For a while, the sky turned dizzy, and a slight sense of dizziness rose in Zhou Zhang's mind.Zhou Zhang only felt the darkness in front of him, and then a light appeared again.

here is?

Zhou Zhang looked at the scene in the distance, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Chapter [-] Ghost City

What caught Zhou Zhang's eyes was a long street. The eaves of the old buildings on both sides of the street were covered with bright lanterns. As for the outside of the street, it was dark and dark, and nothing could be seen.

At this time, there were people coming and going on the street, which looked quite lively, but they were silent when they were talking and walking. In addition, their clothes were all gray or black. It was like watching a silent black and white movie. The scene was very strange. .

At this moment, Zhou Zhang had discovered that, under the bright lights, both the pedestrians and the owner of the stall on the street were pale and expressionless, and there was no shadow under him.

Holy crap, this system is so exciting to play? ? ?

The corners of Zhou Zhang's mouth twitched slightly. The place he entered this time was a bit unexpected for Zhou Zhang, and he was thrown into the ghost's nest by the system.

"Brother Huang, I'm panicking here, where is the ghost crystal?"

"Brother Li, don't worry, follow the compass, restrain your breath, and be careful not to be discovered by these ghosts. We can't lose to others this time."

At this time, Zhou Zhang was standing in the corner of the street, and was about to make a move when suddenly his extremely keen ears heard someone speaking.

Turning his head and looking over, he saw a hundred meters away. Among the ghosts, there were two young men in black and gray shirts mixed in, bowing their heads and talking quietly. Among them, the black-shirted man was holding a He was watching with a small silver compass, looking up from time to time, and answering in a low voice.

monk?living person?

Zhou Zhang retracted his gaze and listened to the black-shirted man. There should be not only the two of them here, but also other people who seem to be looking for a ghost crystal.

Only when Zhou Zhang retracted his gaze, he saw that in front of him, on the bustling street, there were a few more living people. They restrained their breath, and they seemed to be carrying something on their bodies, faintly revealing the same gloomy aura as the ghosts around them, perfect Hidden in the streets.

But this is only to hide these ghosts. In Zhou Zhang's eyes, they are like torches in the dark night, with no secrets at all.

blah blah blah!

Just when these monks were silently searching for ghost crystals on the street, suddenly the monks near this street were stunned, because they suddenly heard the sound of steady and powerful footsteps, without concealment.

What's happening here?

Immediately, whether it was a monk or a ghost, they all turned their heads in unison, looking in the direction of the sound.What caught their eyes was a handsome man in white clothes Shengxue, silver crown with hair, and his eyes were as deep as a cold pool, walking down the street step by step.

"What does he want to do?"

"Hey, which sect's disciple is this, are you going to court death?"

"Stay away, another person is going to die."

At this time, all the monks present couldn't help but change their expressions, and even let out a low voice.Their bodies retreated sharply, for fear of being implicated.

The monks who dare to be exposed in the ghost market will end up miserably.

"A living person?"

"Eat him!"

All looked at Zhou Zhang's ghost, the pale complexion was finally no longer expressionless, but with an excited and bloodthirsty look, the whole body began to change, one by one showed the miserable state before death, and there were seven bleeding holes. , There are also broken hands and feet, and even those who have been disemboweled and so tragic.

"Live human flesh, mine!"

At this time, a severed corpse covered in dark red blood slammed towards Zhou Zhang, and in his hand he was leading his own resentful, bloody severed head, and the severed head let out a roar.

Seeing the decapitated ghost rushing up, the other ghosts were not to be outdone, they were densely packed like a tide, rushing towards Zhou Zhang frantically.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the other monks felt their scalps go numb, Nima!This is the fate of ten thousand ghosts!

But before these cultivators could finish their amazement, their eyes suddenly widened, their faces full of shock and inconceivable.

I saw that at the moment when the group of ghosts rushed out, there was a sudden humming sound in the air. On the street, it seemed that a blazing blazing sun suddenly appeared, and there was an amazing light bursting along with the rolling heat wave.


"Forgive me!"

Under the blazing rays of light, you can see that the many evil ghosts rushing up are all covered with molten iron sulfate, and their bodies are melting rapidly. The ghosts only had time to mourn, and their bodies exploded in an instant, turning into wisps of blue smoke.

The light in front of them was so fiery that even the monks in the distance felt their eyes sting in an instant. They closed their eyes in horror and scratched their heads. At this time, the rolling heat wave also washed over and directly wiped everyone's clothes. Blowing loudly, dust was flying in the streets.

"What a fierce blood, ah!"


Not far away, it was only halfway through, and the evil ghosts who were not close to Zhou Zhang were also lit by the blazing sun, covered with smoke, and let out a shrill howl, but before they could escape, the heat wave had already arrived, and in an instant. Their bodies were shattered, bang bang bang exploded, and their souls were scattered.

"Master of martial arts and martial arts!"

"Which master is this, and he was also involved in the ghost market!"

"No, it's not enough, run away! Big trouble is coming!"

At this time, everyone present couldn't help but exclaimed.But soon there was a cultivator's discoloration, and his body receded faster.The other monks also seemed to have thought of something, and all of them turned pale.


At this moment, a huge black vortex appeared in the sky above the entire street. A strong ghostly aura filled the air, and an overwhelming gust of wind poured out, making the surrounding lanterns rattle and sway non-stop.

At this time, two huge hands, their bodies covered with pitch-black scales, their fingernails as sharp as swords, and exuding a thick stench of black mist, suddenly stretched out from the vortex, scoff!The black vortex seemed to be torn apart in an instant, and a low, icy voice resounded like thunder.

"Who is it? Die for me..."

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