to do ... especially the clerk now unable to order, they are constantly acting, maintaining facility integrity.

The supervisor quickly taught the employees to the control department, then ordered them to take the promenade, for the [little helper], the competent method can be thought of in addition to the operation of the operation ... Probably let employees hard to harm, then explode It's.

Ready, the supervisor is suspended, and I looked at the eyes of the Optimacy. [Dewing Butterfly Funeral] is being fully integrated, even today's new employees have copied the riot sticks, it seems to be How long can it be suppressed.

So the core problem is still [small helper], it has a great threat to the employees of the cluster, which is a fatal threat to those who are not obedient.

"No matter how, Justment, you first lure [small helper] to make a powerful charge, others quickly pull the clerk to the clergy to give away ... He wants you to take him up. "

The employee of accepting the order quickly executed the command, taking advantage of the [small helper] and between the promenade and the promenade, the attendant of the ministry, as a person who is inseparable, Just Ding is not hesitant to come to The gallery is full of closed door opens.

The [Little Hand] of the target is discovered, and Justine is not retreating, directly rushing it, and rushing into the elevator after being on the two knives, letting the [small helper] lost the field.

Due to other employees on the promenade, there is no way to chase Jaster, but suddenly squat on the wall, start slowly rotating your body, and drive the blade together, enter the energy storage mode.

The high-speed round sprint [small helper] across the entire contacnation, and before it arrived in the destination, the Joey who was tuned there quickly entered the hall.

After waiting for it, a group of people immediately rushed into the promenade, and the weapons in his hands were smashed on the white housing, and it was not lively.

When it was recovered, Justntine came from the elevator to the accommodation yade, and everyone quickly retreated. Let the [little helper] see him, so it is justified because the distance is too far, [small helper] enters the energy storage mode again.

As previously combat methods, the supervisor looks quite a lot of assignment employees to return to the accommodation in the gallery. As long as you go back and forth two or three times, [small helper] can be directly suppressed, return to its own storage room.

The thing to do next is to collect all the energy, and then confirm that no one is dead, then look at what is there.

However, the change is always suddenly happening, and people can't prevent it, just in the [small helper], when everything is developing in a good direction, the supervisor discovers in this receiving promenade, that is basically no How much caven is concerned, suddenly it is moving.

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