But this incident happened to meet him, so it can only be regarded as Bei Di's unlucky!

boom!The Di Bing that was in the air exploded directly into a blood mist. Zhou Zhang's face was calm, and it suddenly turned into a rainbow light that rose into the sky and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Go? Go?"

"Quick, clean up these remnants. Fortunately, this immortal is here today, otherwise we will all die!"

"Kill all the idiots like this, and avenge the previous village!"

After Zhou Zhang disappeared for more than ten breaths, the people present finally came back to their senses, gnashing their teeth and looking at Di Bing, who was wailing on the ground.Under the leadership of the middle-aged hunter, the young and enthusiastic young men quickly killed all the remaining soldiers, and then began to clean up the field.

On the other side, Zhou Zhang soared into the sky. According to Di Bing's memory, he found more than a dozen cavalry troops that rushed into the border of the Dali Dynasty to fight the grassy valley. They killed all of them, and then turned and flew in the direction of Zhoucheng.

"Changping Hou Weiran is dead, don't you surrender quickly!"

"Dali Dynasty is exhausted and Yingjie is dead. Those who know the current affairs should open the city gate quickly, or else they will break through the city of Zhou and start killing for three days and three nights."

"Come on!!"


At this time, outside Zhoucheng, General Bei Di saw that the Dali soldiers inside were unmoved, and immediately began to order a siege of the city.Immediately, the overwhelming sound of shouting and killing sounded, and the staunch and fierce aura of soldiers rose into the sky.

At the same time, there are masters mixed in it, and even a powerful Martial Saint took the lead in rushing to kill.

At this time, above the city wall, there are splendid magical instruments vibrating constantly, and at the same time, the enchantment is rising, and the Dao patterns are intertwined, blocking the attack of Wu Sheng.However, Wu Sheng's attack power and mobility are very strong, and the bang's enchantment is constantly shaking, constantly avoiding the nails of the magic weapon.

"A message has been sent to the court, hold on, there will be help in half a day!"

"Marquis Changping is not so easy to die, kill them and wait for Marquis Changping to return!"

"Damn it, kill it!"

At this time, the generals on the city wall were roaring and fighting to kill the enemy. In the city, there was a crossbow known as the God Executioner that could kill Wu Sheng, as well as a terrifying magic weapon of the cultivator who protected the city. However, the situation in Zhoucheng was not good at this time. It was because Di Bing came too fast this time, which caught everyone by surprise. Otherwise, ordinary Martial Saints would not be able to have such a big effect.

In this world, although the qi and blood of the martial arts restrains the yin and spirit of the monks, there are also magic weapons that can restrain the holy martial arts.Especially in this kind of large-scale war, there are things that can compete with Martial Saints, such as the God Punisher Crossbow, Jun Sha, Formation Formation, the Blood Soul Banner of the previous Blood God Xiao Rui, and so on.

If it weren't for this, then the Dali Dynasty would have broken Beidi long ago, and they would not have the chance to make a comeback.

Just when the war was in full swing, at this moment, in the sky, a dazzling streamer suddenly streaked across the sky.

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three

Di Bing attacked the city, and the shouts of killing were earth-shattering, and the densely packed Di Bing rushed up. With arrows, rolling stones, and rolling woods to protect the city, Zhou Cheng was like a giant meat grinder, shouting, screaming, and howling. Continuously intertwined, countless blood and flesh splattered, and the evil spirit was soaring to the sky.

At this moment, a splendid streamer streaked across the sky and quickly fell towards the center of Di Bing, at an astonishing speed.


"God Punisher Crossbow Shooter! The evolution of the army!"

"Give me the barrier!"

This stream of light fell from the sky, and instantly aroused the vigilance of Di Bing's high-ranking generals. Almost instantly, the five God-Execution Crossbows that were guarding the center were launched, tearing apart the space and killing the streamer. And go.

The Zhushen Crossbow can only be forged by experts in the ghost and immortal realm who are proficient in the refining method. Normally, it takes more than ten years to complete, and the materials used are extremely precious and invaluable.

The Zhushen Crossbow has a thunderous speed and is unparalleled in its sharpness. It has shot and killed more than one Martial Saint in history, so it can be said to be a rare treasure and famous all over the world.This kind of strategic weapon is a must for every dynasty, even large sects.

Now that the five God Punishing Crossbows were launched in unison, there were five pitch-black and cold arrows with intricately carved arrows rushing out with terrifying murderous intent, setting off a violent hurricane, which came in an instant.

Just when Zhu Shen Jian Yu was about to hit that streamer, boom!Suddenly, a deafening thunder exploded, and it could be seen that above the void, there were suddenly several thunders with the thickness of dark blue buckets bursting out of the streamer, and rammed straight into the Zhushen Arrow.


The dark blue thunder light collided with the black light, and a splendid and terrifying energy erupted. A huge mushroom cloud was directly blown up in the sky. The terrifying energy poured out in all directions. A gust of wind can blow almost everyone up.


At this time, in the mushroom cloud of explosion, a man's soft slamming sound resounded through the heavens and the earth, and then everyone could vaguely see a halberd with a black plate and silver dragon pulling out a terrifying thunder, slamming again and slamming into the force, constantly shaking. Ming's five slaying arrows.

Immediately, the five god-killing arrows made a sonorous metal symphony sound, and then they were all swept and reversed, and they returned at an even more astonishing speed.

Chi Chi!

Immediately, the five divine arrows penetrated directly below, and the five Tianling Gai, who were in charge of launching the God-killing Crossbow soldiers, exploded directly at the moment when their bodies were penetrated by the divine arrows, turning into a cloud of blood.

"How is this possible, the divine arrow shot by the God-Execution Crossbow was broken like this?"

"It stands to reason that under the God Punisher's crossbow, the magic qi is unstoppable, how can it be blocked?"

"Bounce back!!!"

At this time, the expressions of Di Bing and soldiers below changed slightly, and they felt that this did not match the rumors.Ordinary Wu Sheng dared to face him, afraid that he would be pierced through his body, but now he was blocked, and the arrow even bounced back and killed the soldiers, which is simply too unbelievable.

How do they know that Zhou Zhang has already surpassed the category of ordinary Martial Saints, the mighty power of the body, the power of Peng Bai, Zhou Zhang even doubts that he can be compared with ordinary human beings.

Because every time Zhou Zhang was promoted, it was the most flawless deduction and promotion, and it also integrated many powerful exercises, with a profound background that was unimaginable to ordinary people.


At the moment when the Zhushen Arrow was bounced back, the bloody aura that belonged to Di Bing on the battlefield was instantly swept and condensed, and the wind was surging in mid-air, and the majestic suffocating energy finally turned into a head about a hundred feet in size. White wolf.

I saw that this giant wolf was a little illusory in shape, but its hair was bright and its eyes were sharp, and it was like a living thing. The power of destroying the world kills the streamer.

This is the military evil condensed by the blood of hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the battlefield, which is enough to resist the ordinary martial arts. If the monk's yin spirit rushes over, it will even be shattered directly and disappear into ashes.

Brutal!But at this moment, the high-pitched cry of a divine bird resounded through the sky, and a group of dazzling little suns turned out into the sky.

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