The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the mouth of the 1111st chapter

If you don't deal with, it is not a problem that only a little energy. When she ran out of the housing room, she could only look at her on her eyes.

Therefore, the supervisor quickly lets work, then select an employee, ready to let him enter the waiting room, [Silent Orchestra] The red rays wrapped in the periphery quickly dissipated.

The next moment of the ring is really reliable - the next moment of the director, [O-06-11] is wrapped in a circle of red rays, indicating that this abnormal murder must be dealt.

Author message:

PS: Thanks to the wrong people X2, reverse entropy pioneers, big devil Saatinia X4, Ih Xiaoyi X5 reward ~ Thanks to the bookmarks of the book "!

PS4: ... Update update, this month is over half!

390. There is one or two, and the job will be more and more simple.

It's really good for luck. In fact, the supervisor has always thought that his luck is quite large - including this time.

Last [Silent Orchestra] When you melt, the bell seems to move it to several other abnormal housing room, but this time can only be transferred to the next door, the same [O-06-11] Continuous room.

Perhaps melting also has its special mechanism? The supervisor is still very little known, but now there is not so much free worker to let the supervisor, he must pick a dried employee, let him / her enter the accompanying room, then accompany the 'evil spirits' to play a cat to catch the mouse game.

Or ghost people ... forget it, this is not important.

I won't be in the mainstay, I have just selected Orgaña, which has just received the flashlight, and assisted her to the "O-06-11] to take place.

And at the same time, several other employees have been admitted to now, so that they will become unstable, the unstable abnormal housing room is started, and then turn to continue to observe this new, will reduce the abnormal counter due to work.

Well ... I thought about it, the company's only two A-level abnormality will be very good, and the counter will be dropped. Why don't you have this stinky disease?

That way, worry is quite a lot. Which of these two abnormalities is not good, must be carefully planned, or directly head iron, promote the ultimate observation ... But will the company be so easy to make the competent wish?

Holding this idea, the supervisor looks at the housing room of [O-06-11], thinking about the training of employees while thinking about the training of employees, and looked away from the rushing of Orehana.

After her, a butcher is being smashed, and the dirty is full of blood, it is a bloody, and can even say is a panic.

The new butcher is holding a hammer with a black stain, and the left hand is holding a handle saw - as long as starting, let it go crazy, saw all the cruel weapons of things forever.

He is definitely not ornaments in his hand ... plus this butcher's face as imitation, it is even more incomparable, and it is natural to give employees. Naturally, it is also one.

The supervisor filed a twenty-thousand points of spirit, ordered Olega to run wild, ask her to run straight, there is a tree around the tree, not looking for a stone or may have a broken wall, in short, don't be straight with each other .

This time the 'hunting field' is new, and the employee is also a confused place. It is made from a lot of rounded wooden, red and black intertwined tile walls, as well as a region made of many cement piers.

Several industrial wires across the top of the head, some scattered generators stay in place should stay, waiting for escapes to repair them.

The supervisor is actually a concern. After all, it is a game. It must follow the rules to make the two parties to balance, and there is a value of going on ... Now, this is not a game.

Employees are killed, or they are sacrificed, and the supervisor does not dare to imagine that they are really dead. However, from this abnormal rating, it is very likely to be.

He did not dare to let any employees, encountering an accident that will die, so even if it is a 'hunting skill' behind the Oreana, he can even say a little butcher, he has not laverse.



The hammer of '' knocked on the wall, but the butcher looks quite anger to retreat the hammer stand straight, the front of Orehana is crossing the red brick wall with extremely fast gestures, and even in order to prevent him from abandoning themselves.

She was still under the signature of the supervisor, standing in the original place, then kneeling down the body, looking up at the butcher's twisted face.

This trick is very effective, but the butcher does not hesitate to stand in front of the window frame, lift the legs across the wall ... However, this speed is much more slower than the employee.

Then, such a left hand, the right hand pulled the engine's rope. In a few dull roars, the chain of the metal is high-speed, and the full number of stains contaminated before the top is taken out.

The employee is not a fool, how can it be waiting for it in place? Oreana quickly wrapped around the wall and walked along the other side. The butcher is the chainsaw of the roar, step by step, calm with her behind.

When it is in line with the employee, he slammed the chainsaw in front of the chainsaw, and the foot moves by the usual movement into the outbreak sprint, with a high-speed prey in front of you. .

However, it is necessary to use it, Olyaña is ready, after the supervisor, she directly at the foot, turned to the middle of the two boulders next to a big tree over.

The Rui Roked the chainsaw on the stone has no effect on her, and even after standing on the wooden board between two boulders, there is no supervisor's instructions, waiting for each other from The electric saw sprint the hard to recover the stones.

The supervisor hesitated for a while, decided to temporarily, no matter Olyaña, let the other three people will go to find the plank box that can be carried out.

The R & D department has just sent reports, and those things that belong to human tools from the construction, but whether it is a production method, or the situation they have shown ... is not like the 'human'.

Double-leaf access communication: "Supervisor, I have a good news. You are submitted, the observation report of [Silent Orchestra], and the detailed information is very effective, come on, try again, maybe you can ... Oh, wow, I report it wrong! "

It is not easy to look ...

As for [O-06-11] This exception is now chasing employees, and wants to put them on the chainsaw butcher on the hook. It seems that the minced butcher is slightly better than the last job. However, helplessness is everywhere and trees everywhere, and even huge wood piles, as well as the bulk logging, let him unable to launch a real charge.

Therefore, the threat is temporarily declining, and the supervisor can also be more relaxed, and urge the employees to do more.

For example, look for the flashlight that can be blinded as long as you are irradiating your eyes; no matter what injury, as long as you use the tool inside to cure the medical bag. And there is an incredible performance, you can repair some equipment tanks.

The company may not use them for the time being, and maybe if they have an unknown for abnormal effects. But get them, always more than ambiguous, and you can't collect more information.

Author message:

PS: Thank Joekaox2 reward ~

PS4: ... today in the codeword, food refers to the roots of the roots, suddenly stinging, as if it is going to break, it is too desperate ...

391. Some things are born to be full of malvices, so ...

In fact, energy is only a little bit, but the supervisor does not dare to do this ... After all, it is pulled into the employee in the 'Hunting Estate', in a sense, it is the main battle in the company. Personned.

The Philippine of the Intelligence Department (holding [dead butterfly burial instrument] armed), the future of the training department (holding [red shoes] armed) and the Ministry of Security Browno (holding [Big Birds] armed).

Only waiting for them to be safe from the unusual events, the supervisor will dare to work for more accommodation rooms, otherwise everyone will wait for the old man.

After all, this can be an anomaly of A, can't be slow!

In addition, the most important thing has one ... Once the supervisor is perfect, this exception will be extremely angry, and even the energy generated can not be used, and will cause a lot of energy, resulting in the occurrence of the test. .

To put it ... Today's dusk test seems to be relatively late, if the supervisor wants to complete the bell proposed, if you test your management ability, I will not encounter at dusk.

But ... that is, this will lead to the company's chaotic 'test', or don't come better. After all, the supervisor is not the type in order to live in order.

After determining that the company is not unrestrained, the supervisor assigns the future to enter the [Hell train] to take the train, and then continue to observe the storage room of [O-06-11].

Solve Oleta suddenly ran in the wrong position, or played away, he was cut into the ground by the butcher saw in the dead end.

When the supervisor was transferred from the other three people again, she just ran in the arm, and the butcher behind him had nothing to pull the chainsaw to make the compression, the problem not very big.

At the moment, this abnormality is not allowed by ordinary execution, such as temporarily enhancing butcher, such as the negative state that the employee suddenly won the unable to run.

But maybe because of the self-esteem for the 'evil spirits? It is just a constant pursuit of the 'butcher', not to come to intervene, just like silently waiting for food to send the food to the dining plate.

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