At this moment, a thin middle-aged man was lying on the ground and seemed to be listening to the vibrating sound to distinguish something. Suddenly, his face changed greatly, and his face became pale.

"Oh my God! Is it the army, is it Beidi's cavalry who went out of the city to fight the grass?"

"These bastards have only been in peace for a few years, but now they dare to rush into the border, and let the women and children hide."

"When the war was in full swing a few years ago, these bastards swept away a lot of villages with their cavalry, and the killing was rolling in. If they rushed over, we would have to work hard. value."

At this time in the village, the expressions of everyone in the village changed drastically. I never expected that a cavalry would actually go deep into this place.In recent years, they have all been beaten, why are they here again.

At this time, hundreds of feet away from the village, as the experienced villagers had expected, a stream of Bei Di cavalry was sweeping in. They were wearing armor and knives, their faces were rough, and the long hair on the top of their heads was braided into small greasy hair Braid, his eyes are full of suffocation and ferocity.

"Changping Hou Weiran went deep into the hinterland of our country, and was ambushed and injured. Now that there is no Wu Sheng guarding the north of the Dali Dynasty, it is time to harvest these sheep!"

"Our team can't be left behind to other teams, kill it! Gather all the food and grass, capture Zhoucheng, and occupy the prosperous Central Plains!"

At this time, among Bei Di's cavalry, the leading generals shouted loudly in Di language, arousing all the cavalry's faces full of excitement and bloodthirsty, showing cruel smiles.


The army's galloping horses roared like a thunderbolt, whipping up dust in the sky and rushing straight towards the village.

Really Beidi cavalry!

At this time, the cavalry approached, and everyone in the village finally saw it clearly, and directly broke the luck in their hearts. Everyone trembled, and despair enveloped their hearts.

From just waking up to now, the mood has fluctuated violently, and no one remembered the monk who stayed last night.

In the distance, the densely packed cavalry charged forward, with hideous faces, all covered in blood, and experienced in hundreds of battles, not to mention the people from one village, even if they were from ten more villages, they would be like pigs and dogs under them. , capable of wanton slaughter.


The wooden gate railings of the village were directly smashed, and then the downed horse stakes played a role. Several horses were tripped, and several soldiers fell, but it did not help. The speed of the cavalry team did not decrease, and the Di Bingqiang above. He pulled out his long knife and let out a wild and cruel laugh. He was about to run into a group of villagers who were already full of despair, holding weapons and screaming.

These cavalry roared, and their speed was so fast that they couldn't dodge in time. In a head-to-head confrontation, Di Bing's long sword was surprisingly sharp under the terrifying acceleration force. different.

But now the men in the village can't escape at all. It only took a few breaths from when they saw Di Bing and when Di Bing rushed over. They were frightened by the momentum just now, and they didn't react at all, let alone dodge.

At this moment, time seemed to have stagnated. The villagers could clearly see Di Bing's long knife slashing through the void, making a loud and clear sound, and then it seemed like a stream of light fell, and the speed was like lightning, they could only watch, The body can't react at all.


But in an instant, an earth-shattering explosion sounded. Hundreds of cavalrymen rushing in front suddenly burst into a terrifying fog of blood, and the cavalry and war horses rushing from behind were directly lifted by the blood fog. Yell, the thick blood mist is about to turn into a drizzle, splashing up and then crashing down.

In front of the blood mist, a slender figure in white clothes was clean and slender, and he slowly retracted his fist.

Everything changed too fast. In the village, both the screaming Di Bing and the villagers stared at the scene in disbelief.

Chapter [-] Siege

The first ray of sunlight pierced through the mist, and the surrounding scene became clearer.

In the remote village, the blood mist filled the sky, and nearly a thousand cavalrymen were directly blasted half by the white clothed man in front of him. This scene is really terrifying.

Everyone almost thinks they are dreaming, how can this kind of thing happen, is this still something people can do?


"Longevity is above, what happened in front of me!"

"Impossible, impossible!!!"

At the back of the team, the horses and cavalry smashed to the ground by the violent blood and mist, and the screams and screams continued to sound.

Many cavalrymen were directly crushed to death by horses, and some were so close to the air waves that their entire bodies were almost shattered and smashed to the ground like rag dolls.Di Bing, who was still awake, screamed even more, his eyes were bloodshot, and it was difficult to accept the scene in front of him.

They should have harvested the civilians of the Dali Dynasty in front of them like slaughtering pigs and sheep, but the situation changed in an instant. Nearly half of them were killed in an instant, and the rest fell into desperation.

"Demon, this is a demon!"

"Quick, run away!"

At this time, someone finally came back to their senses from the horror, covered in chaff, shouting and getting up from the ground, not even taking a second look at the warhorse that smashed to the ground with their lives, and was desperately trying to move towards the ground like a madman. Run outside.

The actions and words of this Di Bing awakened the other Di Bing. Suddenly, the other Di Bing who were still a little strong roared in horror and got up one after another.

But this group of Di soldiers just got up and rushed out, bang!A terrifying fan-shaped energy rushed out directly, and Di Bing who was running suddenly exploded one by one, blood mist and bone slag splashing out, and suddenly, the surroundings became dead silent.

Even the people of the village felt their throats dry and could not speak.Not to mention those Di Bing who were injured and couldn't run. At this moment, they almost forgot the screams, and looked at what happened in front of them dumbfounded.


At this moment, a Di Bing who fell to the ground suddenly seemed to be grabbed by the collar and hung up out of nowhere. He woke up screaming, and his limbs kept stroking in the void. The scene was very strange and terrifying.

But for a moment, this Di Bing was frozen in amber, unable to move around, and stared at Zhou Zhang in horror, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in his life.

But soon, Zhou Zhang's eyes looked at him, and in an instant, it became like a deep starry sky, and he directly used magic to search for his memory.

This Di Bing's eyes lost focus in an instant, and Zhou Zhang's thoughts about recent events were read.I have to say that since the dual cultivation of the soul and the physical body, it is indeed more convenient in some applications. Zhou Zhang has directly used the magic to search for the soul, and there is no need to waste time torture.

"It turns out that the Marquis of Changping has collapsed!"

By reading Di Bing's memory, Zhou Zhang had a general idea of ​​what happened.Changping Hou Weiran was too turbulent. He stirred up the situation in Beidi. He didn't return for a long time, and was directly ambushed and killed by Beidi's masters.

But fortunately, Wei Ran also has an extraordinary cultivation base, and his fighting power is monstrous.

On the other hand, Beidi wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to send out dozens of cavalry troops to fight the grassy valley, to clean up the villages and towns on the border of the Dali Dynasty, so as to collect the food supply army.On the other side, the army has already set off to attack Zhoucheng, the most important pass on the northern border of the Dali Dynasty.

As long as Zhoucheng is captured, the northern side of the Dali Dynasty will soon fall and face a huge crisis.

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