Zhou Zhang had already sensed the girl's thoughts to some extent at this time, smiled and said nothing, and then Zhou Shi'er walked out of the store holding hands.

Beside the two of them, the lovely little face of Saint Pingxin, who was holding hands by Zhou Zhang, rolled her eyes.

The Holy Maiden of Pingxin clearly felt that after their relationship was broken, although the brother and sister relationship was still maintained on the bright side, it had already developed vaguely in another direction.

In the evening, the three returned to the mansion, and after dinner, Zhou Zhang began to explain things.

"Starting tomorrow night, will you be in retreat for a long time?"

Zhou Shi'er frowned immediately.

Tomorrow night will be the third day, and Zhou Zhang will be returning, so he explained in advance that he will start the retreat in the deepest quiet room in the mansion, and the time to come out is not determined.

It is very common for many powerful Martial Saints and Ghost Immortals to retreat for a few months, several years, or even more than ten years.

So when he heard the news that Zhou Zhang was going to retreat, Zhou Shi'er's full smile disappeared immediately, her head lowered, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

As for the Holy Maiden of Pingxin, Zhou Zhang had mentioned this matter before, so she was not surprised or surprised, she just accepted it calmly.

After all, the Holy Maiden of Pingxin is also an existence in the realm of ghosts and immortals, and naturally she has also experienced this kind of thing.

"Not sure, it may only be a few days, it may be a few months, or longer!"

In fact, Zhou Zhang doesn't know how long it will take to come back, but it shouldn't be too difficult to come back, because on the system page, the worlds that Zhou Zhang has traveled through are preserved, which proves that Zhou Zhang can come back, but it lights up again, I don't know how much time is required.

If Zhou Zhang had nothing to do with the world of the Qing Dynasty and the world of ghosts and ghosts before, he would naturally not go back. In this world of ghosts and gods, because of Saintess Pingxin and Zhou Shier, if there is a chance, Zhou Zhang will naturally come back.

Zhou Shi'er's mood was obviously depressed for a while, and then when she raised her head, her mood seemed to have recovered a lot, and she laughed and talked.

After a while, it was getting late at night, Zhou Shi'er and the Holy Maiden Pingxin left to rest first. Zhou Zhang was still sitting in the pavilion drinking and drinking. The breeze was blowing, the lotus flowers were swaying, and there were faint waves on the lake.

Every time the system travels through, it allows itself to return to the original apocalypse. If you want to come to that apocalypse, it also contains secrets!

Thinking of returning tomorrow night, Zhou Zhang couldn't help but have some thoughts in his heart, but if there are any secrets, I'm afraid he can't touch it at his current level.

Zhou Zhang couldn't help shaking his head lightly, smiled freely, waved his sleeves, and all the food and drinks on the table disappeared. Then Zhou Zhang got up this time and walked towards his room.

When he walked to the door this time, Zhou Zhang's expression was stunned.

Chapter [-] Changes


The door of Zhou Zhang's room was pushed open, and it was pitch dark inside, not even a candle was lit.But for Zhou Zhang, who had already seen night as day, it was no different from daytime.

Zhou Zhang walked to his couch, the quilt had been spread out, and a petite figure could be vaguely seen wrapped in the quilt.

"You're going to sleep here tonight? Why don't you go back soon!"

At this moment, Zhou Zhang was a little dumbfounded. Even if Zhou Shi'er used the breath-holding technique this time, with the experience from the last time, he naturally couldn't deceive Zhou Zhang's perception.

Now Zhou Zhang clearly felt that Zhou Shi'er had occupied his bed again, still the same as last time.

Zhou Zhang bent down, waved his hand, and lifted the quilt in an instant.But the quilt was lifted, and Zhou Zhang was stunned for a moment, only to see the woman on the couch loose her hair, but there was no clothes on her body. Feeling Zhou Zhang's breath, she immediately opened her small hand and jerked Zhou Zhang's body. Neck hug.


Zhou Zhang didn't know what to say at the moment, it was too abrupt.

But before Zhou Zhang could speak again, his mouth was blocked.Feeling the woman's clumsy movements, since the girl is like this, Zhou Zhang is naturally not a Liuxia Hui who is sitting in his arms, so he immediately bullied himself up, and the clothes on his body gradually fell.

Bang!Zhou Zhang thought about it, and suddenly the door of the room closed softly, and then there was a woman's low voice, and the red waves rolled on the couch, thunder and fire.

Day two, early morning!

The sun was shining brightly through the windows and skylights, illuminating the room brightly.

At this time on the couch, Zhou Zhang had already got up and put on his clothes, and Zhou Shi'er on the couch was still paralyzed, sleeping soundly.

Zhou Zhao didn't disturb Zhou Shi'er either, walked out of the door alone, and then gently closed the door.

"Tsk tsk tsk, that's fine. By the way, you also helped her to deeply cleanse her body once, which is very beneficial to her later practice."

At this time, the Holy Maiden of Pingxin didn't know where she came from. She took small steps, her little skirt was flowing, and the little girl carved in pink and jade sighed loudly.

"You didn't come up with this idea, did you? And last night, I listened to most of the corners of the night. If you don't go to sleep, don't burn your little body."

"It's none of my business. If you didn't suddenly say retreat, the little girl wouldn't take the initiative. Also, Zhou Zhang, I warn you, don't talk nonsense, I, I just happened to be passing by."

Seeing Zhou Zhang's smiling face, the little girl's face immediately flushed red, she snorted fiercely, and walked away angrily, her face bulging, she looked really cute , so that Zhou Zhang couldn't help but chuckle again.

It wasn't until three poles in the sun that Zhou Shi'er woke up leisurely. When she came out of Zhou Zhang's room, she saw that Zhou Zhang's eyes had become very sweet, and her cheeks were flushed with red light.

Zhou Zhang waved his hand, and immediately the girl walked over with a light lotus stride, sitting next to Zhou Zhang, her head bowed slightly, and she looked like a virtuous little daughter-in-law.

Seeing Holy Maiden of Pingxin winking across the low table, the redness of Zhou Shi'er's face spread to her ears, and it wasn't until Zhou Zhang spoke that it attracted her attention.

The three of them enjoyed the rare afternoon time in the pavilion. The time passed bit by bit, and Zhou Shier was not willing to leave Zhou Zhang for half a step, and they were always tired of being together.

After dinner, the sun gradually set in the west. In the deepest quiet room of Wuhou Mansion, two quaint stone doors slammed shut, and Zhou Zhang's figure disappeared from everyone's eyes.


Changlin Academy, the room on the second floor of Linyu Building, at this time in the room, a blazing white light suddenly appeared, and then exploded, Zhou Zhang's figure instantly appeared in the room.

"Wang Wang!"

Along with Zhou Zhang's appearance, there was also a creature that was covered in snow-white, unusually divine, and looked like a wolf but not a wolf.

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