It's slow and fast. In fact, from the interception of the two eminent monks to the end of the battle, it was only a short period of dozens of breaths, and the winner was quickly determined.

"This, this is Long Wei, Long Qi! Wu Meiniang, you slut really hid Li's keel, and actually lied that he was missing. Today, Lao Dao will destroy you first, and take good care of it, as long as you don't die! "

At this time, the faint dragon prestige spread in the Zichen Hall finally filled the sky above the palace. The Daoist Ziye had just smashed the two monks, and he felt the faint dragon prestige. He once felt it hundreds of years ago. This kind of It felt familiar, and I recognized it immediately.

Immediately after Daoist Ziye and Daoist Ziyu were stunned, they were overjoyed, but in addition to the surprise, they were also filled with shame and anger.

He and others stand tall and look down on the common people.But now she has been tricked by a bitch like Wu Meiniang for so long, which is simply unbearable and unbearable.

The hot-tempered Taoist Ziye suddenly roared into the sky and howled, for fear that at this time Wu Mei would jump off the wall and make a fool of the keel, and immediately turned into a streamer and rushed towards the Zichen Hall.

Chapter [-] Do you want it too?

Above the palace, the streamer was splendid, and it rushed down with a bang, and rushed directly into the Zichen Palace.

At this time, everyone can clearly see that because Daoist Ziye is extremely fast, a fierce and terrifying air wave is directly set off. After he rushed into the Zichen Hall, the bricks and tiles on the roof of the entire Zichen Hall exploded. For countless debris flying around, it is like a fireworks in full bloom.

Seeing such a scene, everyone's heart sank. This Taoist Ziye is too unscrupulous. Is this going to kill the Empress directly on the spot?

"Ah! Who are you"

Just when everyone was thinking about it, suddenly, in the Zichen Hall, there was a bang, and then there was the scream of Ziye Daoist, and the figure of Ziye Daoist flew upside down at a faster speed in the Zichen Hall. go out.

Daoist Ziye was in ragged clothes, his body was about to split, and when he flew upside down, blood splattered in the sky, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out, looking very mournful.

"Senior brother!"

When Daoist Ziyu saw this scene, his eyes were split, and he appeared on the other side of the void, and caught Daoist Ziye who flew back.

"cough cough cough inside"

Daoist Ziye burst into dense cracks in his body, and his body was covered in blood. After being caught by Daoist Ziyu, he was still coughing up blood.

At this moment, Daoist Ziye was horrified and wanted to say something, but before he could finish speaking, he spit out a big mouthful of blood, and the whole person slumped in an instant, and the vitality in the body was quickly passing away.

Daoist Ziyu hurriedly took out the medicinal pill and fed it to Daoist Ziye, but there was no effect at all. Daoist Ziye's vitality was like a giant river breaking its banks, passing madly, and it was difficult to treat.

"Senior brother!"

Taoist Ziyu's complexion changed dramatically, his eyes turned red, and his choking voice resounded through the sky.At the same time, Daoist Ziyu rushed out of the terrifying slaughter aura, and the celestial phenomena in a radius of dozens of miles suddenly changed, the temperature dropped sharply, and the cold wind was cold.

"My God! What's going on here?"

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, there are still such masters in the palace?"

"This is too terrifying, Daoist Ziye, who was directly beaten to death by a powerful force?"

At this moment, everyone in Shendu was full of shock, they were dumbfounded, and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Just now, Daoist Ziye, who was invincible and aggressive, suppressed the two powerful Buddhist monks, was beaten to the point of death in a blink of an eye.And all this happened between the electric light and flint, it was so fast that everyone didn't even react.

All this is as unreal as a dream!

The figure of Daoist Ziyu slowly descended in the sky. Daoist Ziye, who was already in a coma and dying, placed his body in a gorgeous tower in the palace. Then Daoist Ziyu shone with purple light all over his body and rose directly into the sky. Fly to the sky above Zichen Hall.

"Who! Who is it! What kind of skill is it to plot against others, get out of here!"

Daoist Ziyu pulled out the magic sword from his waist and let out a mad and sad howl.Daoist Ziyu, a strong man in the entire Tang Dynasty, is clear that there are only a handful of people who can cultivate higher than his junior brother, Daoist Ziye.

As for the powerhouse of the level of human immortals, the retreat of retreat, the practice of cultivation, and the planning of the ancestors of human immortals in Tiandingzong, no one will be sharp.

Therefore, Daoist Ziye was clearly undermined just now, so he was hit so hard.

After Daoist Ziye roared angrily, the magic sword in his hand suddenly raised to the sky, Boom!A tens of feet long purple sword glow rose into the sky, and the icy and vast Xiao Shaoqi lingered, and the sky was directly stirred into the wind.

Chi!The magic sword slashed towards the Zichen Palace!Canopy!Accompanied by the swing of the magic sword, the tens of meters long purple sword beam slashed towards the Zichen Hall, and the entire Zichen Hall was blown open in an instant, and countless bricks, tiles and sawdust flew into the sky.

Fortunately, the maids and soldiers around were all ordered to leave, otherwise the sand and stones alone would be enough to pierce their bodies and harvest their lives.

Rao is so, the surrounding sand and stones are piercing the ground and the red wall of the palace in the distance, leaving a dense number of small holes.

Without the barrier of the Zichen Palace, the dragon's mighty aura that permeated the palace was even more intense, and even the monks and warriors who were close to the palace could clearly feel it. Trembling involuntarily.

The entire Zichen Hall was shrouded in sand, stone and sawdust, and many monks and warriors were using their exercises to look out, trying to see what was going on inside.

Finally, after the dust and mist all over the sky dissipated, the scene inside finally caught everyone's eyes.

I saw that in the center of Zichen Hall, there was a light golden light film upside down, which firmly protected a man and a woman inside.At this time, a handsome man in white was holding a flawless, crystal-like white bone several feet long.

"Do you want a keel too?"

At this time, the man in white raised his eyes slightly to look at Taoist Ziyu standing in the void, his voice was flat and did not contain a trace of emotion.


Dao Ziyu enforced the sword and saw a man and a woman appear, with a gloomy face, gnashing his teeth and trying to say something.

But he just opened his mouth, and suddenly his pupils were shrinking violently, because a crystal keel came into his eyes in an instant, it was too close, and the speed was so fast that he didn't have time to dodge.

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy First Ancestor

In the sky, Taoist Ziyu watched as the crystal keel tore through the space, lashing out as fast as lightning, and his whole body was too late to react.


Suddenly, the sky burst with blood mist, Taoist Ziyu groaned, and the whole person was like a meteor, and smashed directly to the ground in mid-air.boom!The marble of the palace exploded, the sand and stones splashed, and a huge pit with a depth of several feet appeared.

Inside the giant pit, Daoist Ziyu burst into fine cracks all over his body, and a large amount of blood poured out. The gas that came out was too much to enter. Under the amazing destructive power of Renxian, it seems that he will not survive.

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