The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in chapter 194

When you look at this, the blues suddenly exposed a very weird smile, just like a child who is preparing to do bad things, or is quite evil smile.

I saw Justine suddenly, it was a cartoon of the 2.5 head, but it was very panicked, and then he did not hesitate to ran.

The supervisor just hopes that he will go to [F-02-58] to communicate, although the counter has just dropped 1 point, but did not become 0, it means that it also has a decline in opportunities ...

It has been confirmed that the counter will decline when the results are poor, and the goodness is not determined. Therefore, as long as the general or excellent work is completed, there is a great chance that does not reduce the counter.

Suppose the supervisor does not want to make mistakes, theoretically, as long as you make an unusual, or use some means to meet their needs, they will wait in the housing room, the counter will not fall ... that is.

On the draft of this experience, the supervisor continued to observe Justment, because he has not intermittently looked at this abnormality, in the meantime, the supervisor always felt what he faintly joked.

But that is really blurred, even more like an illusion.

When the supervisor is caught with your hair, when you think about what you think, Justment has also held a workshop, and the courage will enter the housing room, ready to start this time.

Author message:

PS: ...... The more sleeping, the more you sleep, what is the continuous reduction in the situation ...

243. People are not completely concentrated at any time.

After the arrangement of a round of work, he heard a long whistle. He quickly pulled the picture to the [hell train], and he saw the future of the Security Department to stand in the hallway.

The supervisor has a half-second, trying to click on the screen, I saw her as if the dream was awake, and then quickly turned to see the eye accommodation room, then panicked, and grabbed the metal railings.

'Give me a ticket! '

Half, when the bronze clock of the second, a ticket was sent out from the inside, then obvious ' ' oscillatled words from the windowsill, I thought it was eight six by her, hurry Close the window.

However, from the future, it is quite satisfied, it seems that you can appreciate the expression of eight6 after taking a ticket, you will be satisfied enough.

Thinking of this, the supervisor bowed the picture of the eye - there, put a ticket that would not automatically burned, this is his contract with the train that never stops, the settlement.

If possible, it is good to put a slightly larger hand on the table ... Work efficiency will increase, Cristina does not understand how important the work environment is changed to people.

If you complain, you still have to continue, the supervisor is immediately reinvigorating the mood after a slightly divergent thinking, pulls the picture to the shelter of [F-02-58], see Justine and its communication What is the situation?

Obviously, as one of the company's elite employees, Jaster Ding can be said to be a light car, even in less than a minute, he has successfully passed the language and limb movement, so that the other person aware of him.

The posture of some strange action processes that pass by behavior and feedback and the supervisor, making the abnormality changed to sit down ... From instinctive work, it seems to be a behavior that interacts with employees.

Just don't know if it is developing towards a good direction, or it is still developing in a bad direction.

Jaster is very fast. After confirming that the other party has communication desire, he immediately picks it out next to it, and takes out one can start, it should be a sheep.

Then he quickly received a damage, the panoramic plate was also destroyed - here, the supervisor observed that the board was torn with a sharp sharp clawed unknown thing.

Probably a wolf crowd ...

Justntine quickly stood straight, took out a pair of metal chessboard with black and white chess pieces from the storage box next to it, and screened the other party.

The supervisor pondered, perhaps the other party will grab a chess paste on Justment's face, or simply torn the chessboard ... However, he didn't expect that the other party was in a slightly paused, Pretrate.

Pick up two black chess pieces, a white chess piece, then put them on the chessboard.

Well, Wuzi's play ... So, that is, it is a person wrapped in clothes, not what 'animal shape is right? !



What is the supervisor? Justment didn't know, because he is down to meditate, what should he do, in order to focus from this ankle, or to the fly-failed five-child chess game, save his self-esteem.

Generally, exceptions will only follow their own instinct, or continue the concept they represent, and can communicate with their respective behavior patterns.

Like playing chess, he has also undergoing a few times, but he is invisible, but he has made the other party to win, which may be happy.

But this time is completely different, he has made the best way to work hard in this simple game, but there is no ovulation.

Obviously, the other's mood is very good, Just Ding secretly placed the work board next to himself, the energy collection efficiency is very high, this disk is slightly dragged, saying that some of the next work can be slightly slightly Provoke.

For example, test the condition of the other party reflection.

Although the paws do not make themselves died in their own, every time they have been behind this abnormality, then the big wolf, the paw is more bigger than the whole person, let him need to give himself to the heart. clam down.

Silenced for a moment, Justntine quickly put down the chess pieces in his hands, then wrapped the thick cloth, but still holds the hand of the item, a white chess piece will completely break the last struggle of Justment .

Two choices, no matter where, each other can complete the five sub-links.

"... is being lost, you are sure."

Just Ding's consciousness, followed by courtesy, indicating that he had to clean up the chessboard, after receiving the response, he raised his hand to put together chess, and carefully observed the action of the other party.

This is the case. If you can't use the language, then you can confirm the feedback of the other party through the body action ... All in all, careful care, keep the impermantaneous communication, so that it is.

However, after he collapsed the chessboard, he suddenly made a few low voice. After a short adjustment of a short period of time, it suddenly opened.

"Hey, is this a prisoner?"

There is a moment, Justment feels that his heart must stop jumping, but good quality makes him quickly calm down, carefully analyze the current situation, confirm the abnormal demand and performance, he stands straight, holding tight Work board.

"No, not this, I am just employees, work for the company, you can use language communication, this is really great, in fact, I just thought you didn't want you ..."

"The behavior of the took goodwill, and there is no unknown person. It is better to say that the three times will enter this small box, and the purpose is very simple, and I am very curious."

Simple to establish a connection, collect energy as a target ... But this kind of words must not be casually, so Justin hesitated halfway, no positive answers her problems.

The energy collection is very smooth, this abnormally, the giant vain also manifests very peaceful, so Jaster is not too nervous, he thinks an excuse, after the topic is transferred, starting with the other party. What is the vivid shadow behind her.

Obviously, the other party has the intelligence of Jaster's imagination, it has not continued to ask, but it is quite quiet, and even says that it is a sound of knowledgeable.

"Because you, you must be a big, bad, and not in love, like to eat internal organs, kill the weak wolf."

Author message:

PS: Thanks to the reward of black sky and night ~

PS4: ... a group of people are discussing Tanabata, huh, only I exudes the fragrance of single dogs (

244. In the work section, please don't leave the post.

What happened over Just Ding, the supervisor can only see a probably. After Justntine's chessboard, he stood in the housing room and looked at his work board and looked at that abnormality.

Such reciprocation, there is no change in this way ... No, saying that there is still something.

'[F-02-58] claims that, in any case, it is a big, and it must be very bad, only this, can we ...'

How can you do it, do you finish, this article also has a problem like to hide the head?

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