The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the mouth of the 641 chapter

As for the target of this time, it is a bird egg called [small]. It can absorb red damage to the treatment itself, which is slightly lower in black injury - this is not a target for [White Trise]!

The arm clamping the continuous struggling Miss, the supervisor and the spirit of the dream have passed, and there has not been a battle, and then rush to the training department, and will go on the ground.

"When I arrived, did you see the egg? It is something that is abnormal, what do you think?"

[White tyrant] The event started his feet. He looked at the head of the eye. He looked at the base, white is the bottom, only a positive center has a red pigment [small].

He hesitated again, she turned against [small] tried to launch a few energy bombs, the director was satisfied, took a shot of her shoulders: "Come on, I am optimistic about you, although it is unfortunately, I will not wait until I will finish it. I will go back ... I will come again, don't worry. "

After that, the supervisor quickly pulled the weapon to the other direction. Now, the situation is like this. As long as Niriya does not re-use the backbone of the standby system, the progress of the murder will be deepened, vent Have a depression of abnormal convection.

Ok, today's supervisor is lucky ... not, the strength is excellent, and it is completely handled these problems, which does not allow the company to enter the crash mode.

"Chris, that only [Tianqi Bird] Where is now?"

Welfare Department. "

The supervisor is not hesitant to the intelligence department, and a bird egg named [long arm] is placed in the hall. It has a unusual, the body wrapped in the bandage, and there is still a strange feathers decoration. Ben ... But this is not important.

If you don't hesitate to wave the weapon, the supervisor is immediately jumped out of the four damage numbers, with the highest damage 'blue damage' being directly absorbed, and even the damage caused by other types of injuries.

Well ... What should I do this, this arm is essentially a non-known technique, entrusted which department forged it, the supervisor only knows to swear, completely don't know how it should be controlled?

"Brother ... supervisor, I caught in trouble, I know, Miss Kiss, I will submit an intelligence before, just think about it, what kind of damage to eliminate each other, you can do it, um, it is like this."

Is this ideal really not afraid?

The supervisor shakes his head, the more high-end technology, the more simple operation manual, this is right.

Author message:

Ps: ...... Today, you have to be baked, too much - seeking tickets to ask for reward, um, this!

839. Concentrate, things can be solved!

The supervisor holds a big sword, and the silent demand in the heart removes the damage model of 'blue damage'. The nebula transform on the sword blade. Subsequently, he waved the weapon. On the housing of the seemingly hard shell, he left a deep moment. mark.

Red-white black tricolor injury suddenly jumps out, high frequency damage makes the supervisor without any counted - what is the danger of playing targets, and really can't say something.

Several regular blue lines suddenly gathered around the horizontal field, and then labeled the eggshell that there were some pitted eggs in the [long arm], and eventually become a prismatic indicator that identifies different regions of the upper part. .

"This is, I can do the most helpful, ah, busy, busy, a lot of things are constantly rushing ... brother, come on!"

Waving the double blade, the supervisor is calmed down, first of all the two swords have died the [big elderly] for himself, and then grabbed the 'little girl' of the escape, put her in a nearby staff workbench On, then continue to wave the weapon, and accurately cut to each marked location.

The huge amount of damage makes the whole giant egg began to shake, the scarlet liquid is slowly flowing from the damage, so soon, so soon, the whole bandage is wound, but even so, it doesn't have a mobility, just like it is true. Just a egg.

Well ... should not, so the supervisor did not stop, continue to beat this giant egg, so that when it constantly suffers from difficult to damage, from the company's lower layer suddenly came to the crisp '' impact.

It is difficult to say, as if you can disconnect the soul to the whiteboard, the perception of the whiteboard is diffused from the foot to the head, and the supervisor has made a spirit, then continue to hit this weird bird egg.

[Tianqi Bird] has a special ability to raise a heavens, and let it measure all 'sin' and cause considerable high blue damage.

But it is clear that there is only an exception in the company to eat this kind of damage, and the supervisor is ignored and will not eat this high damage.

He suddenly had a stunned eye logo in front of him, he didn't figure out what this is, the sign is instantly broken, just like anything.

Probably a mechanism is triggered, then it disappears because it is invalid, it doesn't need to be concerned.

The damage of the long arm is quickly tapped by the supervisor. It trembles to break the damage. In the wound, a deep red eye falls on the ground, seems to be staring at the supervisor.

However, the supervisor did not care, he seriously hit the homework for [long arm], until the last silk injury slot disappeared in the line of sight - it stopped all the actions, then directly broken, then The lingering rays suddenly contracted.

At the same time, the supervisor only felt a blurred in front of his eyes, translucent, like a wax painted picture appeared in his line of sight.

'Tall birds have always looked up to the skull of the sky, and now I can't lift it ...'

Some type has been restrained, and the pressure of the oppression suddenly disappears. At the same time, the roaring of the beast seems to come from farther, but the supervisor has never heard the sound of the crisp metal knocking the ground.

Similarly, the blue harm that spreads to the whole company is still not launched again - this thing, maybe it is to suppress it.

The supervisor obviously skips a lot of steps, which will cause huge damage, can be considered to be the suppression of 'hardship', which is completely ignited.

The blood stains contaminated on the hand were smashed, and the supervisor waved their hands and continued to rush to the discipline. If you haven't remembered, there is still an egg called [big eyes].



Run before completing the suppression, never stop. The supervisor has some anxious points in the elevator, thinking about why you will change this ... Finally, you can only blame, this kind of warm texture, and the 'incentive with the aphrodisiac. He became more fearless.

But it is not a reckless, but it is true in the true sense.

It seems that the kicks are like rushing into the punishment department. The supervisor will see the two weapons, and [one has nothing] mutually cut, the way is still fighting with [smiling corpse mountain].

He smashed the metal debris that was stained with [Magic Girl], shouted: "Do you need help? I still look at it here!"

"Solve yourself need to solve the problem, don't ask me ... oh." When the dream replied, he was [one did nothing] When a knife was cut, it was a blood, and it was indifferent to the red halo, let them like a mask. Generally fixed on the face.

The supervisor shrugged, ignored the crazy spirit of the other, and the heart was medcofed in the type of damage, in the weapon in the hand, the eternal starry sky produced a slight change.

Then he raised the blade and cut it on the eggshell of [big eyes], and the anti-voicer path passed back was slightly insotred, and the executive was in this case, it should not be like this, suddenly pulling it.

In the nearby promenade, the supervisor is a sword against the air, will hide the 'amber dusk' of the air, that is, the assassin hidden in the air gives the prototype directly, then two swords will be In the corridor, go to the positive 'mutter' to ring the non-stop wall-mounted phone.

"Hello, I am Miss Mary, I am now at the door of the elevator."

The fuzzy hoarse voice came from the microphone. The supervisor is a noddling point: "Very good, I am going over in the corridor of the discipline."

"Oh, ?"

Didn't feel strange, the supervisor is like a golf ball, returning to a shovel, using the power of the whole body, thorns a 'thorns' insect', then nail on the wall.

It is constantly struggling. The supervisor is only a constantly twisted weapon in his hand, constantly cutting the other party's damage slot until the last minute, this abnormality is determined to die.

"Hey ... really disgusting, too disgusting, why do I have to do this -!"

Sir, the supervisor escaped a knife from behind, and then directly took the hand, put the love that did not beware directly under the arm.

"Ah ... Love is caught, next, will be quite four-fold five-fold, although it hurts, but hope can speed one ... um? Is a sister!"

The supervisor knocked on her small head, pulled out the weapon from the wall, then squatted on the shoulders: "I want to call my brother. Forget it, help me, then I will remember what I have to avoid it. Can you do it? "

"Well! Love will work hard to help your sister!"

The supervisor sighed and felt that he would wait for her to advise her to change mouth. What is it is useless, but it is useless ...

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