"Miracle, this is the real miracle. I can't imagine seeing the sun in my lifetime."

At this time, outside the walls of Changlin College, there were suddenly many crying voices, no longer as quiet as before, as if another world had suddenly opened, and the noise was loud.

Zhou Zhang's five senses are keen, even if he is standing above the sky, he sees the dense crowd of people below, and hears their cries, which makes him a little surprised.

It seems that during his absence, outside Changlin Academy, something seems to have changed, and so many survivors poured out all at once.

Chi Chi!

However, the cloud layer had just collapsed, and suddenly, Zhou Zhang felt something abnormal under his feet. At this time, the thick dark clouds around him suddenly boiled, and there was a sound of chi chi chi.

Chapter [-] Cloud and Mist Jiaolong

Over the Changlin Academy, a beam of sunlight with a width of several hundred feet shone down, illuminating the entire Changlin Mountain buildings in a dazzling, golden light and dazzling.

At this time, Zhou Zhang stood on the sky and stepped on the void, but the thick dark clouds under his feet began to change, surging frantically, and began to fill the place where Zhou Zhang had knocked out the hole just now, and at the same time made a chi chi sound. , just like living things.


Zhou Zhang's eyes carefully looked at the clouds that were gathering crazily around, his face changed slightly, and the feeling just now was not wrong.

The dark clouds gathered in front of them are indeed living creatures. The insects as fine as gravel are densely surging in the air. It seems that Qi Qi is making a chi chi chi sound, and Qi Qi emerges from the empty place.

The cloud layer that was blasted out by Zhou Zhang into a hole hundreds of feet wide was shrinking rapidly, the golden beam of light that penetrated the sky was shrinking rapidly, and the range of sunlight was getting smaller and smaller.

what the hell?


Zhou Zhang squeezed out the dragon-tiger fighting method and blasted it out, and the air suddenly made a terrifying sonic boom, as if a missile exploded in the sky, and a huge white mist rose up.

The clouds in a radius of several miles were directly blasted away by Zhou Zhang, and the tiny gray bugs just evaporated in an instant, and even the corpse was not left behind, forming a huge cloud void.

For several miles around, the dazzling sunlight suddenly shone straight down, not only wrapping Changlin Mountain and Changlin College, but even covering a few streets outside the surrounding walls.

"Look, heaven, my God! Is this a god?"

"It's terrifying. The sound of the explosion just now was directly blasted out by that figure!! Oh my god, this is a human, a monster, or an immortal!"

"It's like an existence like a god and a demon, is this the master of the legendary Changlin Mountain?"

"Sunshine, hahaha, I finally got the sunshine! Woohoo, now I know how luxurious it is to be able to bask in the sun!!!"

At this time, the survivors outside Changlin College were even more excited than before. They were all shocked and shouted. Some people walked to the area covered by the sun, and completely relaxed their tense heartstrings these days. Weeping bitterly.


After Zhou Zhang defeated the thick clouds for several miles, a deafening roar of fury sounded in the distance.It can be seen that the sea of ​​clouds in the distance is frantically separating out the clouds and mists, turning into a slender, gray-black dragon in mid-air.

This Flood Dragon is showing its teeth and claws, its body is more than ten feet long, and its head is sturdy. Although it is made of gray and black clouds, it is lifelike, just like a living Flood Dragon. .

"Jiaolong, even the Jiaolong appeared!"

"What the hell is going on in this world, how has it become more and more mysterious and mythical!"

At this time, the survivors outside the Changlin Academy were stunned and felt extremely shocked inside.

Although there is an apocalyptic disaster in this world, sci-fi movies like zombies, mutants, and evolutionaries, as well as things that often appear in novels, are still in the world of sci-fi!

But now, not only a person with terrifying strength has appeared, but even the dragon in myth has appeared. This is something that only appears in the world of myth!

Everyone didn't see the scene of the sea of ​​​​clouds condensing the dragon in the distance, and they all thought it was a living dragon.

Everyone present at the moment felt that Sanguan was severely impacted, and the whole person was stunned.

Even Zhou Zhang was a little surprised that these gray-black bugs actually had the ability to combine them and exert great power.

The ten-meter-long Flood Dragon roared, and it was as fast as electricity. It came to Zhou Zhang in an instant, and the dragon's mouth opened, and it was about to bite.

Seeing the scene in the air, the survivors who were watching on the scene couldn't help but exclaimed, feeling that the figure above the sky was facing a huge crisis.

Because the body of this Flood Dragon is too huge compared to the body of a human, it is not a problem to swallow several people in one bite. In contrast, it is really frightening.

But just as Jiaolong was about to devour the figure, suddenly another earth-shattering explosion sounded.

Suddenly, there seemed to be another big sun in the sky. The terrifying heat wave rolled out and washed out in all directions. A giant white mist mushroom cloud steamed up, and the mighty and domineering Jiaolong screamed directly. annihilate.


Zhou Zhang dissipated the fist marks in his hands without any fluctuations on his face.This Flood Dragon Light has form, but no substance, which is far worse than the real Flood Dragon.

According to the records in the world of ghosts and gods, let alone a pure-blooded flood dragon, even an adult flooded dragon with mixed blood can tear apart human beings and kill the sun god.

This kind of race is really terrible, but since the Middle Ages in the world of ghosts and gods, the mixed-blooded dragons have disappeared. Zhou Zhang encountered the hydra before, and he should have recovered a little dragon blood, but it has been able to dominate the world and become a The supreme ruler of the brood.

If it really turned into a mixed-blood dragon, then it would take a lot of work for Zhou Zhang to clean it up.


Zhou Zhang had just finished killing the Flood Dragon, and the dark clouds in the entire sky suddenly boiled and rolled, like a vast ocean.

I rub!

Zhou Zhang's eyes twitched when he saw this scene.

Chapter [-] The Sea of ​​Clouds

The scene in front of him was too amazing, the entire sea of ​​clouds was boiling, surging like a tidal wave.

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