The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the mouth of Chapter 642

PS: Thanks to the reward of broken bridge Sang X5 ~

PS4: ...... good, ask for a blade to ask for reward! The fingers are more hurt, so annoyed ...

840. Those things always have no endless appearance

[Big Eye] Since the lobby, it is slightly shaking in the hall. It has been in the [Tianqi Bird]. After the exceptions in the hall, they will leave after the abnormality and the spirit of the dream, a egg is Destroy, let it weaken a lot, and even how much damage can be caused to several things in the hall.

The supervisor did not conceal his own whereabouts. He wandered with his arms. After driving into the lobby, he wrapped around the Hall [one without anything], then referred to the finger, referring to the kitchen knife on the hand.

She smiled and nodded. After being put down by the supervisor, quickly pulled the black robes, rushing to [big eyes], looking for a region without eyes in chaos, then put the kitchen knife into a black egg shell.

All faint eyeballs began to rotate, to be honest, although the lights are bleak, but the supervisor is quite clear. This egg does not give no harm, it does not even have the ability to counterattack.

One hit, the love quickly rushed to the supervisor, then flew, the supervisor quickly reached out, reached out, rubbed his black blood, was prepared, but his love suddenly handedate, directly holding the supervisor The neck is behind him.

Forget it, it is not difficult to carry a personal suppression, as long as she is afraid that she will face it next.

The supervisor turned into the weapon in the transfer, and then rushed to the eyeballs that were still bright, and they gave them to [big eyes] very strong, and even more destroyed. damage.

The reason why said "almost 'is because when the supervisor is addicted to the sandbag, [one does nothing] suddenly came over, a knife directly slammed on the eggshell of [Big Eye], took away its last silk injury slot .

This already disabled giant egg has lost color in trembling, and finally leaving a broken wreck, the tragic scream of the beast resounded throughout the company.

In front of the supervisor, a similar mask layer appeared again, the supervisor saw, is full of death, painting the eyes of black crayons.

'Big Bird can see the eyes of hundreds of miles, now I can't see anything ...'

Yes, very effective, although [one does nothing] is an enemy, but this time it is at least to do something.

The supervisor hosted the weapon, and the blocked the twistedness of this humanoid moon and sharp, almost destroyed all the blade, and quickly pulled away.

However, the effect is not good, even if the Dream has just solved [smiling corpse mountain], this monster still didn't choose to give up the supervisor, and went to the heretic halo, as if he had to rush. .

Even while walking while waving the blade, it seems quite horrible, I hope this is only a time to learn ... Well, who makes it stay outside for so long?

The supervisor can't take it, so I simply turned to resist a few knives, I decided not to run, directly to cope with this distorted monster, let it know who is the real owner of the company.

The starry sky mapped by the big sword turns, and the supervisor once again made it like a golf. After turning the body from the left side, after the sword from the right side, he did not hesitate to puncture [one] ... and The trajectory is ready to come over again and the competent battle.



The supervisor has not tried it, it will be adjusted to a color, but now he sees, the effect is pulled, and there is also a special feature.

Pure blue damage allows [one ] directly stab, it is very painful to distort the body, constantly retreat, and the lucky dream is shaking, and the attack on the supervisor is less than [one] .

But this does not mean that she is safe. It is especially the contrary, the damage suffered by the Dream is enough to let her think, whether the competent battle is needed with this state.

Of course, as the supervisor of the parties, there is no feeling at all. He believes that it is necessary to solve a threat, then only eliminate it, no longer cause the company's troubles.

As for other? Let's talk about it later.

Original [One None] The value of damage is not much. The supervisor is a few knives that drive it down, and it directly cuts it to the extent of violence.

The sweat on the head is slightly slightly, and the supervisor turned his head and found that she was half-squatting on the ground, and the red strekhead surrounded was more condensed.

"You are very good, you can use itself, and synchronize to this level, you really surprised." On the side of the Ling Meng standing, she stretched out, and the handle had seen it. Style extraordinatal sword appears in her hand.

"My goal is very simple, you can defeat me in any means, it means you have qualified to face the challenges ... The rules of the lower layer are not too, can you understand?"

The spiritual dream waved the weapon, and the tone said that he said - as for the supervisor, he actually think now is the ultimate weapon in the company is a big sword? 'If this is not suitable.

But recalling that this kind of thing is not too much after autumn, so the supervisor will have already swallowed back.

"That ... just beaten now? I think there is so much thing that will run so much this place, is it a bit too rush ... Well, or too anxious?"

While maintaining a vigilant attitude, the supervisor said this, but at this time, the ear suddenly came from quite abrupt alarm.

Subsequently, it seems that the whole company is shaking, so that the supervisor does not check it, almost puts out the love behind it.

He immediately stabilizes the body: "What happened! Chris, report!"

"The company has entered the next round of melting. This time, it is a thing that is called 'midnight test', I hope you can play a maximum, you can suppress it, or eliminate."

The supervisor will pick up the extraordinary sword on the back, then urge your love to find a place to avoid refuge, then ask: "Midnight? Which midnight, what color midnight?"

"According to the company's judgment, today's company is in the company, it is the fear of human beings, eventually mixed with the established concept, cannot nominate its racial characteristics, but have a considerable threat level."

"Classify it into a Aleph level level, you need to face, is a 'amber midnight'. I hope you can complete the suppression."

After the supervisor looked at the open hermetors, the forward source continued to flour into the 'shootetat' and 'Sworde' group in the hall, and always felt that this is not yet.

Author message:

Ps: ... The only designated color career is really fun, I don't play horizon!

PS4: ...... It's better to ask for a knife.

841. You need the foreign aid - I have to find yourself!

Fortunately, there is no employee in the company, otherwise this round of raid will not let them die, but a busy aromity is certainly unable - no him, these 'amber noon' is too much.

I am afraid of a sword, I'm looking for a chance to wave, they still don't die, as if I believe that the living thing here is similar.

The supervisor immediately pulled a piece of video equipment from the wall, and then sprint one side while waving the weapon: "Where is the highest level! Display me!"

The picture is quickly distorted, and then the thumbnail of the department is formed. The supervisor immediately sees a red sphere written by 'hazard' words. From the control unit, move slowly to the promenade of the security department.

Confirmed the other's whereabouts, the supervisor immediately rushed to the security department, let him doubt, it seems that there is no impact on the control department ... What is the situation, Miss Future returned?

"[Miracle Orchestra] has completed its own abnormal energy spread, and then returns to the accommodation room after suppressing [Bi blue Xinxing]. It is still in the escape of [Tianqi Bird] and [White Tyrant]."

Miss Nairi is a bit slower. It is still that it is still trapped by the insect group, causing no way to concentrate on knocking the bird egg?

The supervisor shakes his head, forget it, now the primary goal is to solve the 'amber midnight' rather than any other year. Just I don't know how Nepsi is the maintenance situation.

He shook the equipment that came with his hand, and he waved his heavy weapon for the enemy. This handle shredded the star of the star quickly cracked all the body of all of the fireworms nearby, and was not blocked by anything.

"Turn on Niri, I want to ask, she has to have ... Well, how long can I start the spare pressure farm?"

The picture of the device is rapidly black, and then Niriya is a little unclear voice from there: "The supervisor ?! That, probably need five ..."

Some noisy explosions came, and then Niriya said with a crying voice: "..., about twenty minutes, will be completed before the final murder is complete ..."

The supervisor will drop the equipment, and raise the big sword. If you cut a bungee hidden in the air, let it homozy and spactically do not know how to describe the liquid.

That thing is even a strong acid, so that the supervisor is not going to touch. Even with arms, it can guarantee that he is not corroded.

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