The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the mouth of Chapter 552

Most importantly, today's early get off work is extraordinary, even earlier, she has not stretched, and handles things, they have been announced, and the energy is completely collected, which can temporarily enter the relaxation work.

So after some things in the hand, the double-leaved could not wait to take a special elevator and went to the head of the supervisor, and then when she jumped out of the elevator, they saw anything in front of us. Zoom in.

Pushing a pushed glasses in a very second, confirming that it is full of red, and it is full of blood, and it seems that it is a little bit of mercury lamp, and the double leaves are in one-third of the second. Carefully caught her, then pick up the laptop that is going to land with your foot.

For mercury lamps, it is to open in front of the elevator. Some people come out, they suddenly caught it, and the pain has to let her want vent to whipping her thinking.

"Put, let me go, the fool is too much!"

The double-leaf rushed on the continuous struggling mercury lamp, and the waist picked up the notebook from the ground, he saw the supervisor's helpless holding a spoon: "So I said, for the first experience, too much spicy Not a good choice ... Why do you not believe it? "

And the doll is actually blushing, it is really interesting. Usually, it is a new discovery because of the spicy flavor, it is probably a new discovery.

Also, for us only eat sweet, soft food, or simply just taste the black tea, the spicy taste may be tortured and not necessarily.

"Brother, is it laughed by Miss Bullying Milky Lantern, although theoretically, you have no relationship, but it is too bad to work, you will be very troublesome, you will work."

Holding a mercury lamp, blew your own chair, then picked up the yogurt bottle on the table: "And, drinking milk can effectively relieve spicy flavor, this is the lady of Kenzai, she is in this regard, but experts, Ok!"

The mercury lamp hit the milk bottle and fly to the work desk. The supervisor did not force what, but continued to hold a spoon, and finished the last soup in his bowl.

Then the gods were refreshed and wiped up: "Ha, spicy feeling is good, just have to take a bath, feel so trouble ... Shuangye, dinner, have you eaten?"

"Oh? Don't worry, Miss Kenai, have been reminding me what time should I do in real time in real time, so it doesn't matter, um, there is no relationship."

'This exercise, this exercise, this exercise. '

The double-leaf efficiency of the personal portable terminal, the recording of Kaijuxian, opened the laptop: "So, the time to rest today is relatively, it is much longer, my brother wants to do anything wrong. Take it? I don't care, as long as I sit here, I am very relaxing. "

What is done ... Nothing is good, the information has been finished, and the bell has not requested himself, and she is looking for her chat with Miss Future. After the end of the blindle, it should be to drink with her assistant ...

His eyes looked at the computer monitor. Christina did not know when it was wearing a suit, the appearance of the white coat appeared to be there, as long as the supervisor call, she will be unrecognizable.

So, what should you do? ...



The final result still turned on the computer to play games, but this double-shredded hand has many jobs to do, so just look at the supervisor, the work in his hand, is it unable to stop.

"However, it is a job, but there is nothing, just some simple adjustments, my brother doesn't have to worry, um, that's it."

Shuangye's speech is really strange ... but it is still very cute after habits.

When the supervisor was waiting for the loading process, he put the table immediately, and immediately concentrated the spirit. Here started with a keyboard, and pulled a more comfortable mouse, did not say a word from the end. .

Since the company enables a part of the network to start a local area connection, many games can be struggled with people ... Hey, anyway, it doesn't mean it, it doesn't matter except for cheating.

Recently, the supervisor encountered a strong opponent, but because the other party is anonymous, when is the other party, it will suddenly appear to snipe the supervisor is unknown.

This also leads to each supervisor, and it is necessary to win the spirit of the twice, so as not to be killed, it is more shameful.

Therefore, in order not to perform shame, the supervisor movement has no block, according to the rhythm of the heart, the unit group, and then started production and combat with the front line.

Double blade occasionally looked at it, in the computer monitor, the monster operated by the supervisor is a bit more eye, and it seems to have appeared in 'amber dawn', while others are still seeing.

However, she quickly smashed his eyes. Although I hate it happened, I jumped to jump like this, and even if I even repeatedly switched. Sure enough ... Tough.

The supervisor can even see a time counter in the process of operation, to estimate the actions of the other party, this heart is really a bit amazing.

However, I think about it when I assign employees, the smooth command chain, I want to come, it is not easy, and it is no wonder that the spirit of drinking every day will be drunk.

All in all, when the competent is difficult to push the other party, when he settled the victory picture, he took the hand, picked up the water cup, and then pondered, it was still a game, it was a game, after all, encountered The chance of that guy should be quite high.

He suddenly knocked on the desk: "Bell, the anonymous guy should it be you ?!"

"Hey ... I will not do so boring things, secretly to challenge you? And I am very busy now, there are many information to be read, I have to take time to play fixed tracks."

The bell shook his head, on the chair behind her, the supervisor saw the 'sister' finger, constantly knocked on the keyboard, let all kinds of difficult texts like a brush screen, it looks quite a momentum.

"Of course, if you feel lonely, wait for me to work? Please take a little bites before that."

Don't say that the elderly people wait for someone to play chess? !

Author message:

PS: Thank you Huaxi's reward ~

PS4: ...... This month is over! What else is there, I have thrown it! Can't refused -

714. How is the right time to see the happiness meaning -

Since it is not a bell, then there is such a great hat with the supervisor ...

"Chris, I know, you are watching."

"Obviously, the supervisor has a small victim, this is not a good thing, causing you to consider this in your work, so that the work efficiency has dropped."

When Christina appeared, the supervisor was opened, the opponent was like the central part called Lina's employee ... Although she is very hard, but the newbie, I will start my hand, it seems really not too. it is good.

Therefore, after the education of the supervisor, after the completion of the education, the next plate, and Christina said that he is ai, not lying, since she denied that she didn't play ... Wait, she denied it?

The forehead of Point Cristina with mouse points: "So you haven't answered yet, the unnamed account is not a bell, who can anyone else?"

"Perhaps, which department is the supervisor, or is a special staff. I am very busy, there is no free time to understand, you are using what relaxing your own spirit, this is meaningless, waste time."

Christina slowly hidden, and the supervisor is a needle shrug. After you solve this opponent, turn off the game, then open another.

"Shuangye, will open a new department tomorrow, right?"

"Well, this is like this, but my brother should not worry, the department is the head of the department, very good, very good." Shuangye stared at the notebook, the above picture is constantly refreshing, looks like a circulation code.

The supervisor is unhappy to knock the keyboard: "Is it ... the department of the department of the good, first of all, she and kindness, I don't mention it, I want to know, what is the new department? From the name, it seems ... Hey , Discipheal? "

"Yes! Yes, punish the Ministry of Education, as the name, it is to give not obeying the work, or make mistakes to punish, so that everyone can rest others, but it sounds so terrible, in fact, it is actually the truth, but it is only a truth! "

How to be a mission, hang up people, use a whip, let them accept the work or ...?

In the head of the head, there is a way to copy and torture.

"Oh ... brother's expression is so strange, not what you imagine, unless it is extremely dissatisfied with employees or abnormalities from discipline, usually, the disciplined department is just assist and dispatching people, and the region patrol, hm "

Double leaves seem to be very happy, at least said that now is not blocked, means she can reveal more information in advance. So she immediately rose legs, the whole person is sitting on the chair, facing the supervisor.

"All in all, although in the past some time, the people who discipherently look very fierce, let everyone complain, but in fact, the discipline system does let the company become more order, and the efficiency of the information is also improved."

So, essentially, use violence to solve the problem?

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