The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the 601th chapter

[Disciplinary Bird] After the other party, felt a wings again, followed by the loss of all interest, straight back to the housing room, standing on the metal bracket, constantly combing his feathers.

From the appearance, it is really animal and animals, but as long as you take the initiative to attack it, this little bird will tell each other, what is a boring.

Shake your head, the supervisor pulled the picture to the central part, and then saw Justment's work in [Miracle Orchestra], and it is about to get close to the end.

This result is still excellent, that is, as long as it doesn't surprise, after Justine has come from the housing room, she will come out after counting down.

The mercy lamp is doubtful to the supervisor: "Stupid humans, do you really make sense? Just put the thing that looks very dangerous, do you want to force her to suppress her?"

The supervisor shook his head, reached out of the left arm, showing that the mercury lamp can be up - the result is directly to the head of the executive shoulder.

"I mean, I will not go to suppress [Miracle Orchestra], according to her characteristics, it is fleeing and playing four music, will then pay all energy, then return to the receiving room is not? This whole is one Future and the shelter process. "

"So, although I don't know how the company is planning, this exception is, in any case, the end result is 'return to the storage room', I have to test it, she will not be included in today's work."

When the director said, when the Christina on the eye monitor, she was quietly appeared, and she did not send, and there was no representation for this attempt.



[Miracle Orchestra] three stages, preparation, performance, and curtain call. The supervisor has been prepared, no matter which department she appears, it immediately dispels all people, then go to the [Big Bird] to suppress work, yes, this is the case.

When the countdown ends, the "Miracle Orchestra], the future of Miss is sighed, then pulls the curtain. At the same time, there is also a curtain on the screen wall.

Then the alarm sounded, the second-level shelter broke through ... Wait, feel a bit wrong?

The executive discovery found that this sound actually only a first-class alarm, so it won't cause [Big Bird] and [White Trise] breakthrough.

The former is coming out, the latter is coming out, but in general, this will lead to the company's crisis began to deepen ... how to say it, the A-level abnormally actually only gives 1 alarm, no problem?

In the middle of the picture, Nirija is a set of tools to adjust a device in a set of tools, and the sudden appearance of Miss Future, she is slightly surprised, especially when the translucent light green mask puts themselves When it is also enveloped, she is a little panicked.

But Miss Future is just a laughing of her mild, and I started to make a breakthrough process, and I prepared the first song - the supervisor, I clicked under the timely clicks.

"All employees under your hand, including the clerk to the elevator, don't let them sway in the hall, the corridor can do it?"

"Ah! Ok, you can do it, please wait!" After the response quickly returned, the supervisor saw the welfare department quickly act quickly, all employees were transferred, and they did not drag the mud.

Soon, there is a [Miracle Orchestra] in the whole department, listen to Niri, while maintaining the facility, and the supervisor has not sent more people to come here, just sitting on the chair, holding arms, waiting for her The end of the whole performance.

Obviously, Miss Future is quite doubtful, why didn't I see the cracks in the case, but an abnormal traits allowed her to follow their own behavior processes, and continue to advance the music to the second phase.

However, the supervisor just hugged his arm and didn't move, until the third music stage, the musical resiscator began to spread into the departmental corridor, he moved his body and stood up.

"Stupid humans, what do you want to do?"

"Activity, there is nothing, after all, don't you think, actually when the concert is very good?"

Looking at the screen, you are turning around, and the whole person is also addicted to the [Miracle Orchestra] in the singing. .

Author message:

PS: Thank Jead05's 588 reward ~

PS4: ...... seeking a ticket! Yes you can ask for anything!

783. When you are determined to steal the chicken, don't want to block!

When the fourth song arrived, the supervisor has been active, continuing to sit on the chair, waiting for the end of the process, with the rhythm, with the rhythm, and it is not less than the dangerous work.

The musical resisted circle is expanding, but it is impact that the departments are not outside the department. In the picture, even Nepuki can't help but put down the other tools, turn around and hold the wrench, just like being like waving.

"Your work attitude, starting today, so as to give up the end of the treatment, what makes you so angry, do you want to cope with today's work?"

When Christina asked, the supervisor shrugged: "Otherwise, there is still a working energy in the A-level work, less, go to [White Trise] a few times a few times. ... Instead, I am just doing the test, what is so eager? "

During the speech, the fourth song ended, the future lady slowly gathered the sound circle, while happy with Nirijah, after saying a few words, some regrets let those notes spread into unlimited place.

Subsequently, reached out, hold a translucent note, and disappear with it after crushing it, and the alert in the company also stopped, becoming peaceful.

The supervisor quickly turned his attention to the upper right corner of the screen wall, where the work given by the discipline, that is, 0/3 after the suppression of 3 different ALEPH exceptions has become 1/3.

That is to say this is useful, can it be made according to law? !

The avatar of Ling Meng suddenly appeared on the left side of the screen wall, and her voice came from there, "I used this kind of stealing slippery way through detection ... I am small."

"To be honest, although it is enough to suppress an exception, it will create a stable environment with rules to create a stable environment, I will continue to watch you."

After the voice of the spirit disappeared, the supervisor touched the chin to ponder, and she always felt that she seems to be invisible to the head of the threat, don't use this stealing slippery way.

But tell the truth ... ..................................

The director thinks, starting to start working in accordance with the normal process, and ignoring the monsters who are only extraordinary, do not want employees going in.

The company now needs two A-level abnormalities to complete the process of accommodating breakthroughs and suppression. What is better ... Careful thinking about it, it seems that [White Trunte] is a must-select project, then the last one, I don't want to think.

It is definitely the [smiling corpse mountain] of the discipline, as long as there is no one died in the company, its threat level is about a SHIN-level abnormality, simply, it is to hit the 'slow-moving' can just hammer.

To set up ideas, the supervisor began to work in accordance with the daily process, so that the employees have finally started to act from the unconscious situation, the guards prepared, and they will go to the housing room, in short, the company has become busy. .

After thinking, the supervisor suddenly opened the notebook, I plan to see, the company is currently relatively high, what is it.

Four attributes can be, after all, it will be prepared for the next work, and prepare for [O-06-20].



The first-level melted is stable, [smiling corpse mountain] The hue of the housing room, the supervisor quickly assigned employee to deal with the problem, and the employee will be sent to the [3D refractive variant].

I don't know why, it is an uneasiness, almost can say that there is melting, it will be active, people feel very subtle ... Good to reduce the spirit of employee's spirit, will not be melted.

The supervisor is in the table, let the employee are concentrated in the door of [smiling corpse] in the custom, then pull the picture, then pull the picture, patrol a circle throughout the upper layer, confirm that there is no problem, Pull the picture to the Ministry of Welfare.

Catheri, who has completed [3D refractive variant], is out of the accommodation room, and then attacked by the 'little girl', and then fell to the ground after a needle, waited until the 'little girl' collected After the luminescent substance of the tube, she escaped.

The supervisor is nervous, staring at the accommodation room, wait until the employee came from inside, then the resulting energy is slightly insufficient, so that the [smiling corpse "counter is reduced, filling a plenty of drink, waiting for the employee to return to the completion, Enter the accommodation room again.

Then pull the screen to the upper layer, let the employee go to the [Disciplinary Bird], confirm that it will not make [smiling corpse mountain] after the next work, it is also outside.

That will lead to [Big Bird] Meet the conditions of the summon [Tianqi Bird] when he heard the second-level consossing alert, and entered the stage of integration magic.

To be honest, the supervisor is now completely free to face the things, because this choice is very uncomfortable ... If you can, he intends to let the employee's armed to add another group.

In summary, after the success of the staff successfully completed the work of 'worse', the counter counter finally turned into numbers 0, which also means that when the countdown is completed, [smiling corpse mountain] will run out Do things.

The supervisor reached out the mercury lamp on the shoulders: "Waiting for it, maybe I will suddenly fall, in order to prevent, do you want to think about it?"

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