Bring it back!This is the Howling Moon Wolf, a descendant of the legendary beast Sirius in the world of ghosts and gods. It was awarded by the emperor after Zhou Zhang's meritorious service.

Due to the uncertainty, this Howling Moon Wolf was used by Zhou Zhang for experimentation. Sure enough, as Zhou Zhang's strength became stronger and stronger, it was already strong enough to resist the force of space and carry larger creatures.

That means that Zhou Zhang will be able to bring Zhou Shi'er and the Holy Maiden Pingxin over for a stroll in the future.

Then Zhou Zhang called out the system to check the information.

"This is?"

Zhou Zhang was suddenly a little surprised. He saw that in the Transcendent World on the system page, the options for the world of the Qing Dynasty, the world of ghosts, and even the world of ghosts and gods all lit up.


Unknown changes have taken place in the world space, and all the time flow rates that pass through the world are unified, and the world that has passed through can be entered at any time.

At this time, the cold voice of the system suddenly sounded in Zhou Zhang's mind.

Is it because something has changed in the last days?

Because these changes in the system obviously happened after returning to this place, most likely because there have also been changes in the world of the last days.Zhou Zhang suddenly felt a little suspicious in his heart, stood up abruptly, pulled the curtains open, opened the window, and looked outside.


Seeing the scene in the distance, Zhou Zhang's pupils shrank slightly.

Chapter [-]: The Sunshine of the End Times

At this time, what caught Zhou Zhang's eyes was the black mist that filled the sky.

Originally, the apocalyptic world was full of dark clouds, and the whole day was like dusk. Now, with these black mists, the visibility of ordinary people has dropped again, and it is almost like living in darkness.

Moreover, Zhou Zhang could feel that the inexplicable mysterious substance that filled this world before seemed to be accompanied by the appearance of black mist, becoming more and more.

The world is getting weirder and weirder!

Zhou Zhang's heart was covered with a haze, and he felt that his previous guess was correct. This world has big weirdness and big secrets.

Although the sky was filled with black mist at this time, Zhou Zhang's eyesight was amazing, and he could see the buildings in Guangnan City in the distance, becoming more rotten and dilapidated. The tall buildings were far more dilapidated than before. a long time.

This made Zhou Zhang a little shocked, and he hurriedly looked at the electronic clock in the room, which showed that it had only been less than ten days since Zhou Zhang left.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhang breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that those buildings suddenly became so dilapidated, it should be caused by the sudden appearance of fog.

Moreover, before Zhou Zhang's return, the flow of time in the end of the world was much slower than that in the world of ghosts and gods.Because dozens of days have passed in the Zhouzhang of the ghosts and gods, but in the end times, only ten days have passed.

After figuring out some things, Zhou Zhang glanced at the entire Changlin College again, and the building of Changlin College didn't seem to have changed.I didn't see Xu Qingjing's three daughters either. I don't know where they went to test the seeds.

If we really talk about changes, then the changes of the net vines have changed slightly, and they have become more lush and strong. Before, they only climbed the walls and a few roofs of the buildings, but now they have covered the tops of the buildings, and they are still growing and spreading. It was entrenched on an ancient tree on the top of Changlin Mountain.

If there are people outside with better eyesight, they will find that Changlin College and Changlin Mountain have turned into a world of green plants.


At this time, the Jingteng hanging on the Linyu Building seemed to sense Zhou Zhang's breath, and stretched out the vines to probe over, and drilled directly into Zhou Zhang's arms, just like a pet.

Moreover, due to the great advancement of Zhouzhang's spirit, he can perceive the thoughts sent by Jingteng far more clearly than before. Zhouzhang's spirit sent out a soothing idea, and immediately Jingteng's thoughts became more active, and even sent some messages and messages to Zhouzhang. screen.

Through the pictures and messages sent by Jing Teng, Zhou Zhang realized that after he passed through, a black fog suddenly spread across the sky at noon the next day.

Moreover, Jingteng made rapid progress by absorbing these black mists, and at the same time prevented the academy from being eroded by the black mist.

Jingteng's meritorious deeds are really unexpected joy.

"Good job!"

Zhou Zhang didn't stingy praise, he patted the vines that Jingteng stretched out.

Immediately, Jing Teng exuded a happy idea, and the vines rubbed against Zhou Zhang's hand like a pet. The vines kept shaking and making rustling sounds.

After Zhou Zhang teased Jing Teng, he immediately tested the traversal function of the system change.Sure enough, when Zhou Zhang's thoughts were on the world of ghosts and gods, Zhou Zhang's figure instantly appeared in the quiet room deep in Wuhou Mansion.

Then the ghost world, the world of the Qing Dynasty, and Zhou Zhang all tested one by one, and it was determined that as the system said, these traversed worlds can be traversed at any time, and there is no longer a cooling time.

However, Zhou Zhang did not stay in these worlds for long, so he chose to return to the end times.This apocalypse is very strange, or it also contains a big chance, otherwise the system will not choose to center here.

Zhou Zhang was thinking about things in his heart, and his figure flew up from the Linyu Building gently, flying into the sky to control the wind, and his figure was floating.Although this world is weird, that mysterious substance can indeed promote the evolution and growth of animals and plants.

Without running the exercises, Zhou Zhang could feel that there was a mysterious substance scouring his body, making his body gradually stronger.

But this amount is too small, and it may have an obvious effect of strengthening the body for ordinary people, but for Zhou Zhang, it is too slow, and compared to the improvement of the system, it is ten million times worse.


Zhou Zhang rushed into the sky in an instant, swept through the mist that filled the sky, directly broke through the thick dark clouds, and stood on the sea of ​​​​clouds, looking into the distance.

At this time, above the clouds, there was a splendid splendor, the sun was wanton spreading light, and the rays of light shone on people, and the whole body was warm.

However, these rays of light were blocked by the sea of ​​​​clouds and could not be irradiated below, resulting in a dark apocalypse.


Zhou Zhang stomped directly under his feet, and the terrifying energy burst out. With Zhou Zhang as the center, the air made a violent explosion sound, the space was wrinkled, and all the dark clouds in a radius of [-] meters were scattered, revealing a huge cloud hole.

Suddenly, in the entire cloud cave, the sun shines like a pillar, straight into the cloud cave, and falls on Changlin Mountain, illuminating Changlin Mountain and Changlin College brightly, and the long-lost sunshine comes again.

"Yang, sunshine! Oh my God!"

"I'm going to cry, woohoo! Sunshine, it's sunshine!"

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