The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the nine chapter 193

In fact, the supervisor thinks that the new feature is rarely used, but it is a coincidence, or it is said that it has been arranged? The test of the first time I will encounter today is ... Green dawn.

If you don't make a mistake, it is a golden robot with very Victorian gorgeous style, which will use a remote weapon and a circular saw that is obviously crude.

In the 'test' arriving before the arrival, the employee will not enter the accommodation room, but adjust the position of all people, so that the future will continue to stay at the door of the [hell train].

To be here, he suddenly remembered, just took a ticket, can you let the cleansters run?

Of course, work can't stop, so the supervisor is just letting this thought in the brain, and continue to assign employees to the [Magic Girl] work, maximum press energy.

At the same time, the work of [Magic Girl] is close to the end. After the employee puts all the results of the study, the mulk slot fills up.

The harsh alarm sounds rapidly throughout the company, the text of the green dawn is displayed on the screen wall, then subsequently turned into a green flow state, which appears in the receiving landscape of each department.

As before, the slaughter machine is called [Suspected], the machine killing of [doubt] is in the company, and all the Cultures in the vicinity are still returned quickly ... don't misunderstand, not to avoid refuge.

Instead, it is prepared to start the suppression of 'test'.

The supervisor reached out and picked up a pistol, a heavy texture of a heavy ice metal, although some places look like a model gun, but in fact, it is a real weapon.

In addition to can't emit brass bombers.

The muzzle is aligned on the screen wall, and the supervisor swayed the arm, mimicing the game, aiming at the training department aggregated, from other sectors, to help from this side.

Then, suddenly turned to the screen wall, in Quiet, did not propose any suggestion of Christina.

"What happens if I shoot at you?"

"You will consume a valuable ammunition and you will not get any effect."

[Suspected] Still in the wandering, when there is no employee, they don't seem to have much IQ, and there is no place to enter someone, and the intention of killing.

Therefore, the supervisor can play the firearms in his hand, ask if the Christina some details ... Of course, this time will not be too long.

"That, if I use it to be shot, can I get a corresponding effect? ​​It is impossible to have any supervisor to think about this other than I have?"

Christina was rare to be silent, and then he continued: "In fact, after a short search, I have to tell you that in the supervisor of the company, there is indeed this idea. "

"The weapon is always the tool to use by the enemy. Due to the admiration, it is like a blade that is applying to the poison, it is unreasonable."

I heard her saying that the supervisor quickly returned the arm, because at this time, he was aligned with his own temple.

"Cough, what ... Hey, this shooting target is not an enemy, should, should it be no problem?"

Author message:

PS: Thank you Huaxi's reward ~

PS4: ... carefully think about it, the pig farm has used similar means ten years ago ... malicious competition

242. There are many ways to encourage, and you have too little.

"So, I will only align the target, not myself. Of course, if you insist that suicide tools are also a weapon, I will not persuade you to change my own ideas."

While Christina is quiet, while employees in the training department, they have been in contact with [doubt], and began to suppress it.

The supervisor quickly suspended work, then pulled the picture in the past, and the movement was quite a means of lifting a pistol and put the muzzle to squeeze into a group of employees.

Then the trigger is then deducted.

The rear sitting force is not arriving, only after a slight shock, the number on the small liquid crystal display is turned from 3 to 2.

In the screen, the staff of the paused staff, slammed on a layer of ... Hey, is this successful?

Half halfway, the supervisor with the rattap of Cristina on the computer monitor, that is very skilled in the forehead: "Chris, is this a successful use of special ammunition?"

Didn't get an answer, as if the entire company can act in addition to the supervisor, no one can act, see this situation, the supervisor's mouse pointer ... and then hold the right hand with your left hand.

"Calm, calm, the price after the time after the time after retaliation, I can't afford ..." When the whisper persuaded himself, the supervisor turned his attention to the work interface on the screen wall and let the work began.

'Za yourself! For the company! '' I feel so excited, I have to kill this scrap iron ... ah, give me die! '

'I am still not afraid, God, I am not afraid of these things -'

The noisy voice is converted to the text on the top of the employee, compared to before, they seem to be more active for the supervisor's order feedback more active, faster, and even feel the use of abnormal armed to fight with [doubt]. I have been on a bit!

Perhaps 100%, perhaps 15% ... In short, there must be some improvement.

"In fact, the actual effect is slightly changed due to the personal capacity of employees, and the effective value is floating between 10% and 20%. Do you understand?"

It's completely understood, it's not a blind, it looks like a small, it looks like a student, but she does have something that others can't do.

Incentive employees to make them more brave.

Inspiring the employee, let them surpass their limit, or say that released the emotions that usually depressed, focusing on the enemy in front of you.

Under this powerful buff, the employees gathered in the training department only spent half of the other departments, even less than a time, and they had already piled [doubt] to a bunch of broken copper.

Even the value of the recycling is not.

As for the control department, it is slightly slower than the training department, because a little unexpected - a clerk accidentally playing a few shots of their own colleagues, leading to the defensive formation of small chaos, good in the supervisor I woke up her from some kind of seeming to the magic, and did not provoke a big chaos.

As for the intelligence department and security department, the regional green dawn, according to the strength of the present department, even if it is the dawn of the mouse ... Hey, if there is, it seems like indigo? ...... It is basically not expensive.

Then, the most important thing is, how to find a way, to clear these two abnormalities of the training department, so that they can contribute the abnormal research points, and become the number of scientific research points that can strengthen the department.



Adventure for insighting for [F-02-58], the result is very fierce feedback to the reaction of each environment, even just use the equipment to test the other party.

So when Jaste is coming out, the supervisor suspects that he will fall on the ground next second, or die immediately, or you need someone to help.

However, the company's damage monitoring data is very strange, as long as the data has not fallen to the empty slot, then employees can maintain their own movement, and even don't even have any debuff (negative effect).

"You can understand that whether it is the company 'super uniform', or abnormal armed, it is protecting employees ... In order to say, employees are actually very fragile, if there is no armed support, they may be at any time Because anything is hurt, die is dead. "

At the end, Christina added another sentence: "Compared with it, you are lucky, just sitting behind the table, watching them work."

If you can, I hope that this luck is also good. I was originally honest to play records at home. When the dead house is enough ...

The supervisor suddenly thought of the intelligence, slightly smoked the mouth, decided to transfer the topic. At this point, Justz is stationed in the hall of the training department, slowly recovering your damaged value.

The blood flowing out on the head is all stopped, and with the help of the blindle, he is very easy to talk to the blindle, the latter is just a smile, and An An is quiet.

So ... what did you say to the end and the employee?

For the supervisor, this is also an unsolved mystery ... But since there is no conversation on the screen, it is obviously nothing to do with the supervisor.

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