Chapter [-] Collapse

In the sky above the street, a huge black vortex was circulating endlessly. Two huge palms tore open the vortex, and a cold and slaughtered sound came from inside, like a thunder in a dry land, making people's ears buzz.

"The ghost king is out!"

"Run away!"

Hearing this voice, the cultivators who fled in the distance were all like a sieve, their faces were full of horror, and they wished they would disappear immediately.

Accompanied by the sound of this voice, a gigantic head that was as large as a dozen feet came out. I saw that it had a single horn on the top of its head, and its mouth had sharp fangs, just like a side knife with a sharp and ferocious handle.

In addition to a pair of bright yellow pupils like giant lanterns, it also had blood-red eyes that stood upright on its forehead, and looked coldly at Zhou Zhang's location.

At this moment, the black fog loomed into the sky, and half of the ghost king's body was pulled out from the vortex, and the terrifying aura spread out, and the turbulent space continued to ripple.

Boom!Suddenly, the ghost king shot, the huge palm ripped the air, and made a harsh sonic boom, just like slaughtering ants and slamming towards Zhou Zhang.

At the moment when the ghost king made his move, Zhou Zhang's whole body became even more radiant, illuminating the entire space with light, even the cultivator who had already started to flee in the distance could hardly open his eyes.

The temperature in the air is rising wildly. Even if they are far apart, many monks can clearly feel the hot feeling in the air, and even their hair is starting to be burned and slightly dry. What an amazing amount of heat.


The ghost king let out an unbelievable scream, and the giant hand it stretched out instantly released a large stream of black smoke, almost like an ordinary person's hand reaching into the boiling molten iron, and the scales were falling off quickly.

At this time, the giant hand had already landed in the sky above Zhou Zhang, and Zhou Zhang's big hand grabbed one of its fingers with lightning speed, and then his body was slightly bent like a bowstring, and he violently exerted force.Crackling, the sound of bones cracking in the fingers sounded, the ghost king screamed in horror, and the remaining half of his body was immediately pulled out of the vortex and threw it out.

Like a bolt of lightning, the ghost king's body slammed into the buildings on the street. Suddenly, the buildings on the street kept making a loud bang, bang, bang, and were directly smashed into pieces. Gully with traces of rubble and gravel.


"Boundless Heavenly Venerate, what happened!!!"

At this time, the cultivator, who was not too far away, heard the sound of the rumbling explosion and the screams of the ghost king, and couldn't help but look back suddenly. At this time, the light on Zhou Zhang's body had slightly subsided, and the scene could be clearly seen by everyone. Seeing that, everyone almost had their eyes popped out.

What did they see? It was terrifying just now. The ice-cold and majestic Ghost King smashed to the ground, smoking black smoke all over his body.

"Damn, only a Martial Saint, I want you to..."

At this moment, the ghost king lying on the gravel rubble was full of anger, and let out a roar that shook the sky, the momentum of his body was boiling, and the amazing energy rose into the sky.

But the next moment, the whole space resounded with the roaring sound of dragons and tigers, and the vigorous blood energy exploded again, the ghost king's voice stopped abruptly, and with a muffled groan, the huge body was directly smashed into a depth of several meters. , splattered blood and dust.

The scene in front of him stunned all the cultivators who escaped.

Then, without waiting for the ghost king to talk nonsense, a booming explosion sounded. At the ghost king's position, a huge mushroom cloud rose up, and black smoke poured out in all directions along with countless blood and bone residue.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, there was only a huge blood pit of dozens of meters in size. The surrounding buildings were all destroyed and shattered. The entire long street was almost destroyed by the energy poured out of the battle. More than half, a mess.

"Dead, dead!!!"

"The ghost king of the ghost city was killed by a martial sage, am I dreaming!!"

"Ni, Nima, how is this going to be played??"

"Did I get the wrong script??"

A group of cultivators almost dropped their jaws, dumbfounded.This is the Ghost King of the Ghost City. He once tortured and killed a bunch of Martial Saints and Ghost Immortals. He was known to be invincible under the Yang God.

Could it be that the comer is not a Martial Saint, but a human immortal?

The thoughts of the monks present were twisting and turning, and the more they thought about it, the more frightened they became.


Kill an evil spirit in Qi practice and get 1000 energy points!


Kill a ghost king in the ghost wonderland and get 200000 energy points!

At this time, Zhou Zhang withdrew his fist expressionlessly, and when he heard the mechanical sound of the system constantly resounding in his mind, his heart filled with joy.

This Ghost King in the Perfection Realm of Ghost Immortals actually exploded with [-] Ability Points. Compared with the Ghost Immortals encountered in the Ghosts and Gods World before, the ability points were tens of thousands more. This was a pleasant surprise.

In addition to the little ghosts that filled the streets just now, they also contributed more than [-] energy points. Together, this ghost nest actually contributed more than [-] energy points.

Let me rub it, the energy point of this world is too fat!

Zhou Zhang's eyes were bright, and he felt that this new world was simply too friendly.


Just as Zhou Zhang killed the ghost king, the entire street began to make a rumbling sound, the ground, streets, and buildings were crumbling wildly on their own, and even the sky was collapsing, turning into countless black mists and disappearing.


There was an earth-shattering explosion, and the whole world changed instantly, and countless dazzling rays of light shrouded it.

Chapter [-] Ingest

The dazzling light shone, and everyone present felt weightless in an instant, and then their bodies fell directly.

The feeling of weightlessness caused by the fragmentation of the space naturally did not affect Zhou Zhang very much. Zhou Zhang stabilized his body in an instant and looked around at the environment with his eyes.

What caught Zhou Zhang's eyes was a wide river with rolling waves and wide river. Except for the riverside that Zhou Zhang and others approached, if it wasn't for Zhou Zhang's strange eyes, he could hardly see the other side of the river.

Boom boom boom!

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