The feeling of weightlessness, many monks have not yet reacted, one by one exclaimed and fell into the river, splashing bright water.

"What happened? Why did the ghost city's space completely collapse and disappear??"

"Look, they fell out!"

"Quick, go and see!"

At this time, on the nearby riverside, densely packed monks and warriors gathered.They were also shouting in shock, perceiving that the ghost market in the shadows had completely collapsed and would never appear again.

At the same time, in the next moment, they also saw that the monks who entered the ghost city suddenly appeared in the void, and then fell into the river in seventy-eight ways, and suddenly there were silhouettes flying over, trying to find out what the monks who fell out had. Happening.

However, those monks who fell into the river just didn't notice it for a while. Now that they came back to their senses, they suddenly burst out with powerful auras, and they rushed out of the river, causing the water to turbulent, and then the whole person was shocked. Falling lightly on the river, they cupped their hands and shouted at Zhou Zhang, "I've seen seniors!"

"what's the situation?"

The cultivator who rushed over to prepare for the rescue was stagnant, his face was uncertain, and some couldn't understand the scene in front of him.

Naturally, everyone doesn't know now that the man in white who is stepping on the void just now has a sturdy record in the ghost market, which can be described as appalling.

Therefore, the first thing that the monk who fell into the river at this time came to his senses was to salute Zhou Zhang.For such a powerful expert as Zhou Zhang, the courtesy of the bright side should still be maintained.Moreover, if such a master takes a fancy to and teaches a little practice, it will be a chance for the monks to blow the sky.

With these monks from the ghost market saluting Zhou Zhang respectfully, the eyes of the monks who rushed over, or the warriors and monks on the shore instantly converged on Zhou Zhang.

What caught their eyes was a handsome young man in white clothes with a noble temperament.I saw his hair with a silver crown on his head, his long hair fluttering in the wind on his back, sword eyebrows and star eyes, looking forward to Gu Shenghui, holy and floating.

To know that the monks who were involved in the ghost market this time, most of them are monks above the foundation level, there are a few strong people in the virtual core, and there are even two monks at the initial level of ghost fairy.

But now, whether it is Foundation Establishment, Void Core Realm monk, or Ghost Immortal beginner monk, they all lowered their posture and saluted the white clothed man in the void. This scene attracted the hearts of the monks and warriors present. Upside down.

"Senior? Where did this old monster come from!!"

"What's the matter, the person who entered just now clearly does not have the figure of this strong man. Could it be that he directly tore the space barrier and entered??"

"Even the cultivator of Ghost Immortal has put down his posture. It's difficult. Could it be that this man in white is a sun god or a human immortal?"

At this time, many monks and warriors couldn't help but muttered in their hearts, and when they saw Zhou Zhang's appearance, many thoughts and memories flashed in their minds. According to the information they knew, it seemed that there was no strong man dressed like the man in white in front of him. .

Zhou Zhang glanced at the many monks who were saluting, nodded lightly and nodded in response to the crowd, then stepped out, and his figure disappeared in the air in an instant.

Seeing Zhou Zhang disappear, all the cultivators who just fell out of the ghost market were a little disappointed.

"Teacher, what happened just now?"

"My son, tell my father what's going on!"

After Zhou Zhang's figure disappeared for more than ten breaths, the stagnant monks who flew over one after another found their own people and asked very urgently.

After all, the ghost market was broken. After a day, it would definitely shock the whole world. Everyone present wanted to know what happened in the ghost market.

"Bombed and killed the ghost king of the ghost city?"

"The ghost king has no power to fight back?"

After a while, when everyone made it clear, all the other cultivators who knew the matter were dumbfounded.

The news about the ghost city quickly spread around the riverside, causing countless monks and warriors to be shocked, and they were all so shocked that they were almost speechless.

The ghost city, which has lasted for almost a thousand years, was actually bombarded by the man in white. This is simply too scary and terrifying.

Just when the monks and warriors on the riverside were almost boiling, Zhou Zhang, who had disappeared, had appeared a hundred miles away from the riverside, and caught a bloodthirsty evil cultivator who was covered in blood, and Zhou Zhang immediately started the exercise. Directly ingest the cultivator's memory to obtain the information of this world.

"Interesting world!"

After a while, Xie Xiu, who was staring at Zhou Zhang, slowly fell down. Zhou Zhang's eyes were deep, and there was a mysterious power that was revolving like a starry sky. With a smile on his face, he whispered.

Chapter [-]: Newly promoted immortals?

According to the information in the mind of this evil cultivator, Zhou Zhang already had a general understanding of the pattern of this world.

At present, the area where Zhouzhang is located is in the southern part of the Tang Dynasty. The general history of this world has many similarities with the history of the Zhouzhang world in the Tang Dynasty. Before the Tang Dynasty, there were also dynasties such as the Great Sui, the Great Han, and the Great Qin.

But there are many differences in the details, not only the legends of monks and warriors, but also historical figures have changed.

For example, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty was no longer Li Yuan.Li Yuan died early, and Li Shimin rose strongly, directly conquering this illustrious Tang Dynasty.

Of course, these have little to do with Zhou Zhang. What really caught Zhou Zhang's attention was the situation in the cultivation world.

In this world, the highest cultivation level is the real immortal realm above the human immortal and the sun god, but there has been no news of the existence of the real immortal realm for thousands of years.

Among the known powerhouses, Renxian and Yangshen are the strongest, but there are a handful of powerhouses standing at the top of the world, and many of them will not be easily exposed to the world, or sit in sects, or remain anonymous. Experience the red dust, and some travel all over the world to practice.

And in the memory of this evil cultivator, Zhou Zhang finally found the information of the ghost market.The so-called ghost city space is actually the space debris that the great power of the real fairyland has fallen into. The space debris will change every once in a while, taking the nearby monks and warriors into it.

Among them, the space debris of the ghost city has existed for more than a thousand years, and a terrifying ghost king has even been born in it. It is difficult for any monk or warrior who disturbs the ghost king to escape.

There used to be many Martial Saints and Ghost Immortals who did not believe in evil, and finally set foot on a dead end.

It's not that there are no human beings or strong men in the Yangshen realm who want to take action to solve the ghost king. Unfortunately, the space debris only absorbs the warriors and monks below the realm of human beings and Yangshen. In the outside world, they want to directly smash the space debris, even if the human fairy and the sun are in the realm. Even the powerhouses of the god realm can't do it.

Therefore, there are space debris that appears, and everyone knows that the rules of operation must be followed in order to obtain benefits and survive.

It is precisely because of this that when Zhou Zhang violently killed the Ghost King, all the monks were so shocked that their eyes almost popped out.

"But in the past [-] years, warriors have rarely been photographed in the ghost market space. No wonder they are all monks. As for ghost crystals, they are treasures that occasionally appear in ghost markets, and can contain spirit bodies."

Zhou Zhang's mind flashed through the ghost market thing just now, and he opened his big hand, and there were dozens of crystal-clear black orbs flickering in the dim light.

This is the ghost crystal that was spilled after Zhou Zhang killed the ghost king and the space was broken.It takes decades for these ghost crystals to appear, but Zhou Zhang got as many as a dozen at a time.

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