The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 754

I have paused for a while, and the supervisor asked: "So from a good direction, there will be no employees become an abnormal derivative, and then lead to more chaos, and will not trigger it inexplicably because the employee has violently bucks. Is it possible to make the work smooth? "

"Being a chance of success is 14 percent, the chance is very low, there is a try value. But you need to do Wanquan preparation, and it is not recommended to enter the department in the department, which may cause other abnormalities into the department. situation."

Then, the long gates have a total of three minutes to five minutes. Complete explains the risk and possibilities for the supervisor, and the speed is not particularly fast, but because the supervisor is relaxed, it will be concentrated. I can't understand it.

"Well ... in turn, I want to try it, by the way, I will help me analyze my ... Hey, what is the stature? It is now chasing code, I don't know how to use it."

The long door has a greece to stop, and it is slightly inappropriate. Then I confirm that the supervisor does not need to let the research and development department have to go to work, they will leave the picture when they follow.

Next, it is a headache that the supervisor looks at the employees who have been recruited. After thinking about a while, it is still in the previous preparation, and the newcomer is thrown into other sectors.

Then the heart is one, only in the R & D department, that is, Karlov behind the department, picking up the mercury lamp, the chocolate milk that has not been drunk, I will give yourself a bite.

Sweet taste makes him a bit of nervous mood soothing, then put it in a jar that you have already finished.

"Okay, start the experiment."

"Stupid humans, your guy is deliberate ... I have a headache, and now I don't quarrel with you."

That's right, only this time the supervisor thinks, in fact, it is not so bad, at least yourself, you can find it, and find a mood.



At the beginning of the new work, the employees stationed again in the sector sent them, waiting for the supervisor issuance order. Only this time, the supervisor is a little waiting for a while before it begins to slowly move.

The speed is unhappy, and it can even be a bit touch.

In particular, the R & D Department, the supervisor has always been awarded Callov to walk, walking. In addition, don't give him any job needs, just let him maintain activities, just this.

In the big department, only his and the long gates have two people, especially the latter or even in most cases, which makes Carllov are quite ... Well, feel sigh?

The director is also very depressed, because the process of work is nothing out, there will be any of the storage rooms, and they can be perfect.

That is, the only variable is willing to send Carlov to the storage room of Callov to [F-03-109]. Obviously, he is not willing before today's melting.

After the first level, the supervisor knocked on a recipient room, and then let the future will take the ticket. Recently, she is inexplicable with eight six, at least the latter is willing to kneel in the window, listen to the future There is a joke there.

As for it from the ticket booth, it is only the privileges that can only have.

Subsequently, when the second round of murder, the supervisor left a snack, and he let Karlov went to the corridor to punish the station, and he sent two employees who had a white injury abnormality to enter the R & D department. .

Then trigger the murder, dispatch Carlov to the accommodation room, execute ... 'insight work'.

It seems that the performance of instinct, insight, communication, this abnormal performance is very general, and the performance of 'oppression' is exceptionally fierce, and even almost no energy.

So is this unwilling to accept unusual abnormalities ...

And there is also a vigilance, even said the company's most advanced ALEPH combat power, you can't underestimate.

After wiped the sweat on the head, the supervisor made the murder triggered. At the same time, I expected the long-awaited red rays lit up, and the supervisor did not hesitate to select Callov.

Then let him execute the 'insight work' in [F-03-109]. Also arrange two employees standing on the R & D department to the middle department's elevator, and then quietly look at him to start working.

Although this is the first time to work for a new anomalies, he is a professional quality, it is true that it is the first time - even the initial energy collection is green.

"Open a good head, under the hionship, can you help me with the cup of hot water?"

"Ha? Stupid humans, you are not holding the spiritual drink every day, how to suddenly need hot water."

I want to think that it is true. Therefore, the supervisor is not installed, directly open a can of spiritual drink, and continue to observe Carllov after filling half a bottle.

The time spent is actually a relatively long, which allows the supervisor to take care of each wire change in the housing room. And it can be more practical, the group semi-elliptical softfast thing, how to erode employee.

Even in this case, it seems to be a bit far from Huang Hui ... Then, when the work is about to end, when it is tailing, the employee's face began to gradually condense a soft, translucent thing.

That's it.

Author message:

Ps: ... well, the holiday is over, then I will watch the situation ...

PS4: ...... Seeking a ticket to ask for reward!

written request for leave

Ah ... how to say it, anyway, it's not a good cold, sitting in a chair, I can't help it, I can't help it, so I will be fake ...

Don't worry, the owed update will definitely, and it must be still finished in this book ... just need to rest, rest ... It is estimated that tomorrow will be better? probably!

992. Don't worry! The accident will eventually be caressing!

Karlov completed the work in a bad result, leaving the accommodation room, sticking a pink and brown soft substance on his face. According to the information he passed back, he didn't know much about it.

Putting up with a good feel, there is no tactile, and the attached place will not hurt, unless you put the mucus. The supervisor is also confirmed after a slight observation, this thing is not infected with the staff in the lobby in the other elevator.

Sure enough, is it enough? Nothing, it seems to be in the same area, even if you have no contact, it will be inexplicably passed. This Debuff.

In order to be infected, even as the initial infection, Carllov suddenly turned suddenly in Shrem after the time limit, but the person infected by him, but the 'suddenly become'.

Didn't see a countdown, nor did it trigger a strange new working mechanism, that is, people who are transmitted are not affected by work ... No, so think it is likely to be wrong.

The supervisor has recalls the previous understanding. Then pin the target on the double leaf. As for the double-blade, he did not let the supervisor disappointed. She quickly handed a large stack of documents to the supervisor.

Then, Christina turned on the monitor: "You seem to have been caught in some kind of glue. Collecting information and abnormal features can be handed over to the R & D department supervisor, allowing it to study work and assignment."

Is it difficult before?

The supervisor just asked this question, Christina answered him quietly: "Yes, just this. Although the behavior of dealing clerks today caused slowness, it is not to continue."

That is to say, you can give the research progress to the research progress, and can the maintenance of the department's energy convection?

He hesitated for a while, the supervisor still put the picture to the R & D department, confirming that there is no matter where you have no matter in the front of the front, the Carlov accepts the reply system has not changed, and it is ready to poke a long door. .

Has still didn't work, her little avatar lit up on the edge of the picture, and then passed the sound that may have not changed the undulations: "I am here, what is wrong."

"Hey ... I want to ask, about this exception to the housing room today, do you have any hair? Simple, my request is to tell me about its infection mode."

"No need to be too complicated, simply say it, because you see that I have a bunch of work, but also to advance the next level of melting."

There is a hierarchy in the hall, put the work board behind the waist: "The first work will be infected, he will infect others. Before the project breakthrough, the infection source will not change."

The supervisor waited for a while, and even looked at the blink of the long-door law: "Hey ... just this?"

"Simple report, just this."

And the director's thinking, he put his hand: "Ok, I understand, this thing is this, then I want to brush about the work requirements provided today, so I may become a lot, remember Don't let Callov leave from the promenade, don't let others go in. "

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