The next morning!

Zhou Zhang's figure has swooped across the void, disappeared within the capital, and headed north, ready to harvest a wave of demon nests.

Chapter [-] Border Village

Among the spirit organization factions in the world, the Demon Nest can be said to be the top existence.Many spirits and monsters are divided by race, but the Demon Nest is open to all rivers, and all comers are welcome.

The leader of the demon nest is the nine-headed king that Zhou Zhang heard about the demon tiger last time.The body of this nine-headed king is a snake demon, and it is said that he has inherited a trace of ancient blood, so he has nine heads, and his strength is terrifying.

This nine-headed king is surly, domineering and ruthless, but his strength and skills are very strong, so the demon nest has gradually developed and grown, and now there is a faint trend of spreading all over the world, which is shocking.

Zhou Zhang knew it firsthand. The higher the mountain, the more distant the emperor, the more ghosts and ghosts, and the monsters and ghosts are making waves.Among them, Monster Nest has obtained some methods of Ghost Sect, and has also acted as a deity. This is undoubtedly the same as adding a catalyst to the development of Monster Nest.

According to the map of the demon's nest obtained from the Huang Daxian, the demon's nest is located in the endless mountains in the north, where there are continuous mountains and mountains, and there are large tracts of undeveloped ancient forests everywhere. Sparsely populated.

Zhou Zhang's figure turned into a rainbow light at this time, and he quickly crossed the sky, pulling out a dazzling tail of light behind him, which flew over ten miles in an instant, like a shooting star.

This time, Zhou Zhang could be said to be on his way with all his strength, and the Flying Immortal Movement technique was at its extreme, and the whole body was surrounded by light and rain, dazzling and holy.

By dusk, the sky was full of red clouds, Zhou Zhang had already flown thousands of miles from the capital of the Central Plains, and appeared at the border of the Dali Dynasty.

At this time in the west, the sun was about to sink into the horizon, and the sky and the earth had begun to darken.

Zhou Zhang looked at the map and saw that it was far from the Demon Nest, so he was not in a hurry to continue his journey. He immediately slowed down his flight and began to look for a place to stay.

It's a pity that I have just missed Zhou Cheng, which is an important military town on the border. Otherwise, I can rest there. I don't know if Mrs. Pan and Lu Feng are still there.

Just when Zhou Zhang was considering whether to go back or not, he suddenly saw a village with a faint smoke.

The village is not very big, there are probably dozens of households, Zhou Zhang can see from a distance there are plainly dressed people walking back and forth in the village, and there are more than a dozen children playing games and giggling with laughter. .

Zhou Zhang swept down above the sky, his figure was not concealed, and the rays of light were splendid, which immediately attracted the attention of the villagers and children below.

"Mother, look, look, someone is flying in the sky!"

"Wow, someone is really flying and glowing, look!"

"Everyone, come out and see the immortals, there are really immortals!"

Immediately, the entire small village became a sensation, and everyone, men, women, and children, shouted excitedly.

At this time, Zhou Zhang's figure gradually approached, and the exclamation became louder. Even the people in the room hurried out, some dumbfounded, looking at a radiant, holy, exiled man. The man in white flew down from the void.

After approaching the village, Zhou Zhang's speed has slowed down, his figure is fluttering like a fairy, and he is holy. In the eyes of people in this small place, it is like a fairy coming!

Suddenly, a large group of people knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to Zhou Zhang.

At this moment, a woman walked out of a room with a white-haired elderly man. The old man was wearing a starch-washed Confucian uniform, his face was wrinkled, and he was leaning on a cane in one hand. , Seeing Zhou Zhang falling from the sky, he immediately walked two steps faster and came to the front of the crowd.

Snapped!Zhou Zhang's figure instantly fell in front of the old man, his brows were slightly frowned, and he didn't expect such a movement.In fact, the reason why Zhou Zhang came directly here is to facilitate them to accept the accommodation.

Otherwise, at this dark hour, a strange man appeared. This border area is the most chaotic and there are many rogues. Instead, everyone will be vigilant. It is very likely that Zhou Zhang will be refused to stay overnight.

However, in such a remote rural village, the villagers' knowledge was obviously not enough, so they bowed down.

"This Immortal Chief should be a monk! I don't know why you came to our rural village?"

Obviously, the white-haired old man has a lot of knowledge. At this time, he handed the crutches in his hand to the woman next to him and asked Zhou Zhang.

When Zhou Zhang explained the purpose of his visit, the old man immediately showed joy and agreed with his mouth. It was an honor for a monk to live here, even if it was a county magistrate or a prefect.

"Of course there is no problem, the Immortal Chief is here, please!"

Zhou Zhang already knew that the old man in front of him was the village chief of this village.

The old village chief told everyone, and then hurriedly asked people to prepare the room and some food and drinks.

Hearing the old village chief's explanation, everyone suddenly realized that they discussed in a low voice with excitement on their faces, and then a dozen women went down to prepare things.

Naturally, Zhou Zhang would not let them work in vain. He threw a piece of gold to them. The old village chief pushed it away again and again, and finally accepted it. He then led Zhou Zhang into a simple and clean room before he retired.

After dinner, the sky was completely dark, there were lanterns rising in the village, and the dim yellow lights were shining quietly.

Chapter [-] Di Bing

Zhou Zhang sat cross-legged on the couch, closed his eyes gently, and began to slowly cultivate, with a faint aura gradually lingering around him.

Time passed bit by bit, until the sky was getting bright, and suddenly there was a slight sound like thunder and the earth trembled slightly.

With the passage of time, the rumbling sound became louder and louder, and the big red knots hanging on the wall were shaking, and the rumbling sound broke the silence of the village.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

As the sound approached, more than a dozen big dogs and puppies in the village began to bark loudly, waking up the entire village.

"what happened?"

"Get up quickly, the dogs in the village are barking, is there a bandit or a thief?"

"All the young and strong get up for me, grab your weapons, hurry up, hurry up for me!"

At this time, the whole village began to be noisy and commotion, and the people who were awakened from the deep sleep quickly got up, and they didn't care too much, they picked up the weapons in the house and rushed out.

At this time, a tall, muscular middle-aged man wearing a short shirt banged open the door, holding a long knife in his hand, and began to shout and arrange.

This man leads the team to hunt all the year round, and he has a bit of majesty in the eyes of everyone.

"No, it's not a bandit, bandits don't have that many horses!"

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