The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 600

Within the sword, the wind is parked, and if the night is generally in the dark, you can see the sparkles in the sky. Outside the sword, the dinner and desperate residual sun is constantly retreat, as if the raised curtain.

There is no reason to be amazed around the staff, and the bell is looking at the screen. I don't know why I said: "Obviously, we don't have to care about the abnormal disturbance problem nearby, just, wait for the supervisor to return here. In the future, he has to evaluate her ability. "

"... It is true, and, the proposal for the repair facility has been approved, please return as soon as possible."

Author message:

PS: ...... Today, let me touch one day, so I have written it out ... Just like this!

PS4: ...... I still want to set up a reward ... I will directly read the book review area, um!

781. Bearing, people will be treated

The array of people can mention the spirit of 'wind', the supervisor is , I feel quite uncomfortable - say it back, the bell has said that he is working hard, and the process of 'armed anomaly'. It will also be close to the direction of the abnormality.

Therefore, the relaxation of this pressing force will make yourself react, it is evidence that is unswervingly advanced? However, it seems that the ring seems to have a good time to give yourself a tendency.

The picture entered the work section, and the supervisor took the first time to take the suspension, and then patrol the entire company, pulled the picture to Niriya, and did not see it, she was going to carry out the repair operation (although now is being time out).

This is also something wrong. If you can make things more secure, it's not what it's like this - every time, the supervisor will be inexplicable, before using the [World Line Observer], The picture.

How did the person do it? Is it unbelievable?

Of course, I think it is, the supervisor pulls the picture to the discipline department, then move to the newly opened container, in the contamination room close to the hall, he saw the 'Tasty'.

The reason why the reason is to describe because the supervisor really doesn't know how to evaluate. How to say it, after the change of cognitive filters, it gives the first impression is a piece of powder, but the face is a bit like a person, and it is very uncomfortable to extend the weird tongue. - On the face, there are four sizes of different mouths.

In addition, the four paws are also made up of the body's arm, which is similar to the other parts of its body, which can be said to be made of a lot of 'human' 's.

Nothing in the abdominal cavity, a spine is connected to the front and rear body, and has derived a blue curved arm from behind, in short, even if the cognitive filter is adjusted, it still has a creepy texture.

Even if it is suspended, the supervisor still feels that it seems to look at himself, not only this, it is even desire to close yourself - but the supervisor is not just entering the company, the area is abnormal, I want to scare myself. too naive.

Click to start working, the head of the supervisor has always looked at [O-06-20], and then feels that his face is touched.

"Ah, lying in the trough, don't come over, you horses [-] ... um? Well?"

The whole person has a lot of distances, and the supervisor suddenly responded. It turned around, and the mercury lamp was frowned. A pair of discovers were disappeared, causing quite unpleasant and even saying angry models.

The supervisor quickly pulled the chair back: "Sorry, I can't help, you have to know, some horror games I really don't adapt too much, but not all, this time is too focused on ....................... Things are terrible. "

Obviously the mercury lamp was quite dissatisfied with this explanation. She frowned: "A flat paper graphic makes you scared this, and you are too weak."

The supervisor scratched his head, and he also felt strange: "How to say it, it is a bit like a certain thing ... Some ... I think about it, let me think about this feeling."

Then he started to think about a few seconds, then looked up.

"Right, if you want to describe, you will see a moment that you can include you in your mouth, then become a large gel, you want to digest your natural enemies, and intuition tell you can't escape."

Even with mercury lamps, some unnatural kneading arms, I feel that it is not very comfortable.



But no matter what, the supervisor has to work, things can't stop, just like time will not roll up - the restart is not counted, that is directly back.

Today's work is to suppress 3 ALEPH exceptions, and it is not necessary to collect completely all energy to end the work. Not only that, the supervisor has also accepted the company's request, it took a quite ... Monk .

After his mouse, let's let the Christina on the monitor disappear, then click on the small icon of the lower bell: "Ask a question, today I feel that the pressure farm reduces the level of energy, I feel that I feel like Yesterday, this is why?"

The bell spared from the window, blinked his eyes: "Ah, this is ... After the work is over, it will be time to give you an abnormal tendency, so please take a bit more patience, don't worry, now the situation is better And you are very special, it won't turn into an unusual ... "

After the ring is finished, I suddenly said: "Right, don't look at Miss L., in fact, she is very responsible?"

Understand the understanding, after the bell disappear, pondering to look at the wall wall, suddenly pull the picture to the discipline department after half a minute.

"Ling Dream, I want to ask, about the details of today's work, that is, what is the so-called 'suppression'?"

Ling Meng, a pair, I can't understand what the supervisor is expressing. She thinks after a meeting: "The literally means, what I said is running out of the housing room, and then sent back to the storage room, the situation becomes good That is to suppress, very simple. "

In this case ... The supervisor will vote from the central part of the center, which is the area jurisdiction. Although she has never been managed, the distribution of employees is all the 'sister'.

Assignment holding [Al.fine] a set of arms, which is from the armed Justment of [Miracle Orchestra], enters the "Miracle Orchestra], executes 'communication' work.

Then pull the picture directly to the control department, and the supervisor will see that the teacher is being dispersed, and the clerk is awkward.

It is nothing to do, and he will die alone, it is very uncomfortable.

When the supervisor pays attention to this side, Zhi is a happy wave, then continue his work ... Well, there should be no problem with this.

The intelligence department as always, the clerks look like a look, while the double leaf is quite more than the work automatically runs automatically. At the same time, the two-line started to make her spirit highly concentrated, but it is not very busy.

There is no problem with this side, and the usual risk of the upper container is nothing to do.

The work board in the hand is serious about the hand, and the employees walk around her. It seems to be deliberately avoided, it is normal, after all, will be suddenly pulled down to drink the strange drug this kind of thing, can avoid avoiding it.

Overall, the current situation is also a peaceful - after all, only [Miracle Orchestra] is working in the work.

Author message:

PS: Ok! The new month begins! Seeking a ticket to ask for a look!

PS4: ... The reward has been sent to the book review area! So a few days today -

782. Happy operation time begins, next?

The supervisor has pondered the picture to the security department, and then he saw that the younger hog was shouting there. Efficiency but ...

Now there is nothing to do, follow the employees to check the deficiencies, find where there is a simple job such as equipment damage, so it is basically waiting for the next directive for the supervisor.

As for the central part, Justin has no expression in the "Miracle Orchestra" 'work. But tell the truth, in essence, after he holds a fluorescent stick in the yellow line, try to make himself not approaching abnormalities, so as not to happen.

In addition, it is a standing energy to be full of energy, and it is subject to white harm that will be absorbed by the whole arm.

The supervisor looked at the energy in the picture and rushed to the best work. He sat there four, and did not feel very panic.

At the end of the work, Justin returned the workpiece left the accommodation room, and at the same time, the "Miracle Orchestra] covered a layer of light green smile, and the rest of the counter was 1 point.

One effort, it is the hardest A-level abnormality, even [White tyrant] is not so tricky, if it is, it makes it a lot of headache.

But now his purpose is to ran out, after all, after all, today, I will not lose too much energy, I don't want to find Miss Nairi, talk about it, let's talk about it.

To set up ideas, the supervisor allows Jaster to wait in place, after the countdown end, directly send him to the housing room, execute the 'insight'.

At the same time, the control department's [disciplinary bird] suddenly ran out from the housing room, then fell to the wings to start the active body, after a few seconds, quickly assigned Roman that is now nothing to go to it.

Then come back and forth, attract the attention of the other party, let it put it on the wings, reach out of the small beak, and force the Roman.

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