Wu Meiniang raised her phoenix eyes and looked at Zhou Zhang, her pupils were full of brilliance, and she discussed matters with Zhou Zhang.

In fact, there is no need for Zhou Zhang to do anything. Just now, the dragon took off from the palace, and then turned into a streamer and fell into the palace. These are enough for Wu Meiniang to write a lot of articles on public opinion.

Wu Meiniang just wanted to seek Zhou Zhang's approval, hoping that Zhou Zhang could stay in the palace for a little longer, even if Zhou Zhang didn't need to come forward, it would be enough to shock countless people.

Taking advantage?

Hearing Wu Meiniang's words, Zhou Zhang immediately knew Wu Meiniang's plan.

However, due to Wu Meiniang's plan, Zhou Zhang's thoughts moved, and he also had a plan in his heart.Since Wu Meiniang needs to borrow her own power, she will let her borrow a little more thoroughly, just so that she can reap a wave of incense, the right should be mutual benefit.

"This seat can stay for some more time, but I also need you to do one thing!"

Zhou Zhang narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Wu Meiniang with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Zhou Zhang's smile, Wu Meiniang's pretty face immediately turned red, and even her heart beat a little faster, the long crystal eyelashes on her phoenix eyes trembled, she actually felt a faint fear and anticipation in her heart.

However, after Zhou Zhangjiang's request was spoken, Wu Meiniang realized that she was different, and she was dumbfounded and vaguely disappointed.

After clearing all these distracting thoughts from her mind, Wu Meiniang began to calm down and discussed with Zhou Zhang to confirm some details.

After more than half an hour, Zhou Zhang slowly left the Taiji Palace.

Because there was no interference from Zhou Zhang's magical powers, the pouring rain in the sky had already stopped at this time, and the dark clouds spread in all directions.

At the same time, there is also a colorful rainbow bridge hanging in the sky. Looking up under the ancient buildings, it looks very beautiful and has an inexplicable artistic conception.

I have to say that Zhou Zhang is about to become a professional house demolition household.Within the palace, many palaces have been shattered because of Zhou Zhang.

Chapter [-] Dragon Son

After Zhou Zhang walked out of the Tai Chi Palace, a beautiful maid greeted Zhou Zhang and walked to another gorgeous palace that had been sorted out.

Compared to the fact that Wu Meiniang was in control in the palace, it was quite calm.But at this time in Shendu, things about Shenlong had already exploded among the people, and almost the entire Shendu people were boiling.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is the auspiciousness of the goddess, which is clearly a sign of a sage and a wise king, and it is enough to give them reason to celebrate and be excited.

But when the warriors, cultivators, and court officials saw the dragon, they were all a little frightened, feeling extremely horrified.Nima!They are not ordinary people without knowledge. According to the news revealed in many ancient books, they all know the horror of this dragon.

Even if this divine dragon is only in the category of the Flood Dragon, not a five-clawed true dragon, but the true immortal is not enough in its eyes, this is definitely a terrifying divine beast.

People who had some careful thoughts in their hearts, saw the scene just now, and their whole body was agitated, and they completely erased some of the thoughts in their hearts, and dared not think about them again.

An empress with the help of a dragon, this is invincible in the world, and whatever intrigues and tricks you have are nothing more than idiots.

After the rain passed and the weather cleared, an urgent edict came out from the palace, and all the civil and military officials received the decree and set off for the palace.

After the Baiguan entered, another half an hour passed, and the decree was promulgated in the imperial court and announced to the world.

The divine dragon is manifested, the whole world celebrates, and the world is amnesty.At the same time, all counties in the world must build Taiyilongjun temples to worship Taiyilongjun.And Taiyilongjun is the name of the divine dragon that manifested itself that day!

Immediately, the whole world was shaken. Countless noble families, cultivators and sects were extremely shocked. In this era, there are still dragons manifesting saints, which is like a fantasy.

"Shenlong is alive? This news is too fake!"

"Wu Meiniang, what does this woman want to do? It's ridiculous that she even used the name of a dragon!"

"It seems that Wu Meiniang started to increase the momentum after she attacked Tiandingzong, but the lies she made up were too careless and too clumsy."

After the news came out, countless people all over the world were shocked and questioned at the same time.It is believed that Wu Zetian wanted to use the name of a god to fool people and create public opinion to stabilize his rule.

But as time fermented, and news from all parties spread and confirmed, in the end, everyone almost dropped their jaws, and many people directly bounced off their chairs, just like a ghost.

"Shenlong, there is really a dragon that has manifested itself in the gods. My God, it's not a dream!"

"According to the news, although the bloodline level of that divine dragon cannot reach the level of a real dragon, it is at least a pure-blooded four-clawed Jiaolong, so terrifying!"

This time, the whole world is boiling. The news about Shenlong is spreading rapidly, and even the Tang Dynasty is soon spread. It is known by major countries. It is like a depth bomb thrown in. After the news is confirmed, it blows up the surrounding countries. The heads of the monks and warriors were dazed.

This is too mythical, and there are even divine beasts born, haven't they disappeared long ago!

Regardless of the reaction of the people in the world, the will of the Empress is still faithfully implemented. In the counties of the Tang Dynasty, temples of Taiyi Longjun rose up from the ground. .

This statue of the Dragon King is tall and crowned, with dragon shadows lingering on his body, with a majestic temperament, overlooking all living beings.At the same time, many cultivators and warriors who had seen Zhou Zhang's appearance before saw the statue, and suddenly felt a sense of clearing the clouds and seeing the fog.

When the white clothed fairy was promoted, he awakened the bloodline of the dragon line. Could it be that his bloodline purity has reached the level of a pure blood dragon?

Although it is a bit incredible, this is more acceptable to many cultivators and warriors than a mysterious dragon sprang out for no reason.

"No wonder the bone-turning old man and the ancestor of the Tianding Sect were easily killed. This is simply torture!"

The immortal in white is Taiyi Longjun, and the news caused another shock in the world.

Everyone couldn't help smacking their tongues, feeling that the two immortals who had shot at Taiyilongjun before were simply sending their lives to death!To actually dare to take action against someone who owns a pure-blooded Jiaolong, it is better to commit suicide.

In a blink of an eye, ten days have passed!

At this time, Zhou Zhang, who was cultivating in the Tang Palace, could clearly feel that the power of the incense pouring towards him became stronger.Behind Zhou Zhang's head, a pale golden meniscus wheel appeared, and now this somewhat illusory meniscus wheel has a substantive flavor.

The crescent moon wheel seems to be made of divine iron, and the body has a substantive taste, with the hardness and luster of metal.

The God Wheel is madly absorbing the power of incense from the void, refining all the power of incense into divine power, pouring into Zhou Zhang's body, nourishing Zhou Zhang's body.

At the same time, when refining the power of incense, the wheel of God also grows, slowly and firmly transforming.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!

Suddenly there was a knock on the door!

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