The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the mouth of Chapter 551

The supervisor coughs: "So, I really want to ask, about Niri Lean ... Hey, is she coming to find you with psychological counseling?"

"I haven't been there at all? Because Niri's question is not in psychological problems, but the real problem. She is a very powerful departmental supervisor, and the reason why it can become a middle-level department is also the reason!"

The green leaves patted the thick books, slightly organized the language, then continued: "In short, if you don't have a real grasp, don't think about what to do, because the reality is so much. Unless you can furnish, to help her solve the problem of the loss of equipment. "

"Ah, there is a psychological issue with a patient with a patient."

Finally, after this summary, the blindle patted his hand, telling the supervisor, don't think too much, first do what you should do, politely send the supervisor to your clinic.

During the period, I didn't dare to face up with the supervisor, and it was very natural.

To be honest, continue to play the meaning is not big, although everyone does not actually tell the supervisor, why did the Director of Welfare will be unstable, but from some kind of aspects, this is also reminding the supervisor, she generally does not explode easily .

However, once the explosion, it is definitely the result of the current executive, or the result of the great price can be properly handled, this, from Niriya, it is constantly evolving, indicating that you can see it.

"After all, I have experienced such a surprising results of so many departments, and I will have difficulties in my heart, and then I chose to suddenly broke out in a certain day. Not a good choice, right?"

When Kenai is talking to the supervisor, it is starting a device, the high high height of the flame, looks fair ... How do you say it? Is it necessary to treat the waste?

So he boart: "Yes, it is the case. In short, the question has been found, just see when you ask, she is willing to cooperate with me to try to solve the problem ..., say it back, what are you burning?"

Kenxian bowed his head and looked at the workpiece in his hand. Her 2.5 headers also put this posture: "Oh, please don't care, this is the waste part of some experimental materials, which may have brought other bacterial groups, it is better Simply burn it. "

"This will not cost too much time. If you have any drug demand, you can also say directly to me - of course, I don't recommend you to use medicine, because this means reliance, and the thoughts of evading. "

Kailian thought, suddenly went behind the bench, a few buttons on the wall, and then the supervisor saw that the partition on the wall slipped, letting the back transparent container is displayed. Let the inside, like a goldfish, there is only a breathing apparatus, an eye mask, and a variety of pipelines to connect some important part, which looks like a lack of the glow night of the limbs.

To be honest, because of the 2D illustration, the stimulation of the supervisor is still quite large.

"Unless you think you can have the same qualities, no matter what kind of treatment, you can eventually restore such as the beginning, and I will never add addiction, I will not stop."

The supervisor blinks - is this a general stimulus does not mean?

Author message:

Ps: ...... Lower rains outside, there is a lightning, the room is also dead, what is the mood of the mood? -

PS4: ... well, a custom ticket for the blade - ah, there is no recommendation recently, it is uncomfortable ...

712. Curious is the first step to move forward!

Rai Xian has no feelings for many theories that should feel shy ... is wrong, this seems not a big event for medical practitioners.

As for the night, it will not protest. It doesn't matter, anyway, as long as I don't say it, I don't exist. After the Rai Xian is slightly displayed, the transparent container pushes back, and then shakes the ear.

"In short, I will not deliberately conceal anything that you are curious, unless you have not arrived. So please believe me, the people in the company are not holding you, or to die, do heavy demand. "

Then, Kenai stopped: "Because of the way, because of the opening of a new department tomorrow, I need to coordinate work and confirm whether the life-saving medication given to employees every day is abundant, today will not go to your office."

"If you need me, you can also apply at any time. After all, from my personal point of view, it is much better than the benefit of giving you, it is very wrong. "

No, just sitting next to it, if it is helpful, the supervisor can not feel anything I have made - in short, it is the feeling.

The supervisor coughs, and he is actually quite unique to such a meticulous person: "What, in short ... Hey, press your step, I don't care, but if I feel unstable, I am accumulated or exhausted, I am this It doesn't matter while you do ... should you say this? "

"It doesn't matter, everything is based on your wishes. Now I am going to configure some new drugs, do you want to stay here, or go to see other people? I personally recommend you as much as possible, even employee communication Understand their appeal, this is a good thing for you or people who communicate with you. "

This executive did not hesitate, because he saw that Kleings took out a row of very familiar medicines from the table - Yes, it was the topping of it - directly scratched the screen, hurry to change a local run. .

Place the mentality, in fact, as long as you don't remember, just seeing the CG who is watching the game, there is nothing difference, and it is clear that the supervisor of the game content will always hold down Ctrl skip.

What does a woman mean, don't disturb me to record, roll!

- Although I recall now, why is it very strange that the strange games have to be recorded.

With such an idea, the supervisor heard a crisp ring, then from the side of the floor, extended a robotic arm with a tray, it put the tray on the table and contracted back ...... Well, finally dinner ?

Uncover the plate, the supervisor will take a sigh of breath ... When is the happiest time every day, play the game is definitely the first, and second, it is natural to see dinner, breakfast, or if there is a lunch .



Today, Niri is prepared, it is a good food that does not look like before. The front end container is placed, it can be seen, sprinkled with a thick layer of pepper and pepper. Shell boiled meat.

The mellow sauce is covered in a layer of half boiling oil, and the fresh meat is drifted. Even so, all of it is full of fragrance, all being covered in the inside, only slight aroma is turning.

Only people who tasting can describe its taste with the tongue ... Probably this.

In addition, the supervisor saw a few cabbage in the white porcelain dish next to it, and it was cut, which was drowned in a slightly removed soup.

I want to use a light soup for the Qing Dynasty, and also with a barrel - Yes, for the stomach of the supervisor, the amount of this sent is the PLUS model, all of them increase, a thermal insulation bucket so much Rice, a pot of boiled meat ... In short, it is so described.

These two ends on the table, the supervisor swaying the soup bowl cover in the middle of the dining plate, rich and rude, the taste of the scent, the supervisor is aimed at a glance, and it will not open again.

Although a layer of pepper shells make it look absolutely able to violently violent people, the snowy fish flakes can make people can't help but reach out of the chopsticks, taste the fragrance, being sourced just right to excite it. Soup, if you eat with rice, the supervisor is no doubt, this barrel is not a problem.

I can't wait for it, first add a bowl of meals, no one is disturbing dinner, no matter how much is wonderful ... and then, when you drink the first mouth 'Qing soup', the supervisor knows that he is wrong.

The soup is so thick as if the old soup made in the taste countless process, but the salty is so sweet, but it has also retained the freshness of the material. Compared with the other, it is equipped with a vegetable cabbage of pure meat, just add it. .

The boiled meat is tender and refreshing. Spicy spicy feelings let the supervisor keeps the mouth to sustain rice, and the sour fish of the sour fish is that he can't stop the movements at all.

Yes, this is the value of spicy taste, not simple, people, but to inspire other tastes - give yourself a fan, so that the temperature falls, the supervisor is in the heart, I explained it. .

In fact, in addition to keeping a delicious food into the mouth, then with the rice chewing, there is no time to talk.

Even when I have a cup of water ... When I was sent over, the executive was swaying in the glass in the glass, and the mouth was still chewing with sour and rice, so that I have maintained a high mood.

In the whole process, he only feels that you eat, the more you eat, even if you just just put the sauce, or the soup water of the sour food, is quite happy.

Of course, the price is not, at least the pot of Oolong tea has been drunk by the supervisor, not only this, but he even took out a bottle of zero music ... Although it is more spicy, it is cool, but it is complete. cut back.

All in all, when the mercury lamp heard the voice, pushing the box, he saw the supervisor to waving a spoon and chopsticks there, and there was no appearance.

Really so delicious? It is not possible to understand that human beings are not eating, and the mercury lamp is once, it is quite interested in the main tube.

The dessert is not counted, and as a person, the black tea she drinks, the dessert it eats, it is just the ability to taste and send time, and by the way, it can provide a little activity.

The true 'eating' is still difficult to understand.

Author message:

PS: ... Now, the code is not placed there, you can't concentrate - white noise and BGM are tired, change the product.

713. The opponent does not know the identity is the most terrible!

Shuangye is very mood today, not only work is easy, and there is nothing unusually jumped out, not only because of the recent program combing, as long as it will solve the demand every day.

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