"come in!"

Zhou Zhang sat cross-legged in the quiet room, without even opening his eyes, he said lightly.At the same time, the wheel of God in Zhou Zhang's mind suddenly turned into a rainbow light and entered the Purple Mansion from Zhou Zhang's Tianling Gai, and disappeared.

It's time to change the incense again!Although ambergris is not very useful, Zhou Zhang is not a closed door, and adding the burned out ambergris every few days, Zhou Zhang has become accustomed to it.

Squeak!The door of the main hall was pushed open, then closed again, and then there was the sound of a woman's light steps, and the bronze incense burner in the corner of the quiet room was opened and new incense was added. Quiet room.

Um?It seems that it has also been replaced with a new incense, and the taste is more elegant!

Zhou Zhang was thinking about it when he was suddenly stunned, because he felt that the woman did not leave, but approached him, and then a soft and hot body hugged Zhou Zhang directly. A woman's gentle and sweet voice sounded.

"Sir, let your concubine give birth to a dragon child for you!"

This is?Zhou Zhang's eyes suddenly opened.

Chapter [-] Changes

In the quiet room of the palace, a faint scent of incense and elegance permeated the air. A woman wearing a bright red women's robe, with long black jade-like hair draped around her waist, with crystal-clear skin and picturesque eyebrows, gently hugged Zhou Zhang. slide.

At this time, Zhou Zhang's eyes opened, slightly surprised, the woman in front of him was Wu Meiniang!

Zhou Zhang didn't pay attention to the breath of the people who came in just now, and Wu Meiniang didn't have any malice towards Zhou Zhang, so he just ignored it for a while.

"grown ups"

Wu Meiniang's crystal-clear neck gradually filled with a red glow on her pretty face, and finally turned into a sweet and sweet whisper.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Zhang naturally no longer remained indifferent, and immediately took the initiative.

Not long after, in the quiet room of the palace, there was a woman's cry of pain, and then the cry of pain gradually turned into a low groan.

After achieving good things with Wu Meiniang, perhaps because Wu Meiniang's Heavenly Phoenix Fate and Zhou Zhang's Flood Dragon bloodline nourished each other, Zhou Zhang actually felt that the bloodline could get the slightest benefit.

But in the same way, Zhou Zhang could also feel that the aura of the Heavenly Phoenix on Wu Meiniang's body had also strengthened a little, making her majesty a little thicker.

In the next few days, Zhou Zhang and Wu Meiniang could be described as a melody and a melody, sticking together.

However, after the seventh day, the long-lost strands of space repelling power appeared beside Zhou Zhang.

This made Zhou Zhang a little surprised. He opened the system's traversal world page and found that other ghost worlds, ghost worlds, and the real fairy world were still lit and could be traversed at any time.

It seems that after entering for the first time, it has significantly interfered with some of the trajectory of this world, and will still be repatriated, but after returning, you can also choose to enter immediately, and after entering for the second time, there should be no rejection. force appeared.

"Shut up for a while?"

Wu Meiniang stretched her lazy waist, and her bright phoenix eyes were a little reluctant.However, she is the empress of the Tang Dynasty after all. During this time with Zhou Zhangti, many things have not been dealt with, and she should really get up from the gentle village of the two.

"It's in this palace, the retreat time won't be too long!"

Zhou Zhang lightly scratched the woman's nose, causing the woman to roll her eyes at him coquettishly.

What followed was another round of thunder and fire, and red waves rolled.

When Wu Meiniang went to Taiji Palace to go to the morning court on the second day, Zhou Zhang's palace was completely closed, and she announced that she would practice retreat. This time it was a deeper retreat, and no one would come to disturb her.

At this time, Zhou Zhang sat cross-legged in the quiet room of the main hall, waiting for the return time.

hum!Finally, two hours later, Zhou Zhang's body was shrouded in splendid white light, and finally the white light exploded, turning into countless crystal rains of light, and Zhou Zhang's figure disappeared in the quiet room in an instant.

At the end of the world, in the spacious and modern bedroom on the second floor of Linyu Building, a blazing white light group appeared, and then the white light group exploded, filling the room with brilliance, and Zhou Zhang's figure reappeared in the bedroom.

"Huh? What a strong scent of incense!"

Just after returning from the True Immortal World, Zhou Zhang suddenly felt that the whole world was full of incense power, and the power of incense was pouring out from all directions, and Zhou Zhang was about to be drowned in an instant.

If there is a monk with open eyes here, you can see that Zhou Zhang seems to be wrapped in a thick white light and white mist, almost forming a thick white cocoon.

Chi!Zhou Zhang's Heavenly Spirit Cover instantly had the crescent moon wheel turn into a streamer and rushed out, and then hummed a terrifying suction force, swallowing all the power of incense into the wheel, and quickly refining it into a body that nourished Zhou Zhang with divine power.

"I can't believe it's only been ten days, there are so many believers, it seems that Xu Qingjing's three daughters are not idle!"

The power of the main incense is expensive to travel through the void, and in the real immortal world, the incense is gradually becoming richer. Zhou Zhang did not realize that the incense in the end of the world is actually rich to this extent.

Compared with the days before Zhou Zhang left, it was probably several times more intense.

Zhou Zhang's thoughts moved slightly, and the crescent moon god wheel disappeared from behind Zhou Zhang's head again. Then Zhou Zhang walked to the window and opened the heavy curtains. Suddenly, the bright sunlight shone through the window and directly hit the window. Zhou Zhang's body made Zhou Zhang feel warm all over his body.

At the same time, the seemingly endless sea of ​​green vines outside came into Zhou Zhang's eyes.

Compared with dozens of days ago, the coverage of Jingteng has skyrocketed again. According to Zhou Zhang's visual observation, it is at least more than double the previous coverage. This time, it covers almost a radius of more than [-] miles, which is really amazing.

And at this time, it can be seen that because there is no sunlight outside Changlin Mountain, the place that was originally dark has now been transformed into bright lanterns from the vines, and the lanterns are arranged in an orderly manner, illuminating the streets and buildings for dozens of miles. , From the high position of Linyu Tower, it is simply magnificent and beautiful.

Outside Changlin Mountain, around the ten-foot-tall statue, you can see the crowd of believers chanting prayers, and the sacred and pious voices are almost resounding in the sky, echoing in a radius of ten.

Moreover, Zhou Zhang could clearly see that there were strands of incense power emerging from the heads of these believers. These incense powers were far stronger and higher in quality than dozens of days ago.

It seems that with the passage of time, the beliefs of believers have become more and more devout, so the power of incense that can be provided to Zhou Zhang is also increasing.

After Zhou Zhang opened the window, Jing Teng had already noticed that Zhou Zhang was out of the gate, and suddenly a green vine was like a small snake, twisting and twisting, exuding excited thought fluctuations, wrapped around Zhou Zhang's clothes, and rubbed against it. Zhou Zhang's big hand is like a pet.

Zhou Zhang's spiritual thoughts immediately came into contact with Jing Teng's thoughts, and in an instant, everything that happened during this time Jing Teng was passed to Zhou Zhang through his thoughts.

After more than ten breaths, Zhou Zhang slowly opened his eyes, and he already understood what happened during this time.


At this time, suddenly several figures were as fast as electricity, rushing from a distance, and their figures fell under the Linyu Building and appeared in Zhou Zhang's eyes.

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