Chapter [-] The Tenth Bride

The moment this thought appeared, Zhou Zhang had already sensed that the Golden Body Indestructible Mysterious Art was operating to the extreme, and the breath of his body was deeply hidden.

Among the Ruyi Tiangang Variety Cultivation Techniques in Human Wonderland, there are magical powers related to stealth changes and so on.Now it has been integrated with many exercises, which have been further deduced and transformed into golden body indestructible mysterious arts.The development of its various magical powers has far exceeded the original Ruyi Tiangang.

At this time, after scanning the huge thought once, it did not find any strange traces. After a dozen or so breaths, the huge thought was withdrawn in an instant and disappeared.

Then, in the void of the cliff, a powerful suction suddenly appeared, and all the ghosts waiting on the cliff disappeared instantly.

The so-called Yin Cao actually refers to the place where the soul and body can continue to survive after death, and it is also called the underworld.

These welcoming ghosts only feel the change in front of their eyes. What catches their eyes is the dark and gloomy space all year round. There is a majestic and huge black mountain towering in the sky. Whether it is a person or a ghost, under the giant mountain, it is also like an ant. .

On the black giant mountain, there are long palaces standing, decorated with lanterns, and there are maids and slave servants in a hurry everywhere. On a huge black jade square, green bonfires are burning, full of gloom and darkness. the taste of.

At this time, the black jade square was full of banquets, and all kinds of ghosts were drinking heavily, talking to each other, very lively and happy.

"Report, the tenth bride has arrived!"

At this time, a ghost servant waved a small flag and shouted loudly from outside the square.

"Wow, it's finally here, hahaha, the Lord's blessing is not shallow!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I heard that most of the ten brides are wives, the Lord's taste is getting more and more unique!"

"Hahaha, that's true, the Lord most likely wants to taste more, it's really enviable!"

Seeing the short stature, wearing gray clothes, and waving a small flag, the ghost servant walked into the square quickly, and all the ghosts who were drinking in the banquet immediately talked about it and burst into laughter.

The ghosts in the square could clearly see that above the square, in addition to the tenth bride sedan chair that had not been carried in, there were already nine big red sedan chairs placed here.

Accompanied by the celebratory sound of gongs and drums, the ghost bride of the tenth house was finally carried into the top of the square and placed in the tenth position.

Immediately, the atmosphere at the scene has begun to reach a climax, with the voices of the ghosts discussing, shouting, whistling, etc. one after another.

"The king is here!"

"Wow, the king is here!"

At this time, another exclamation sounded suddenly, and deep above the square, a majestic middle-aged man in a gorgeous groom's robe and a red cap appeared.

I saw him walking like a tiger, tall and tall, looking up and looking at him, with a strict bearing.

Seeing Wu Shanjun appear, the ghosts at the banquet below were even more excited, shouting loudly, and the banquet became more and more lively.

"Everyone, be quiet. As usual, this king will start to pull the bride out of the sedan chair!"

At this time, Wu Shanjun, who was standing above, saw his subordinates who were almost boiling below, he couldn't help laughing, and his hands were lowered to the ghosts.

Immediately, the boiling ghosts at the scene gradually quieted down.

"The first bride, the eldest daughter of Fu Fu's daughter, is eighteen years old, tall, with a beautiful face. She is a lady of everyone, and she is really a good match for the king!"

At this time, in the square, there was also an old scholar wearing a Confucian uniform, with a goatee and a pointed mouth, shouting and introducing.

"Okay, look at that figure, it's really tall, it's definitely a good match for the king!"

"After so many years, it turns out that every batch is still the first and best, and I'm afraid it is the same now!"

"It's a blessing for them to be included in the harem by the king! How many ghosts can't be envious!"

Following the old scholar's shouting, Wu Shanjun pulled out a woman with a red hijab and a phoenix crown from the sedan chair.

Immediately, the voices in the square rose, and the discussion became more and more lively. From time to time, there were evil ghosts who made inexplicable hehe, and smiled all over their faces.

"The second bride, Miss Cao's second lady, aged seventeen, petite and exquisite, with a beautiful face..."

The identity of a famous bride was introduced, and then Wu Shanjun took him out of the sedan chair and stood in line in front of the sedan chair.The atmosphere of the whole square was extremely warm and noisy.

"The tenth bride, and the last bride of this group, is a rare beautiful young woman, a person from Pingxin Town..."

Just when the old scholar with sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was shouting the introduction loudly, Wu Shanjun stepped forward immediately, suddenly lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, and was about to lead the bride out of the sedan chair.


The head of Wu Shanjun, who came in with his head pointed, was instantly shattered, the blood mist filled the air, the headless corpse trembled a few times, and fell to the ground with a bang.A man in white clothes and silver crown slowly retracted his feet in the sedan chair, his face was calm and indifferent.

Chapter [-] The real body



The many ghosts who were shouting excitedly, and the old scholar who was singing and drinking had already been stunned by the scene in front of them. sluggish.

At this moment, the space seems to be frozen!

blah blah blah!

At this time, the sound of crisp footsteps sounded, and a handsome young man in white clothes and silver crown slowly walked out of the red sedan chair.

I saw this young man in white clothes like snow, his face calmly looked around all the ghosts in the square: "Trash!"

"Ah! He killed the king!"

"How is it possible, this is impossible!"

"Am I dreaming, am I dreaming, wake me up!!"

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