The scene in front of you is jaw-dropping and unbelievable!

"It's just a careless moment, you are very good, you have reached this level at a young age, but you still have to die"

Whoa!In the ruins of the palace, the figure of the ancestor of Tianding Sect slowly lifted into the air, and the rubble around him fell to the ground. At this time, blood was overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and his voice was cold and low, and the murderous intent contained in it.

Swish!Before he could finish his words, he began to perform his peerless exercises, and wisps of light appeared all over his body, and it was faintly built into a sacred and ancient divine cauldron. Attack and go.


At this time, the keel in Zhou Zhang's hand has been thrown into the system backpack. When he saw the ancestor of Tianding Sect rushing to kill again, he also made a light squeak, holding the dragon and tiger fighting method in his hand, and suddenly there was a phantom of the dragon and tiger, and a roaring sound came out. Deafening, competing with each other, tearing the sky.


Zhou Zhang collided with the figure of the ancestor of Tianding Sect again, and suddenly a more dazzling light erupted in the sky.

The vast air waves poured out in all directions, and some high towers and high buildings in Shendu were affected by the energy, and they disintegrated into pieces.

The huge gust of wind directly lifted countless bricks and tiles, and directly destroyed many buildings. It was like a natural disaster, and everyone below turned pale.

Fortunately, these two celestial beings are fighting on the sky. If they are a little away from the gods below, the energy that overflows is enough to cause terrifying destructive power, which can instantly kill thousands of people.

Boom boom boom!

The whole sky was blazing with light, accompanied by the roar of dragons and tigers, and the sound of Zhong Ding, two figures collided frantically on the sky, and the white fog exploded one after another, and the space oscillated.

The two figures screamed and fought each other. They had gradually moved away from the sky above the gods, and appeared in the sky above the suburbs. The terrifying energy overflowed, and the landslides and ground cracked suddenly, and the ancient trees turned into flying ashes. The scene was terrifying.

"Is this your strength? What a disappointment!"

During the battle, Zhou Zhang suddenly groaned.The ancestor of the Tianding Sect in front of him is indeed amazing in strength, far surpassing the old man of bone transformation. However, only this is not enough.

"What? You are courting death"

The ancestor of Tianding Sect was a little stunned for a while, but he quickly reacted and his face was gloomy.

With the sound of the canopy, the ancestors of the Tianding Sect swelled up with even greater energy, and the divine cauldron radiated brilliance and shrouded himself.He used the attack technique again, blasting out a blazing purple light, killing the immortal in white in front of him.

But in the next moment, you can see that the white clothed fairy is covered in light and rain, and the sound of the three-legged golden crow's cries resounds throughout the world.

Then, before the ancestor of Tiandingzong could react, he saw the man in white suddenly appear in front of his eyes, and his fist full of golden light rushed towards him. He shot a brilliant purple light and instantly disintegrated, and he couldn't stop it at all.

Then the fist directly hit the divine tripod that was protecting his body, bang!Immediately, there was a sound of beating the bell cauldron resounding across the universe, and the ancestor of the Tianding Sect only felt as if his whole body was hit by a giant mountain. He groaned and flew out directly.

The ancestor of Tianding Sect, who flew out, turned into a streamer again and slammed into the Palace of Shendu, bang!Once again, a solemn and luxurious palace was shattered, and a huge pothole appeared.

"This turtle shell is quite thick!"

Zhou Zhang's calm voice sounded in the sky.

At this time, everyone in Shendu was stunned, their eyes widened, and they couldn't even close their mouths.What happened in front of them was too subverting their imagination, and the ancestor of Tianding Sect was suppressed again.

"Ah! Immortal in white, I want to kill"

The ancestor of Tianding Sect, who was knocked to the ground, let out a long howl and was about to resist, but in the next breath, Zhou Zhang's figure disappeared, and then on the ground, there was a loud bang again, and there was a broken bell. The voice sounded, and then the long howl of the ancestor of Tianding Sect stopped abruptly.

boom!In the huge pit of the ruins of the palace, the terrifying sound of the explosion sounded again, and a shrill and unwilling scream sounded, and then a cloud of blood mist mixed with bone slag exploded in the giant pit, the pale golden blood mist filled the air, and the sky was filled with blood. The breath of the ancestor of the Dingzong disappeared from the sky and the earth in an instant.

"Dead, dead??"

"Today, what the hell did I experience!!!"

At this moment, the many monks and warriors in the gods have sensed everything, and everyone's minds are almost a mess, and it is difficult to believe the situation in front of them.

After suppressing the world for hundreds of years, and destroying people at every turn, the invincible ancestor of the Tianding Sect was directly bombarded and killed by a new immortal?

This plot is so bizarre! !

Chapter [-] Ascension

In the ruins of the palace, the blood mist was floating, and the surroundings were dead silent. At this time, a white-clothed and spotless figure slowly flew up in the giant pit, and then lightly stepped on the white marble of the square.

"Sure enough, they are all vulnerable items, but the energy points contributed are quite impressive."

At this time, in Zhou Zhang's field of vision, he had already called out the system.It can be seen that the people of Tianding Sect have contributed more than [-] million energy points to Zhou Zhang, and the total number of energy points of Zhou Zhang has broken through to the level of more than [-] million.

With more than one million energy points, plus the keel of a pure-blooded dragon, this trip to the capital of the gods, no matter how you count this wave, is a big profit.

"Young Master Shenwei!"

At this time, Wu Zetian led the soldiers over, bowed down to Zhou Zhangyingying and saluted, there was a shock that could not be concealed on the beautiful face, and she almost gasped at the result.

Originally working with Zhou Zhang, I just hoped to have confidence in the Heavenly Cauldron Sect, so that there would be a way out during the negotiation.

But where did he expect that Zhou Zhang directly killed all the experts of Tiandingzong on the spot, and even the ancestor of Tiandingzong, who played with the universe and regarded the world as a chess piece, was directly bombed and killed here.

For Wu Zetian, this was too unexpected, and he was simply delighted!

Then Wu Zetian sent people to clean up the mess. Then Wu Zetian sent people to clean up a solemn and luxurious palace for Zhou Zhang to practice. Everything was going on in an orderly manner.

At this time, the sun in the distance had completely set, and darkness shrouded the earth, but tonight the capital of the gods, and even the entire Tang Dynasty, were destined to be unable to calm down. The news spread wildly, and almost overnight, the whole world was shocked.

"The ancestor of Tianding Sect was actually killed by the newly promoted immortal in white? This is fake news!"

"This immortal in white is too much against the sky! The old man of Bone Transformation, the ancestor of the Tianding Sect, these are all famous and old immortals! They all fell at his feet, how powerful is that! !"

"It's really terrifying, where is this evildoer who got out of it, but I've never heard of it before!"

As the news spread, countless people all over the world were almost dumbfounded.

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