This is a mysterious energy factor, an energy light group formed by Zhou Zhang's extreme compression using magic.

As soon as the energy group appeared, all the creatures below were instantly refreshed, and the cells in the whole body became restless and greedy, instinctively wanting to devour the energy light group in the sky.


A roaring sound erupted from the entire sky and the void, and a large amount of energy overflowed to form a roaring wind, but it was instantly swept away by the vast suction, forming a huge vision in the sky.

hum!After dozens of breaths, the center of the collapsed and twisted void shook, and the space suddenly returned to normal from the collapsed and twisted state.

Zhou Zhang's eyes were slightly condensed, and he grabbed his big hand suddenly, bang!The rest of the energy poured into the energy light group frantically, and the energy light group that was somewhat inflated was extremely compressed again in an instant, humming and vibrating, and finally turned into a thumb-sized black crystal.

This crystal emits a splendid light, illuminating the sky, and at the same time it is filled with pure and vast energy fluctuations, which is like a deadly and beautiful poison, attracting the attention of countless creatures.

After the crystal was formed, the creatures below roared, and many mutant beasts with flying ability wanted to rush up, but the vast dragon shadow in the void exuded a trace of qi that made them tremble and made them tremble. They hesitated to act.

The dark crystals were whirling in front of Zhou Zhang, looking extremely magnificent and beautiful, as if carved by ghosts and axe, far surpassing any diamond jewelry.

Just when Zhou Zhang was about to put away the crystal!

Suddenly, in the river in the distance, a monstrous wave was set off, and a gigantic figure that was more than a hundred meters long rushed out of the river.

I saw that this figure was covered with black scales and looked similar to a crocodile, but its body was as huge as a hill, and even had hideous fleshy wings on its back. Roaring sound, huge waves rolling in.

"Mom sells batches, this, is this a fucking Western Dragon?"

"His! I heard that the large survivor base in Guangxia Province was destroyed by a huge crocodile beast a few days ago, but that crocodile beast didn't have wings! Could it be that in the past few days, that crocodile has returned mutated again?"

Seeing a giant beast rushing out of the river, the expressions of the evolutionists present changed greatly.Especially the crocodile with that meaty wing, Nima.Isn't this the image of a living Western dragon?


After the giant beast sprang out, it directly collapsed countless buildings, and the smoke and dust flew up.But it ignored these buildings. At this moment, it roared in the sky, the sound was deafening, and the sound waves shook the space.

Then its yellow vertical pupils looked coldly at Zhou Zhang above the sky, booming!The giant fleshy wings vibrated, the air exploded directly, and a sonic boom sounded, and a large cloud of white mist rose and filled the air, and the huge mountain-like figure suddenly rushed towards Zhou Zhang with lightning speed.

This is?When Zhou Zhang saw this winged crocodile, his face became a little surprised.

However, Zhou Zhang did not feel the power of that kind of high-level bloodline creature on this crocodile, and it seemed that he was also a Xibei product.

But even if this is a Xibei product, it is too powerful compared to other evolutionaries, mutant beasts and zombies.

Chapter [-] The Fifth World

What is the concept of a body that is more than [-] feet long, that is, more than [-] meters, it is as huge as a hill, and a person standing next to it is almost the size of an ant.

It's no wonder that this crocodile giant beast dared to attack Zhou Zhang. I'm afraid that it is the top overlord in a thousand miles now.The aura of Zhou Zhang's pouring out was not enough to deter him.

Although this crocodile giant beast is bloated and huge, it is extremely agile. In an instant, it swept through the void, opened its stinking huge mouth, and bit at Zhou Zhang.

"court death!"

Zhou Zhang's eyes glanced at the giant beast that rushed over, and said two words calmly.

At the same time, the phantom of the dragon that evolved from the fighting style in the void is also synchronized with Zhou Zhang's movements, and the noble broken golden dragon's eyes glanced at the crocodile behemoth indifferently.

Bang!The dragon's tail swung violently, tearing apart the sky directly. It was thunderous, far exceeding the speed of sound, and the canopy directly hit the crocodile beast that was rushing over.

The dragon's tail of Jiaolong's phantom was drawn on the head of the crocodile giant beast. The crocodile giant beast didn't even have time to snort. The whole head, the size of several floors, exploded directly, and countless red and white brains were mixed. The broken bones splattered, and the huge blood mist bloomed like fireworks, shocking people.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

The countless creatures below were dumbfounded, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.Although I know that the man in white standing in the void is very strong, it is too overbearing and perverted to show it now!

You must know that the crocodile behemoth that has been destroyed in Guangxia Province is obviously worse than the crocodile behemoth in front of you. That is to say, this crocodile beast at least has the ability to sweep the survivor bases all over the world. What kind of shells, guns and gunpowder? It's not worth mentioning in front of it.

But this one, as powerful as the legendary western dragon, was so easily blown out of his head, blood spilled into the sky, and the shooter was so relaxed as if it was not worth mentioning, this is simply too scary for all the creatures present .

Before the remnant of this crocodile beast fell from the sky, Zhou Zhang waved his big hand, and the corpse of this huge crocodile beast disappeared in front of many creatures in an instant.

"I wipe, space ring? Universe bag?"

"This, this, we are afraid that we have broken into a fake apocalypse!!"

When the man in white clothes waved his hand, the corpse that looked like a western dragon disappeared, and all the human evolutionaries present were all hair on their bodies standing on end, their scalps numb, and their heads were almost sluggish.

Walking in the air, it is obvious that the ancients are dressed up, and there are extremely cool spells, plus this spell to collect corpses.Nima, this is obviously a living fairy tale!With the legendary virus infecting the world, leading to the doomsday of zombies, it is simply too incompatible.

Although there are many awakened evolutionists in the world who can control fire and water attributes, but that kind of petty trouble is simply too worthless compared to the suspected mythical powerhouse they saw before them. mentioned.

After receiving the corpse of the crocodile beast, Zhou Zhang also threw the energy crystal in his hand into the system backpack, and his figure disappeared into the void in an instant. That's it.

But all the creatures below were shocked and couldn't recover for a long time.

After Zhou Zhang's figure disappeared, he began to investigate thousands of miles around. From time to time, he could find the energy tidal places formed by the collapse and explosion of the space. Zhou Zhang condensed two energy factor crystals.

However, these spatial distortions and collapses seem to appear randomly and vary in size. They disappear after a short period of time.

Seeing these situations, Zhou Zhang also began to gradually unravel some of the mysteries of the apocalypse in his heart.

It seems that the so-called world has become like this because of the tidal explosion of energy that occurs from time to time. The mysterious factors that flow out of these energy tidal waves seem to contain some inexplicable substances, causing many creatures and plants to produce variation.

And the reason why there are many more and more powerful mutant beasts and zombies is not only because of devouring other creatures.

It is also because of the occasional tidal explosion of energy that appears not far from them, allowing them to obtain a large amount of mysterious factor matter.

Therefore, the strength will advance by leaps and bounds, resulting in a terrifying mutant beast like the crocodile beast.

So the question is, after the space collapses and twists, what kind of space and heaven and earth are connected?

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