"His! I'm hallucinating!"

"I am you immortal board board, what's going on???"

"Zi, Ziyu Taoist, was pumped away!!"

At this time, everyone was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Just now Daoist Ziyu suspected that Daoist Ziye was severely injured by a sneak attack, and everyone agreed with it just now. After all, there is still a strong person who dares to challenge Tiandingzong. Those who dared to challenge Tiandingzong before have already been killed by a strong force. .

Now that I see the scene in front of me, I know that what they thought just now was completely wrong. Some immortals dared to challenge Tiandingzong and directly used the keel to pull Daoist Ziyu down. Now Ziyu Dao's life and death are unknown.

"This, this has been circulating some time ago, even the white-clothed immortals who killed the ghost king, Wu Shanjun, and the old man with bones?"

"It turned out to be him, he is indeed fierce, even Tiandingzong dares to challenge, you must know that the ancestor of Tiandingzong is also a ruthless character, when Chixiazong and Mingzhumen offended him, he was beaten overnight, the two sects All the immortals were killed, and in one fell swoop, the status of Tianding Sect was determined."

"Is this the fearlessness of the ignorant?"

Zhou Zhang's identity was soon exposed, causing an uproar around him.Although the white-clothed man Xianzhen killed the old man, the old man was no longer as good as the peak of the year, and he couldn't compare with the ancestors of the gods of Tiandingzong.

Just like the pot was blown up below, when the discussion was boiling, Zhou Zhang stood above the void and felt the breath emanating from the keel, and couldn't help but rejoice.

This keel should not be the keel of a real dragon. After all, if it were the keel of a real dragon, the terrifying power would be swept over a hundred miles in an instant, and the coercion would be enough to kill many creatures.

Although it is not a real keel, it is at least a pure blood dragon bone in the real immortal realm, and it should be the bone of the dragon marrow part.

Although it is only a short section, it contains a strong dragon power and is extremely hard. At this moment, the blood vessels in Zhou Zhang's body are resonating in the dark, making Zhou Zhang's blood vessels evolve and improve indistinctly.

It is conceivable that if this keel can be refined, Zhou Zhang's own bloodline will definitely benefit a lot.

Just when Zhou Zhang was about to go down from the void, Zhou Zhang's body suddenly froze, and then he turned back to look east of Shendu.


Originally, the afterglow of the setting sun has almost completely subsided, and the world is about to fall into darkness.But at this time, in the eastern sky, it was like another big sun rising into the sky.

With the appearance of the scorching sun, the air began to become hot and dry, the temperature was rising rapidly, and the warm wind was blowing.

The scene in front of him was too frightening, and it suddenly changed the celestial phenomena for more than a hundred miles, just like a god and a demon.

"Human, immortal breath!"

"The ancestor of Tiandingzong is here!"

At this time, the faces of the monks and warriors in Shendu changed greatly, and the corners of their eyes were beating wildly.

Nima, finally provoked the big guy!

"Has the majesty of my Heavenly Cauldron Sect reached this level? There are still people who dare to take action against my Heavenly Cauldron Sect, and annihilated the nine clans against certain forces a hundred years ago. It seems that the deterrence is still too low, or is it a human being? The forgetfulness is really so great”

Along with the appearance of the blazing sun-like figure in the sky, the old man's calm and low voice resounded for hundreds of miles.His tone has nothing to do with showing off or threats. It seems to be stating the fact that the forces that were enemies of the Tianding Sect in those days were all swept away like turkeys.

But now a new challenger appeared, which surprised and sighed.

The more calmly the words of the ancestors of Tianding Sect were described, the more everyone in the entire divine capital felt cold in their hearts, and the chills rushed from the tailbone to the Tianling Gai, and the whole scalp was numb.

It seems that today the gods must be bleeding into rivers, the immortals in white, the empress, and the Wu clan cannot escape.


The figure of the ancestor of the Tianding Sect was approaching, Weng Ming's voice in the whole void was even more intense, the terrifying and vast ocean-like blood almost crushed the sky, and strands of astonishing energy permeated the air, and everyone's heart felt like a pressure. Holding the boulder, captured by the momentum.

At this time, there were monks who practiced pupil technique and powerful warriors, and finally saw the appearance of the ancestor of Tianding Sect through the blazing light.

Immediately everyone was stunned, the appearance of the ancestor of Tiandingzong was too unexpected.

This ancestor of the Tianding Sect looked like a handsome young man, wearing a green robe, with his hands on his back, and stepping into the air, his body was pouring out a huge and terrifying aura, just like a wild and ancient giant beast. , the power was earth-shattering, and everyone was almost breathless.

Too strong!Everyone's heart is shaking!

Chapter [-] The plot is bizarre

"I smell the majestic breath of vitality, it is really a young immortal, turn it into the nourishment of my Tianding!"

The eyes of the ancestor of Tianding Sect were like electricity, illuminating the four directions, looking at Zhou Zhang's figure, his face was cold and ruthless, no nonsense, and he shot in an instant.

Boom!The hands of the ancestors of the Tianding Sect were sealed, and an incomparably huge ancient giant cauldron phantom appeared in the void.

The giant cauldron is dozens of feet wide, and the rays of the sun rise to the sky, and it suddenly covers Zhou Zhang. At the same time, it produces an amazing rotating suction, and even the surrounding clouds are swept away frantically. The giant cauldron is about to capture and refine Zhou Zhang.


At this moment, suddenly in the heaven and the earth, a three-legged golden crow roared through the sky, and the blazing sun that the three-legged golden crow transformed into leaped out, radiating radiant light, and slammed into the giant cauldron. phantom.

After the collision of two powerful energies, Boom!The sky is shaking, the light is bright and dazzling.A large cloud of mushrooms rose, the vast energy ripples spread, and the space wrinkled, looking extremely terrifying.

"Well, you"

Before everyone could come back to their senses, suddenly there was a muffled humming sound in the void, and then a figure smashed down the palace below like a meteor, directly smashing a gorgeous palace, and the palace disintegrated directly. Sand and stones scattered all over the sky.

When the bright light dimmed a little, everyone could not help but be surprised when they saw the figure of the man in white still standing above.

"That figure that was shot down?"

"It's the ancestor of Tiandingzong!!!"

"how can that be!"

It was only a head-on confrontation, and he was domineering and unparalleled just now. The ancestor of Tiandingzong who suppressed the sky was actually no different from the previous Wusheng, and he was knocked down with one move? ?

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