Some people even suspected that this was fake news. After confirming it again and again, they had to believe that in this world, a new immortal was born, stepping on the skeleton of an old immortal and walking towards the highest throne.

Along with the news that Tiandingzong's master was killed, another piece of explosive news shook the world in the early morning of the second day.

Tiandingzong was brutally destroyed by the Tang army overnight, and the blood directly dyed the entire Tianding Mountain red, and the corpses were scattered everywhere.

This news is too shocking, and it is the two martial saints who have been guarding the Shendu before and have never appeared even when Tiandingzong came to the door.

Suddenly, the whole world was full of speculation. It seemed that the two Martial Saints did not do what everyone had guessed before. It should have been the Empress who ordered them, so they didn't do anything.

But after Xianzhen, the man in white, killed the masters of Tiandingzong, the empress immediately chose to expand the victory, cut grass and roots, and ordered the two Martial Saints to do it. Otherwise, it would be impossible to destroy Tiandingzong so quickly.

The entire Tang Dynasty is in turmoil, with dark tides rising and falling.

Everyone did not know that, except for the two Wusheng leaders, it was actually Zhou Zhang who secretly killed the Tianding Sect, and then let the Tang army clean up and quietly returned to the palace of the palace. practicing.

The palace is quiet and very spacious. The ground is paved with ink and jade. There is an incense burner in the corner. The precious ambergris is ignited, and strands of purple smoke are filled with a strange fragrance. Zhou Zhang sits on the futon with his eyes slightly closed. , holding the seal in both hands, breathing for a long time.

At this time, in front of Zhou Zhang, a crystal white keel was flying out of thin air. In the constant ups and downs, accompanied by Zhou Zhang's breathing, the keel was also flickering, and the strands of dragon gas turned into white mist and poured out. , was swallowed into the body by Zhou Zhang, and then refined into the body.

It can be clearly seen that with the passage of time, Zhou Zhang's power of throughput is getting stronger and stronger, and the dragon qi overflowing from the keel is absorbed by Zhou Zhang.

At the same time, the strong dragon might on the keel is gradually weakening, and the bones gradually become fading from crystal clear, gradually turning into ordinary bones, with a dull luster and a smell of decay.


At this time, Zhou Zhang's body could hear the sound of dragon's roar, and at the same time, the dragon's might on Zhou Zhang's body was gradually becoming stronger and stronger.Boom!When the blood in the whole body is flowing, it makes a surging sound like a river.

However, the blood Zhouzhang in his body is now more perfectly controlled, otherwise the overflowing breath is enough to overturn the entire palace, forming a terrifying heat wave hurricane, which produces amazing lethality.

Bang!I don't know how long it took, the keel in front of Zhou Zhang exploded into a ball of powder, and the dragon energy inside was completely swallowed by Zhou Zhang's refining.

Zhou Zhang could clearly feel that his own horned dragon bloodline had been boosted a lot, and when it was activated, the rich dragon might poured out, and the air around him seemed to freeze.


Zhou Zhang slowly restrained the dragon power on his body, and then called out the system page.

Host information:

Name: Zhou Zhang

Age: 20

Race: Human (horned dragon bloodline) +

Techniques: Golden Body Immortal Mystery Technique, Day Boxing (Martial Saint Realm)+, Thunder Halberd Technique (Martial Saint Realm)+, Flying Immortal Body Technique (Martial Saint Realm)+.

Level: Human Immortal (Elementary)

Travel through the world: the world of the Qing Dynasty, the world of ghosts, the world of ghosts and gods, and the world of true immortals.

Energy: 3307400

At this time, Zhou Zhang's energy point had soared again when he destroyed Tianding Sect, reaching more than three million.But even if it reaches more than three million, there is no way to deduce the mysterious power of indestructible golden body.

However, when he called out the system page, Zhou Zhang's eyes were stunned, and a plus sign appeared behind the bloodline of the race.

Is it?Zhou Zhang's heart trembled, and enduring the excitement in his heart, Zhou Zhang's heart turned a thousand times, and finally his thoughts still slammed on the plus sign behind the bloodline.

Chapter [-] Shenlong Shengrui


Immediately after the line of the race, the bloodline of the horned dragon suddenly dimmed, and then the energy points began to plummet like crazy, and the millions of energy points disappeared in an instant, and they continued to decline. Zhou Zhang couldn't help but be shocked.

At the same time, Zhou Zhang's whole body's blood became extremely hot, it was like boiling molten iron, and the pores all over his body were sizzling with wisps of gray mist. Then Zhou Zhang felt itchy skin all over his body, and then a piece of pale golden scales in the Chi Chi quickly got out.

In an instant, Zhou Zhang's body seemed to be lengthening and becoming stronger, scoff!The clothes instantly shattered into pieces.

If someone is in the palace at this moment, I'm afraid they will be scared stupid, because it can be clearly seen that Zhou Zhang's pupils suddenly turned into cold and noble broken gold, and his body is changing wildly, with dragon horns popping out of his head. The whole body is covered with dragon scales, and the dragon body is rapidly changing.


Finally, after half a sound, Zhou Zhang couldn't bear it any longer, and he screamed in the sky.But at this time, Zhou Zhang's voice was the sound of a dragon's roar that was as sonorous as gold and jade.

Canopy!The splendid palace where Zhou Zhang was located was hit by the air wave and suddenly exploded, turning into pieces, and the smoke was flying.

"what happened?"

"It's that lord's quiet room!"

The palace where Zhou Zhang was located exploded directly, immediately attracting the attention of the soldiers, palace maids, eunuchs and others in the distance.Everyone was shocked, and looked at the direction of the explosion of the palace with some unknown reasons.

"Oh my God! Then, what is that!!!"

"Dragon, dragon, that's a dragon"

But in the next breath, everyone present was dumbfounded, their faces full of shock, and they looked inconceivably in the direction of the palace that had turned into ruins in the distance.

I saw smoke filled the surroundings of the ruins, and a pair of broken golden eyes like huge lanterns appeared in the smoke, looking down at all beings with icy majesty, and then the slender feet were dozens of feet long, and the dragon scales all over the body were pale gold, glowing with metal. The cold dragon body is also displayed in the eyes of everyone.

At this moment, the four dragon claws of this tens of feet long dragon are holding the void, and each dragon claw has four dragon fingers.

At this moment, the vast dragon might spread out in a mighty manner, like a deep abyss like a prison, so that the creatures in the entire palace were almost unable to lift their heads, and their bodies and minds were trembling.

"God, Shenlong appeared, this is Shengrui!"

"My mother! Really, really a dragon!"

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