The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the body of Chapter 312

But unfortunately, the supervisor is still a bit experienced for ghosts who don't have external objects, so Oregina even, she can still hurt her under her debris and obstacles. shuttle.

Do not give the butcher chance, even the generators have already lit three, which makes the one who will follow, but because of the repeated butcher who has repeatedly failed.

He suddenly stood in the same place, then pulled the chainsaw, and then quickly rushed to a direction, and did not give Orega's opportunity to react.

However, she doesn't need any special reaction, because chasing others means she can easily relax, go to the crate, or something else.

As for the supervisor, he rely on the chair, holding the notebook and signing the pen in the hand, between the company, other people in the company, while going to the [Hell train] while working, I wake up Red shoes] gives the piano gorge.

This thing is not on some employee, it seems to always go to find an acquaintance, not randomly picking one other employee to charm.



In the end, when the supervisor is playing enough ... cough, it should be said that after the employee completed the action of the door to complete the power of the door, it is unrecognizable.

Although the 'Butcher' does try to work hard in the manor, waiting for them to slowly bleed to death on the butcher of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

But unfortunately, the competent is not intended to give him any opportunity, and no one is willing to die in such a strange place, even even the huge bonfire next to the river, it feels more than this.

And the employee's report pointed out that they touched this abnormally, while avoiding exploring, there is not just just just running.

Perhaps it is not 'own yourself', some currently have not studied thoroughness, but the skills applying the approximately during the abnormal internal activity is slowly effective.

The supervisor hesitated halfway, will have slipped to the mouth 'this is not the blood network (stores in the store)? ! 'Down to swallow, then write personal incoming, after the project is written.

The employees will temporarily leave the monitoring screen of the receiving room after escaping, and then take a break to the 'river on the river, and then return to the company in the ignition of black smoke.

This time is poor, the supervisor is ... Summary and purchase time, this can put it in today's work summary, he is going to address now, it is more important thing -

At that moment of Orehana left the accommodation room, a red coating was shrouded on the screen of the accommodation room, an angry expression showed the top, at the same time, before or question mark counter, brush brush brush Start activity, then reduce it to red.

At that moment, this exception will break through the accommodation, and the company now has no ability to fight A-level abnormal ability. If this is better than [Silent Orchestra], the supervisor is negotiable today.

Eye brakes quickly contracted all employees to their own sectors, and then staring at the housing room where the exception is staring.

Its flame is gradually strong, and it seems to be distorted, and the black void is covered with the traces of the flame after burning, and finally becomes black, and the countdown has come to the end.

The harsh alarm sounds with the two-way exclamation mark on the screen wall, so that the supervisor has some angry pats, the second-level alert means [Big bird] will follow the evil, he not only faces unknown new exceptions, but also Respond to [Big Bird].

At the same time, it must also be careful to let too many employees die, and remember to work for [hell train] - and carefully beware of [red shoes] will attract staff.

Things to do will become as many among the instants, but the supervisor is not a multi-line operation. Because he has company technology that can make instant strategy into semi-automatic strategy - suspend Dafa.

Quickly pull the screen back and forth, supervisor calm the heart, confirm the abnormal current state of each contamination room, requires the length of the employee to process the time, the location of the clerk, and the possible refuge method, and how to arrange employees throughout the brain.

And the most important, how to make employees understand that I have to suppress an A-class abnormality in the dark training department.

Author message:

Ps: ... When this month is coming soon, it will be so fast. The days are really fast ... so ask for a blade, um, that's it ...

392. For safety reasons, do you intend to solve your interference?

A black piece, can only rely on the respective lighting equipment of the employee to supplement the source of the light source, a new order of the supervisor let them mobilize, do not say, prepare to start, who is faster than spelling.

Because in the dark, a heavy pace is slowly moving toward them, in which the darker places, it gives the persistence of the employees, quite strong.

And under their feet, below the receiving promenade, there is a circle of [Big Bird] is breaking through the accommodation, if it does not deal with it, it will definitely bring more trouble to the company.

The footsteps in the dark are gradually close. Before the employees have not left, a bright small engine starts acoustic into them. Subsequently, the roar of the engine, and the gear hinges are hinged to the harsh friction, together high speed to employees .

Although I have prepared, everyone - especially refers to Yadru, his reaction is slower than imagined, so that it is directly cut by the sharp chainsaw.

The uniform provided him with a certain amount of protection, and then shredded, Yadruje called almost on the ground, but found that there was no continuous attack, the chainsaw in his hand pulled it, take away one When the big flesh and blood, even if you want to cut your bones, stop it.

This opportunity, Yadru quickly rolled away, and then screamed again because of pulling the wound, he was driven out of the arm and rushed to the next room, trying to seduce this [ Butcher] Go to the scheduled place.

And this is not a kind of "you don't hit me, I will act", it pulls the oil saw again, then rushing to the employees - the last saw knock on the company's door, except for staying Outside the next score, there is no tree.

However, it is not stupid, after the chainsaw, immediately carry your own big hammer, wait for the door to open it, drill it in, the end of the blood left, all the way to the control department.

However, this is the true purpose of the supervisor. He is not only this exception, but also randomly put down the cartler clip when passing, and will grasp the employee. Butcher], has also been attracted to the intelligence department.

If you want to be, the employees can take care of these two A-level abnormal derivatives that they can take care of them as long as they are caught by clips.

The speed of action is slightly higher than the employee, the type of attack is' red damage ', each individual has a unique ability, but there is no extent that' absolutely unable to resist.

In essence, the red harm itself is pure physical damage, and there is nothing amazing ...

On the side of the supervisor, the partner dispatched more employees to the area that has begun to suppress, and assigned the Bar War to participate in the battle. After the kite tactics of the remote weapons, the eyes were transferred to the "Happy Teddy].

[Big Bird] White hurt, although Insufficient innate.

That's right, the supervisor is not intended to let the employee go to suppress [Big Bird], because they must all be dispatched, and they will bear each of those A-level abnormal derivatives, which is the damage of [Butcher].

After all, it is an abnormality at level, absolutely can't have any slack.



The furry arm is actually full of strength. The furry body, in fact, the knife gun is difficult. [Happy Teddy] I used to thus thwest in the dark, of course, not only just in power.

The supervisor has touched his eyes, although there was one of the cases that were quite rough and poorly repaired, but there was no problem at all in the field of view.

Not to mention the continuous emergence of the heart, [Happy Teddy] is excited to jump almost. For yourself, it feels excited from the bottom of your heart, so the supervisor also corresponds to this abnormal control capability.

Stand up and walked out of the accommodation room, the supervisor heard the unique burst of the magnetic track gun from the head of the promenade, turned to another, and wrapped around the elevator, from the information hall - here is also flooded here The nervous atmosphere, the employees are extremely orderly to stand on the side, then withdraw the hall when they go to the head, let the employees on the other close to [Butcher].

When the head of the elevator, the old long gun pole refered over, Griffin looked at the supervisor because of the face of the face, after a second confirmation, she immediately turned the gun, waiting for the command of the department supervisor.

Philippine is almost deducted trigger, she hesitated in a few seconds, asked in the gunshots in the rumor: "Director? Do you need to borrow an abnormally armed?"

In this regard, the supervisor is open - the furry two fists have not finger.

It is not possible to use an abnormally armed structure. Naturally, I will not talk to them. So next, the supervisor is very ruthlessly shrugged, waiting for the next elevator arrival, take Griffin's head ... especially she claims to The part of the sleeping hair turned to the elevator.

Next, it is through the unparalleled hall of the intelligence department, all the way to the elevator between the intelligence department and the training department, and the supervisor is vigilant to put a very unhappy boxing posture, waiting for the opening of the front door.

The light on the top of the head flashes a few times, while the airtight door in front of the eye is slowly sliding, the darkness is completely covered in this small room, but in the darkness of [Happy Teddy], it can still look at it. The outline of the task.

More about the mutant passed, the supervisor stepped forward, waiting until the gas door was closed behind, did not hesitate to go to the [Big Bird], it is back to sway the stroll, the light in the hand Shake, it looks very leisure.

But once this guy is absolutely not leisurely, it is quite airtight, so the supervisor determines the process of the man - from it raises the arm, then use force.

The heavy impact is not red damage, but it is difficult to speak, act on abnormal or mental injuries, and [Big Bird] For this damage, the resistance is slightly lower.

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