At this time, the corners of the eyes of everyone in the palace who witnessed all this were jumping wildly, stumbling and pointing to the distance, excited and horrified.The mighty dragon was in the air, and some people finally couldn't bear it any longer.


The dragon roared in the sky, the sound of the dragon's roar resounded throughout the universe, and the huge sound wave directly dissipated the clouds and spread out in all directions.

Then the dragon swung its tail violently, suddenly turned into a streamer and rushed to the sky, flying directly above the sky, and at the same time around the dragon, there were faint clouds and mists, allowing the dragon to shuttle through it. feeling.

"Look, what is that in the sky!"

"The real dragon is born, auspicious! Is it really the destiny of the Empress to rule the Eight Desolations and Six Harmonies?"

The sound of the dragon's yin directly shocked everyone in the entire Shendu to feel their ears buzzing. Countless people raised their heads and saw an unforgettable scene in their life. There was actually a real dragon manifesting. Eyes, staring in shock.

The so-called cloud follows the dragon and the wind follows the tiger. This sentence is really not bad!

At this time, Zhou Zhang, who was incarnated as a dragon, was wantonly crossing the sky, stirring the wind and clouds, and clouds and mists automatically formed around him, causing his flight speed to surge.

At the same time, some magical techniques derived from blood began to recover in Zhou Zhang's body, turning into inheritance fragments and absorbed by Zhou Zhang.


With the movement of Zhou Zhang's thoughts, the clouds in a radius of dozens of miles were quickly gathering, and the clear sky was gradually covered with dark clouds.


Not long after, a light rain fell from the sky, hitting the eaves, making a crackling sound.Then the rain became heavier and heavier, and gradually turned into a torrential downpour, crashing straight down, covering the whole world with the heavy rain.

Then Zhou Zhang successively tried many supernatural powers such as the resuscitated body size Ruyi in the bloodline, soaring through the clouds and driving the fog, calling for wind and rain, and so on.

After finally exerting all his abilities, Zhou Zhang couldn't help but sigh, the dragon's body is too powerful, especially with the blessing of the golden body's indestructible mysterious art, the defense has reached a perverted level.

In addition, the Indestructible Mysterious Art of the Golden Body is originally a dual cultivation of the body, spirit, and soul, which has a blessing on the magical powers of the dragon body.Zhou Zhang confirmed that his combat power had soared several times again. In this world, he should have become invincible.Then Zhou Zhang called out the system page in a hurry.

As expected by Zhou Zhang, more than three million energy points were almost swept away, leaving only a few thousand, which looked really empty and pitiful.

Zhou Zhang's eyes were placed on the race column, and he saw that the horned dragon bloodline on it had suddenly turned into a flood dragon bloodline, and he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

After systematic deduction and evolution, this Flood Dragon bloodline has completely evolved into a pure-blooded Flood Dragon bloodline, which is amazing.

This means that even if Zhou Zhang no longer cultivates, the power of the dragon body alone is enough to fight against the powerhouse of the true immortal level.The descendants of Zhou Zhang, as long as the bloodline concentration is not low, even if they sleep every day, when they become adults, they are enough to kill the murderers, and their lifespans are terrifyingly long.

Zhou Zhang's Flood Dragon bloodline is equipped with a keel and more than three million energy points, but it's so worth it, it's almost a profit.

After closing the system page, Zhou Zhang's figure suddenly turned into a human shape, and then he fell to a solemn palace in the palace like a streamer.

At this time, inside the palace, the entire wide and gorgeous hall was covered with a thick red carpet, and two teams of soldiers and palace maids were standing on both sides of the gate, all welcoming Zhou Zhang's return.

Wu Zetian walked in the middle of the red carpet with a graceful posture and a phoenix crown, and bowed to Zhou Zhangying.


Zhou Zhang suddenly looked at Wu Zetian strangely, what was the aura on her body?

Chapter [-] Taking advantage of the situation

Zhou Zhang sensed Wu Zetian's aura, her cultivation was so advanced, she had already stepped into the category of Martial Saint!

It's only been a few days, the promotion is too fast!

At this moment, Zhou Zhang couldn't help being surprised and stunned.

But when Zhou Zhang's spiritual sense scanned Wu Zetian's whole body, Zhou Zhang suddenly realized.The Heavenly Phoenix Divine Pill in Wu Zetian's heart has disappeared.

Before Tiandingzong was in control of everything, she naturally did not dare to use the secret method, otherwise the Tianhuang Divine Pill would disappear, and she would be doomed.Now that the Heavenly Cauldron Sect was completely wiped out, Wu Zetian resolutely refined the divine elixir contained in his body and fed him back.

The action is very decisive, and it seems that he is also afraid that the news will spread and cause other strong people to peep.

"Congratulations to the son's bloodline returning to the ancestors, and the cultivation base has reached a new peak!"

Wu Meiniang is the master of the world and knows a lot of secrets, including the bloodline information of some immortals and true immortals.She was also shocked when she saw the dragon take off just now.

However, after the maid came to report what happened in the fairy palace of the man in white, Wu Meiniang immediately guessed the identity of the dragon, and waited for Zhou Zhang's return in the Taiji Palace.

Sure enough, Shenlong was transformed by a fairy in white. At this time, Wu Meiniang was already prepared in her heart, but she was also very excited about Peng Bai.

In this world, real dragons have been extinct for thousands of years, and even pure-blooded dragons live in legends, and no one has ever seen them.

You must know that when a pure-blooded dragon becomes an adult, it is enough to kill a powerhouse in the realm of true immortals.But now this world doesn't even have true immortals, and immortals rule the roost. It is conceivable how powerful this divine beast is.

In other words, Zhou Zhang's current title of immortal in white clothes can already be changed to a real immortal in white clothes, because his body strength is enough to shock a real immortal.This is almost equivalent to the only nuclear weapon in the real world, which can shock and deter people all over the world and make neighbors surrender.

Especially the status of Zhou Zhang, the dragon, is simply too important to Wu Meiniang now.She ascended the throne and proclaimed the emperor. Although she had a strong hand and killed a lot of public opinion, whether it was the court or the people, there was a steady stream of doubts, thinking that she was a chicken Sichen, stealing power and messing up the government.

But now that the Shenlong was born, this is the goddess, and it is Shengrui.It is enough to greatly influence people's hearts and eliminate public opinion on her female identity.

"You all leave!"

After Zhou Zhang walked into the hall, smiled and nodded in response to Wu Meiniang's respect, Wu Meiniang immediately turned her head majestically and gave instructions to the maids and palace maids on both sides.



The phoenix-winged army and the palace maids on both sides bowed and saluted, and then slowly retreated.

After a while, only Zhou Zhang and Wu Meiniang were left in the entire Tai Chi Palace.Then there was a creaking sound, and the high lacquered red doors of the four halls were also slammed shut.

At this time, although the gate of the main hall was closed, the inside of the palace was already bright and bright. The ancient bronze lamps with thick arms were lit and burned, but no light smoke came out, and there was still a faint fragrance. Obviously, All the good oil used.

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