The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 753

In the red flood, all those who have been identified as a friendly army began to recover injuries, and the impact of this shock is like a breeze. It is like a vampire that is irradiated as an enemy, or the people who are illuminated by sunshine, or the pillars, dissolve, collapse, and unsecured fuel, finally dissipated.

The supervisor has continued to call the magic. After the pour is empty, they are swaying. They are directly on the ground. They breathe, and the pain is in the style, as if they want to tear him, need a small meeting time to recover .

Taking this opportunity, 'hunters' rapidly climbed up from the ground, holding their arms, no hesitation is a little bad, and even look like a violent [F-03-109].

The situation is getting better, although many people have sacrificed.

Author message:

PS: ... If the holiday is over, then don't explain, can I live again and not to live in a blend of people?

PS4: ...... It's better to ask for a blade, um ...

990. No way, come again from the beginning!

What did you have not thought about that even when it comes to today, these 'hunters' teams still maintain their acts - after the suppression of [F-03-109], they do not hesitate to turn weapons, Quickly recovered, but there is still a supervisor.

Then there is no tuning that does not hesitate to launch an attack. The competent is the same efficiency, and after a small damage, it successfully left from the sight of these people.

Although the so-called blocking equipment is not offline, the supervisor is still able to rely on Miss Nair, and the light body is drilled out from the gap.

Then immediately start the transmission array, when they settled again, I found that [Big Bird] has been wiped an abnormally armed, and it seems that a strong group of employees will play back.

I found the first time of the supervisor, they have entered the preparationful state, because there is no prompt, so ... The supervisor quickly ran again.

Going back to the center of the housing room, the supervisor sighed, and then moved some painful shoulders. When you turned his head, you saw that Yiti is a hugged application that looks very rough outer skeleton armor. It is ready to go far away.

He didn't hesitate to take a shot of her shoulders: "I have something to inform you."

"- Yes, what is it?"

In a moment, the supervisor always felt that she was ready to take out the weapon, but now I have no work to study this, so he puts his hand: "Next, I will restart, so you can stop repair and maintain your work properly ...... ,That's it."

Then I don't wait for her, I turned into the housing room, and then quickly made my heart calm down. After a little caressing the lady next to Xia Nai, I was again put into the quiet darkness.

Then I immediately opened my eyes. When I got up from the ground, I took my head and pulled the picture to the information department: "Double leaves! Is the information collected?"

"Oh! Already, there are a lot of collections. But there is still something to study, if you can get a copy ..."

The supervisor is not hesitant to send an employee to the accommodation room, and the [F-03-109] is performed to perform oppression, in order to confirm its own abnormal characteristics.

No more, it is an additional sacrifice, in case, the supervisor also sent several employees to squat in the hall, I plan to see what development next is.

The company's alert has retired speed, and even the supervisor has not come to find the bell, ask her to cancel the alert, the sound stops all the time, and then returns to normal work music.

The progress of the employee in the housing room is not very gratifying. He continues to withstand the black damage, the drop speed of the mental slot is far super damage value, and even the end of this round, just just collects several green energy. Time, it has consumed the spirit of your own.

Then, the supervisor saw that the employee took her head in the shelter, and screamed his work board. He turned out the accommodation room - it was worth noting that the employee's face did not contaminate pink mucus.

At this time, the advantage of the abnormally armed armed for white injury appeared, and several employees swarmed, surrounding people who were crazy, giving him a mental slot to him.



The supervisor was observed for about five minutes, and the abnormality was found to reduce the counter, but there was no other infection behavior, and the employee was very normal, and there was no positive or negative effect on the body.

That is to say, the work failed and did not die inside, may not carry the mechanism of the transmission to leave the accommodation room ... What is the principle, the supervisor is not very clear.

However, this does not affect his next action, pick up a knife used to cut paper from the table, the supervisor puts the mercury lamp: "The mercbrose hall, I have to restart, is you ready?"

"What is the use, anyway, I am not very clear about what you call the mechanism ... Yes, just use a few hairbrucky, used to prevent your employees from killing yourself, didn't matter?"

Of course, there is no relationship, the supervisor is nod, then the heart is horizontal, and the paper cutting knife is on the neck.

If you don't even have to use the next second, when you see a line of words that appear in front of you, you have already quickly put down the paper cutting knife, draft it far away - it is not much.

After leaving the palm, it is about one meter, it is completely stagnant, or the whole company, except for the supervisor stagnant?

He shook his head, stood up and went to the bathroom to handle the personal problem, and then come back, there will be a tap of tea in the mouth, then sett it to a big eyes, the expression is a little worried. Looking at the merchants of the supervisor.

Then I have read the file just sent to, confirm that my memory doesn't have much omission, and can get enough information when the bell gets in the reap, this is loosened the mercury lamp, and the system will pay attention to the backup .

'Confirm that you want to go back to this day? The remaining * &% times. '

Wait, wait a moment, what is the situation of this strange garbled, actually has the remainder? It would not be the same as the alcohol of the wine fairy with a lifetime.

I took a table for a long time. The supervisor bowed to watch the mercury lamp: "What do you see? Still talking about it later, see if this garble will become aware of the number?"

This kind of questioning is of course not an answer, because it is now in the preparatory stage before retracting, except for the supervisor, there is nothing to be active.

So after a little waiting for a while, the supervisor is still the 'confirm backtracking'. Subsequently, the surrounding scene quickly was covered with dark.

It seems that when a spirit is sitting in a moment, I saw that the light in the office is still in my own chair, and I seem to have a little sad, and some of the alert 'Dudu' warning. The voice came from the first time.

The first jump out: "Good morning, supervisor! You are back to work again, wait a moment, I want to pay the content to all departmental supervisors, where you can do something casually, such as Say a cup of water or lose two books! "

The supervisor is quiet and sitting on the chair. After the mercury lamp is better, take the canned chocolate milk to hand, then sigh: "So how to do it? That abnormal feelings are not usually solved, but always It is not necessary to work with 'oppression', and it is not necessary to violently violently. "

"That is not good, idiot humans."

Well ... it is a bit difficult, but it is not necessarily wrong.

Author message:

Ps: ... The cold seems to be aggravated, and then restore add more ...

991. This time, there is no way to steal in advance, think about it?

Less than three minutes, the bell scheduted with an OK gesture, then disappeared, on the wall wall, Christina slowly turned out.

"Today's work has started again, I hope you come up with a relatively complete solution to deal with relatively tricky, but not unwilling abnormal things."

After the opening of the white, she was called by the supervisor when she was ready to leave.

"You first wait. Let the big cute god come over, right, now, the connection is good, the actual move is good, in short, I have to tell her right away."

"Please wait, the R & D department is connecting."

After Cristina disappeared, the long door walked into the picture from the left side of the screen wall, and then stationed in front of the employee to choose the interface. After the glasses, he looked at the supervisor.

There is no waste time, the supervisor is straightforward: "I hope that when I start working today, the R & D department does not place any clerk, can you do it?"

"From ordinary, it is not possible. The R & D department needs enough people to advance the work schedule, and the information will be fixed. It is not a person who can be completely competent. If there is no writer in the department, there are 70% of the chances of 70% Failed at the time of failure. "

"There are 40% chances to enter the unstable state, and the final work failed. Even so, do you still have to implement this order."

Not a veto, but tell the supervisor after listening to the risk, do you want to do it?

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