Just by pouring out a little energy occasionally, the entire planet is turned upside down!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang felt an inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

But in the end, there is still too little information. If you want to deal with the great changes in the world and get the chance, you still have to continue to improve your strength.

After a while, after sweeping all the thoughts out of his mind, Zhou Zhang's figure turned into a rainbow light again, and he swept across the sky in an instant, rushing back towards Changlin Mountain.

After returning to Changlin Mountain, Zhou Zhang directly threw the corpse and energy crystal of the crocodile beast to his three daughters, Jing Teng, Howling Moon Wolf and Xu Qingjing.The corpse of the crocodile beast directly shocked all the survivors and Xu Qingjing's three daughters.

In addition to giving some clean flesh and blood to the middle and high-level leaders of Taiyi Sect, the corpse of the crocodile behemoth was directly entangled by Jingteng and began to be swallowed up.The three women who got three energy crystals all started to retreat excitedly, striving for an early breakthrough.

In this world, Zhou Zhang also returned to the world of ghosts and gods, and spent more than ten days with Zhou Shi'er, and handed over a dozen ghost crystals obtained from the real fairy world to her and the Holy Maiden of Pingxin to use, and only then did she re-announce her retreat.

After the World of Ghosts and Gods announced the retreat, Zhou Zhang went to the World of True Immortals again, and spent some time with Wu Meiniang, before Zhou Zhang returned to the Doomsday World.

Twenty-five days have passed since he was repelled from the previous world!

Sitting on the Linyu Terrace, Zhou Zhang clicked on the system system, and suddenly his eyes narrowed, only to see that a new world option finally appeared on the system's world-traversing option. This is the fifth world that can be traversed!

Chapter [-]: God's Graveyard

On the page of the system crossing the world, the new world option exudes a rich pure golden light, shining brightly.

It finally appeared!

When Zhou Zhang saw the new world that appeared on the system page, he couldn't help feeling a little overjoyed. A more powerful new world finally appeared.

Before there appeared the white world of the Qing Dynasty, the pale red ghost world, the dark red ghost world, and the pale gold real fairy world, the world option that appeared now has become pure gold, which makes Zhou Zhang look forward to it.

Zhou Zhang sat cross-legged on the Linyu Platform, and the True Yuan in his body had already been transformed into a higher-quality pale golden mana when he was promoted to Immortal.Mana is more mysterious and mysterious than True Yuan, and contains more terrifying energy.

At this time, the mighty mana circulated in Zhou Zhang's body endlessly, and slowly adjusted Zhou Zhang's physical state to the peak state.

"Then, let's get started!"

After a dozen or so breaths, Zhou Zhang slowly opened his eyes again, whispering in his mouth, and at the same time, he clicked hard on the new pure golden world option.

hum!The pure golden option suddenly trembled and dimmed, and then Zhou Zhang's whole body emitted a dazzling white light, which was dazzling, and then exploded with a bang, turning into a glittering rain of light.

At the same time, Zhou Zhang's figure disappeared instantly when the light rain exploded.

At the moment when the light and rain exploded, Zhou Zhang suddenly felt a darkness in front of him, and then he felt like the world was spinning.But in the next breath, Zhou Zhang felt his body stand firm, and then a bright light came into view.

"here is?"

Zhou Zhang blinked, seeing the scene that caught his eye, his face was full of surprise.

The thick dark clouds, the dim sky and the earth, the pervasive gray fog, the mottled and vicissitudes of the monument, the dry land, everything in front of me is just like the faded old photos.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhou Zhang wondered if he was still in the apocalyptic world, and the rotten, lifeless atmosphere of the world was too similar.

However, the two were only similar after all. Zhou Zhang quickly noticed many differences. The thick dark clouds in the sky were indeed just dark clouds, not some kind of insect fog.And in the air, there is no special energy factor that pervades the apocalypse.

The system is now making its own crossing locations more and more strange!

Zhou Zhang couldn't help complaining in his heart. Looking around, Zhou Zhang found that he seemed to be in a huge cemetery, and there were towering gray tomb bags and steles everywhere.

These tombs are very huge, any one of them is more than ten feet in size. The incomplete and weathered monuments stand. The icy breeze blows, and the humming sound makes the surroundings even more dead and vicissitudes and loneliness. Trapped in history.

"The Tomb of Cang He, the God of Cangshan Mountain in Yongzhou?"

Zhou Zhang turned his head and glanced at the huge stele beside him that was incomplete and mottled, showing an aura of decay.But only when I saw the vaguely carved ancient seal on it, an icy coolness penetrated Zhou Zhang's heart.

how can that be? ? ?

Tomb of the Mountain God?

Zhou Zhang's face changed slightly, could it be said, the tomb here?

"The Tomb of Bohai Dragon Lord Aoqin!"

"Wuzhou City God Xiao Min's Tomb!"

"Purdue's Tomb!"

Zhou Zhang's figure kept flickering, appearing in front of the huge tomb stones. These tombs and monuments were full of the desolate and mottled atmosphere of the years, and many were weathered and incomplete, but the ancient seal characters engraved on them were vaguely recognizable.

After walking around, no matter how calm Zhou Zhang was, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.This large and densely packed ancient cemetery, with no end in sight, is actually suspected of burying the corpses of gods.

These tombs are comparable to the size of houses. If it is as stated in the stele, they are all tombs of gods, tombs of gods!So how many gods have died, it makes the scalp numb.

"So is there really a corpse of a god in there?"

Zhou Zhang stood in front of a tombstone inscribed with the dragon mother of Shijiang, and gently rubbed the huge and rough stele with his hand. Although it seemed to have been washed away by endless years, he actually seemed to be able to vaguely feel that there were traces of this tomb. The breath of dragon blood.

However, these strands of breath are too thin, and if there is nothing, if it is not for Zhou Zhang's extremely keen perception, he would not be able to detect it at all.


Zhou Zhang's eyes suddenly turned into noble and cold broken gold, and he looked towards the tomb.When Zhou Zhang had not been promoted to immortal before, his eyes had a faint smell of breaking the illusion.

Now not only has he been promoted to a human immortal, but his bloodline has also changed from a pure-blooded dragon level. The supernatural power of his eyes has long been far beyond the ordinary eyesight of the sky. At this time, he looked at the tomb, and in an instant he saw the scene in the depths of the tomb. .

Zhou Zhang was stunned in an instant!

What caught Zhou Zhang's eyes was a large black mist that kept rolling and surging. These black mists filled the depths of the entire tomb, actually blocking Zhou Zhang's gaze, giving Zhou Zhang a faintly evil feeling.

"What the hell is this!"

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