After going through the world of ghosts and gods and beheading the ghost king of the ghost city just now, Zhou Zhang has enough confidence in his own strength.

Obviously, although Zhou Zhang's current realm is still in the perfect state of Martial Saint, his strength level is far beyond a lot, and he can easily kill the powerhouse of Martial Saint and Ghost Immortal Perfect Realm.

So Zhou Zhang just got the news about Wushan-kun, and just followed the vine.If he could kill Wu Shanjun, then it would be better. If he couldn't kill him, then Zhou Zhang would have the confidence to retreat with his own strength.

No matter how you look at it, it's not a sale at a loss. That evil cultivator didn't dare to go into troubled waters, but Zhou Zhang, who got the evil cultivator's memory, naturally followed the evil cultivator's memory.

After Zhou Zhang finished his meal in the hall, he followed the shop assistant to his room leisurely, took a shower and refreshed, and then Zhou Zhang returned to the couch and sat down cross-legged, calmly, and began to practice slowly.


During Zhou Zhang's breathing, the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth began to gather, and in the mouth and nose, the white mist almost turned into two dragons and snakes with thick arms rolling, carrying the thick mist.

Between a breath and a breath, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth swept into the body and quickly refined, and the acupoints, bones, flesh, and skin of the whole body were shaking. dissipated in the air.

All things in the world, as long as the cultivation base does not jump out of the five elements and grasp the realm of yin and yang creation, whether it is the turbid qi generated by the inner heaven and the earth in the body, or the turbid qi generated outside the body, it is constantly corroding living beings.

Therefore, on the road of seeking longevity and long-term vision, it can be said to be as difficult as reaching the sky.

The reason why the legendary fairyland is so desirable is because the fairy energy there nourishes the body, and the external turbidity is less than the earth, so the lifespan is longer.

At this time, Zhou Zhang sensed the changes in his body in the process of cultivation, and he could clearly feel that the blood energy in his body was strengthened bit by bit under the erosion of divine power and true essence, and he was migrating his life and evolving into a more powerful presence.

Time passed by like a white horse, and it was fleeting. Zhou Zhang was immersed in his cultivation. When he returned to his senses, it was already a night.

At this time, the great sun in the east was rising, and the splendid rays of light fell down directly through the skylight, illuminating the room brightly, and Zhou Zhang slowly opened his eyes.

Chapter [-]: Welcome Team


Immediately, the entire house was blazing with light, and two dazzling divine lights rushed out directly from Zhou Zhang's eyes.

But in the next breath, all the blazing rays of light disappeared in an instant, and the divine light rushing out of Zhou Zhang's eyes also converged.If someone looked at Zhou Zhang's eyes again, they would only feel that Zhou Zhang's eyes were as deep as a secluded pool, no longer sharp and intimidating.

After getting up and washing up, Zhou Zhang went to the window in the hall to sit down again. After the refreshments were served, Zhou Zhang slowly started to eat.

Looking at Qin Xiucai's house at this time, I could faintly feel a sense of death lingering. In Qin Xiucai's house, scattered relatives and neighbors began to come in and out, all with sad faces. Obviously, they all saw Qin Xiucai's feelings. Madam's time is approaching.

"My dear daughter!"

"How can she suffer such sins for no reason? It's really unfair!"

At this time, in the gate, there was another woman with double temples dyed cream, and a wrinkled old woman was wailing, and her voice was as mournful as a cuckoo's blood, which was sad and uncomfortable.

There were men and women all around to come to comfort them, all of them were deeply concerned and could not bear to see the scene in front of them.

The most unpleasant and desperate thing in the world is that the white-haired person sends the black-haired person. The person involved was almost heartbroken. After a while, the old woman fainted, causing everyone to exclaim, and everyone suddenly turned into a pot of porridge.

After watching this scene, Zhou Zhang finished his meal silently, and then went back to the guest room to practice.

For the next few days, Zhou Zhang's life was very regular, and he rarely even stepped out of the door of the inn.Finally, in the evening of the third day, Zhou Zhang felt an inexplicable cold aura near Qin Xiucai's home.

These gloomy auras hovered near Qin Xiucai's house, and it seemed that they were faintly connecting with the dead aura emanating from Qin Xiucai's house.

finally come!

After Zhou Zhang finished his meal, he sensed these gloomy auras, his face was calm, he slowly retracted his gaze, and then slowly walked up to the second floor and returned to his guest room.

Time is passing by, and soon the sun sets in the west, disappearing in the mountains in the distance, and the sky and the earth are plunged into darkness.

The darker the night, there are scattered dim yellow lanterns swaying in the night wind in the remote town, and the candles are flickering, making it very quiet.

At this time, in the small town, a team of festive atmosphere suddenly appeared, beating gongs and drums, carrying big red sedan chairs.

There are dozens of people in this team. There are maids in front of them, and musicians in the back. There is a strong man in the middle carrying a red sedan chair. Next to the red sedan chair, there is a woman in red.

I saw this woman with heavy makeup on her face, holding a mandarin duck handkerchief in her hand, smiling all over her face, twisting her waist, and feeling a little fiddling.

But if any ordinary person could see this team at this time, they would be scared to the point that they would be paralyzed.

Because the whole men and women like the wedding team, although they seem to be beating gongs and drums, and it is very lively, but there is no sound at all, all the pictures are dead silent, and the faces of those men and women are pale and scary, only the cheeks are Painted in red, it looks weird.

The team that greeted the relatives soon came to Qin Xiucai's house, and then the middle-aged woman in red and holding a mandarin duck handkerchief led the two maids straight through the locked door of Qin Xiucai's house. The space seemed to be turbulent, and the three figures disappeared instantly.

Then, after a while, a slender woman with a phoenix crown, Xiapi, was supported by two maids and appeared again through the gate, followed by the woman with a mandarin duck handkerchief in her hand.

Soon the bride was escorted into the red sedan chair, and the welcoming team that stayed there began to beat gongs and drums again, and the bright red petals fell, and the welcoming team gradually left the town. .

At this time, Zhou Zhang, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed of the guest room, suddenly opened his eyes, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant, following the group of ghosts who were welcoming their relatives.

Although this group of welcoming ghosts were not very high in cultivation, their flying speed was extremely fast. After flying for more than half the night, they had already crossed more than a thousand miles, and finally stopped on a barren and steep mountain.

This mountain is as steep as a sword, with rough cliffs, and only sparse vegetation grows.The mountain wind blew with a sharp whistling sound.The dozens of festive ghosts landed on a cliff with their big red sedan chairs, and then fell silent, as if they were waiting for something.

It seems that the story of the legend that Wu Shanjun jumped off the cliff before his death, and then got the adventure story is still very true and has a great possibility.

At this time, Zhou Zhang restrained the breath of his whole body, and disappeared into the ghosts. When he saw them stop on this steep cliff, he couldn't help but think of the rumors about Lord Wushan.

But even if ordinary people know about these rumors, it is useless. After all, there are thousands of mountains in the world, and there are countless cliffs and cliffs. Ghosts know where Wu Shanjun jumped off the cliffs before his death.

And even if it is known that this is the point where Wushanjun jumped off the cliff, no one knows when the space fragment of the Yin Cao will appear.

If Wu Shanjun had a little space authority, then the space debris of the Yin Cao did not appear for several years or more than ten years, I am afraid that is also normal.

Chi Chi!

At this moment, in the void, a terrifying and vast idea suddenly appeared, centered on the mountain, overwhelming the sky and sweeping away.

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