Just as the two of them said, Zhou Zhang searched their memories just now, and they really did not intend to respond to the call of the sword sect, because the two sword sects have always acted domineeringly, and they hoped that someone could clean up the two sword sects even more miserable.

However, they waited here, and they all had the intention of taking advantage of the situation. Now they were stunned by Zhou Zhang with a thunderbolt, which was completely deserved.

Zhou Zhang was standing on the hillside. At this time, the sky was dark, the gray fog filled the air, and the mountain wind was blowing. The long black jade-like hair behind Zhou Zhang fluttered in the wind. Reflected down, the temperament is holy and dusty.

Boom boom boom!

An hour later, the whole world was rumbling with rumbling sounds, and the flaming and gorgeous rainbow light tore through the clouds, dissipated the clouds and mists, and rushed towards the colorful vortex, reflecting the whole sky to become bright and bright.

"The devil in white, such a big dog dares to stay here!"

"Hahaha, that's fine. We'll see that someone Fang took his head to worship the brothers of the Sword Sect!"

"I didn't expect that this gloomy and dead world actually gave birth to such a powerful native. There must be some mystery in him. You can catch him and torture him to see if you can take out any treasures!"

At this time, the whole sky was shrouded in glorious light, and a figure with a terrifying aura stood above the void. Although there was ridicule in his words, his eyes were very cold and indifferent, just like looking at a dead person, looking at Zhou Zhang below .

Standing on the hillside, Zhou Zhang gently opened his eyes and looked up at the sky.

Even if the Sword Sect is usually arrogant and arrogant, there are still many alliances among the equally powerful sects, and there are still some sects who want to sell the Sword Sect for a friendship, so they all join forces at this moment. Come, there are as many as dozens of immortals, and the imposing manner is incomparable.

"The fighting power of this scorpion is amazing, it should not be underestimated, just follow the discussion just now!"

"Fellow Daoist of Qiankun Sect, please!"

"Hahaha, all Daoist friends can hold the Qiankun flag, and the rest will be left to Pindao!"

The sky in the sky was shaken by the terrifying energy of many immortals. At this time, an old man with frost-white hair and Gao Guanbo took the lead and saluted a middle-aged man wearing a cosmos robe with an elegant temperament.

The middle-aged Taoist of the Qiankun Sect smiled heartily, returned a salute, and then stroked his beard with a calm demeanor.

"The devil in white, your time of death is coming, wait until you die! Otherwise, this young master will crush you to ashes, and you will die without a place to be buried!"

Beside the old man led by Gao Guanbo, there was a young man in brocade clothing and a look of resentment in his eyes. It was the Sword Sect cultivator who had escaped before.

According to the memory obtained by Zhou Zhang's Soul Search, this practitioner should be called Wang Yihong, who is a prince who has invested in Sword Sect to cultivate and become enlightened.

After Wang Yihong roared, the monks around had already taken out a small and exquisite Qiankun flag embroidered with yin and yang, only the size of a palm.

The Qiankun Flag is flowing with Xia Qi, and it has the ability to contain various mana auras and link the formation.This array of flags is extremely mobile. The more people holding the flag, the more powerful the mana that can be linked and borrowed from each other. It is an excellent weapon for group battles and sieges.


Boom!The whole sky was about to burst open. Two practitioners took the lead. One practitioner was burly, wearing silver-white armor and holding a battle axe. The shouting sound was like a thunderous explosion. , just like the Milky Way hanging down, submerging everything, earth-shattering.


Another cultivator spewed out a crimson immortal sword, the immortal sword clanked loudly, and the cold light illuminated the sky, smashing towards Zhou Zhang's head.

In addition to these two cultivators, other cultivators also took action, and the rays of light intertwined in an instant, and the shouting and killing sound shook the sky.

Chapter one hundred and eighty-eighth chapter dragon

Above the sky, the rays of the sun rose to the sky, and the screams of killing resounded throughout the universe, and one after another terrifying rainbow light blasted towards Zhou Zhang on the hillside, and it was about to drown Zhou Zhang in an instant.


At this moment, on the hillside, there was an earth-shattering high-pitched sound of a divine bird, which was deafening.

Then the vast and fiery golden light burst out suddenly, and a blazing sun rose into the sky, covering the countless rays of light in the sky in an instant, making the whole world fall into the dazzling golden light.

As the golden light erupted, the amazing heat wave poured out and overflowed in all directions, and the burning space was almost distorted.

The Great Sun Fist of the Human Immortal Realm and Zhou Zhang's own realm have been raised to the Human Immortal Intermediate level, and the punches thrown at this time are extremely terrifying.

Boom!The rising sun collided with the rushing rays of light, and the sound of the explosion suddenly shook the sky, the space vibrated and wrinkled, and the aftermath of the mighty energy poured out in all directions.

boom!boom!The mountain peaks in a radius of more than ten miles are crumbling crazily, the rocks are piercing the air, the ground is cracking, and the smoke and dust are filled, it is like destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

The silver armor cultivator who rushed down first snorted, and the terrifying edge that was cut out was directly submerged in the explosion. It was as if he was hit by a giant mountain.

Along with the silver-armored cultivator, there is also a scarlet-red immortal sword that is frighteningly cold. At this moment, the immortal sword is shaken constantly, and fine cracks burst out from the sword. A mouthful of blood was poured out, and the blazing light all over his body was dark, and his face was full of astonishment.

As for the rainbow lights that the other monks blasted out, they also dissipated in the collision.


The sound of Zhou Zhang's long whistling shook the sky, the sound waves were rolling, and there was a crystal light and rain around him.

Zhou Zhang's figure suddenly passed through the void and appeared in front of the burly silver-armored cultivator. His long hair was flying like a rainbow.

"Well done, fellow Daoists, help me!"

At this time, the man in silver armor was bleeding from the corners of his mouth, but his face was full of ferocity, and his eyes were cold and calm.

When he saw Zhou Zhang rushing towards him, he immediately roared up to the sky, and the Qiankun flag he held in the other hand mobilized Peng Bai's mana from the monks in all directions to gather together, causing his whole body's momentum to skyrocket wildly.

The silver-armored man's eyes were cold, and he felt the vast power of Peng Bai on his body. Seeing the man in white rushing towards him, the corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a mocking sneer.

The mana of dozens of famous immortals gathered, and the silver armored man was confident that at this time his combat power was invincible under the true immortals.

"In the end, it's just an ignorant native, Star Breaker! Die for me!"

Boom!The silver-armored man swung out a dark battle axe in an instant, and in front of this man, there was an amazing evolution of the cosmic vision.But suddenly an axe light appeared, tearing everything apart, and the stars were crazily shattering, forming a terrifying vision of destruction.

The axe light rushed out of the vision, full of the sharp aura of destruction, causing a sensation in Qingming, and slashed towards Zhou Zhang.

"Xing Tianzong's Star Shattering Slash!"

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